Ted Cruz's recent "coming out as a RINO party" was instructive. What did Q say? FOLLOW THE WIVES. Where does Ted's wife work? Goldman Sachs—the GOLD STANDARD when it comes to deep state flacks. What did we learn? There are no white hats/black hats in DC. THERE IS ONLY 'LEVERAGE.'

Why wouldn't TC qualify to run for Prez?
Ted Cruz could not legally be president as stated in the Constitution. He is not a natural born citizen for two reasons: He was born in another country (Canada). His father was a Cuban national.
"The natives, or natural-born citizens, are those born in the country, of parents who are citizens." - Law of Nations
"...the term 'natural born citizen' is used and excludes all persons owing allegiance by birth to foreign states." - The New Englander and Yale Law Review, Volume 3 (1845), p. 414
More here: https://www.dagnyintel.com/home/kamala-harris-is-not-eligible-to-be-president-the-natural-born-citizen-requirement
This is what I didn't get about No Name. Even he wasn't born in the 50 states, wasn't he born on a US military base, which is essentially US soil, to two US citizens? I remember reading that the senate had to pass a resolution that he was eligible to run in 2008.
Let me address that:
A US military base abroad is not US soil. If you want a State Department link to that, I can hunt it down. The only way a person gains citizenship by birth there is to be born to an American Citizen, which is the rule for all American births abroad. If a couple of foreign persons manage to sneak onto the base to pop out a baby that baby does not get "anchor baby" status.
McCain was given that special resolution ( Senate Resolution 511 ) confirming his eligibility on the grounds that he was born in the Panama Canal Zone to parents who were both US Citizens. The Canal Zone was solely under US Jurisdiction by treaty since 1902 or 1903, so it could be argued he was not born with any foreign allegiance and was born solely under US Jurisdiction. The Resolution contained a lot of other irrelevant garbage citing the Naturalization Act of 1790 that had no legal bearing since it was fully repealed in 1795. That garbage was meant to confuse the issue.
Strangely, Barack Obama cosponsored that bill. Why? Two reasons are apparent.
The Senate could not give Obama such a resolution because he was born to a foreign parent. Obama wanted to buy McCain's silence, since no court could throw out a challenge by McCain for lack of "standing". That's how the courts dismissed all the other attempts to force Obama to provide his legal birth documents. They said that if you are not personally harmed by his illegally taking office, you have no "standing" to bring the matter to court. It's BS, but that is what they did.
Okay, why would Obama want to buy McCain's silence? There is an alleged image of McCain's birth certificate circulating on the internet. It shows he was born in a hospital in Colon, Panama. That is not in the Canal Zone. Hm. If true, then he is clearly disqualified. Obama's team may well have offered to not disqualify him if McCain did not disqualify Obama.
Cruz was born in Canada.
He was not born here?! Like ilhan?
Please see the above and this:
Kamala can't be president either.
That hasn't stopped people since at least 2008.
True, but that doesn't make it right.
Barry wasnt born in America either.
Are you saying TRUMP "did not legally qualify under the Constitution" to run for president?
Details and sauce, please. Or correct me if you're referring to Ted Cruz or to someone else
He's referring to Cruz
Ted Cruz could not legally be president as stated in the Constitution. He is not a natural born citizen for two reasons: He was born in another country (Canada). His father was a Cuban national.
"The natives, or natural-born citizens, are those born in the country, of parents who are citizens." - Law of Nations
"...the term 'natural born citizen' is used and excludes all persons owing allegiance by birth to foreign states." - The New Englander and Yale Law Review, Volume 3 (1845), p. 414
More here: https://www.dagnyintel.com/home/kamala-harris-is-not-eligible-to-be-president-the-natural-born-citizen-requirement