On February 6, Queen Elizabeth is supposed to have a MASSIVE celebration for her 70th year on the throne.
17 days before 2/6 is January 20th
That's also the date that US presidents are inaugurated.
It's also the one year delta of the FOREIGN OCCUPATION of DC as described in the Law of War
Ooooooh date fagging 😬 I’m so down!
Seriously, love this theory - and I hope it comes true - Snow White is definitely on ice waiting for the funeral charade to begin…
Personally, I think Betty White passing was comms for the Queen passing in the future...
Surprise, surprise -- Betty's funeral is private:
better chance of happening than that blood drinking hag attending her Platinum Jubilee
that bitch is ON ICE already
let's see what happens
Not gonna lie, you make a good point. However, date fagging is still date fagging and inevitably invites skepticism. Time will tell. Now, if you can back your theory with some fancy-schmancy-razzlemataz-gematria-numbers-voodoo, I'll believe now!😁
Betty Marion White Ludden (January 17, 1922 – December 31, 2021)
If your prediction comes true, my antennae will go up for sure. Are you aware of others like this?
And Betty White could be a comm for Queen Elizabeth:
you know people have to die at some point right? She was 99 ffs. Not everything is a comm.
A comm??
Have you seen all the celebrities getting photographed covering one eye? That's a way for many of them to communicate that they are a part of the cabal by symbolizing the eye of horus/all seeing eye.
It's one thing being communicated in the media that means another. Forget about the actuals of what happened, just look at what is being communicated symbolically.
Betty is dead...so elizaBeth is dead.
Possibly. I get lost in the comms talk.
Watch for the Dog comms!
That woman had like 27 corgies...
70 years. Those motherfuckers need term limits. Bad.
Everytime London Bridge is Falling Down is playing on my Lo's Cocomelon I'm like yes... yes it is...any day now 😄 🤣 😂 😆 🙏
I won't rule out this possibility,
Want to come back here incase you are right
damn yo, that's a theory
I'll do you one better - 17 days before her platinum jubilee is Jan 20... exactly 1 year since the "belligerent takeover", if you're a believer in devolution...
I've been theorizing that harry and Meghan ( I seriously hate any royals news) have been under protection in plain sight. America then installs them back into power in the UK.
Means nada