The left can't have strong men who know how to survive in the woods and perform manly tasks like hunting and navigation. It goes against their NWO pussificstion of man.
I guess we can be grateful that we had scouts. When we win the world back from the reptilians, then we can reinstate scouting as it once was for future generations.
James was an Eagle Scout.
It takes a crap ton of commitment and work to make Eagle.
Unfortunately, the Left has destroyed the Boy Scouts and the organization is a shell of its former self.
The left can't have strong men who know how to survive in the woods and perform manly tasks like hunting and navigation. It goes against their NWO pussificstion of man.
There are now all-girl boyscout troops. 🤡
And troops lead by sanctioned homo-pedos.
Yet another example of weakening of society by tearing down via infiltration. Must rebuild these kinds of institutions
I managed to get mine in 2010 right before the Boy Scouts went downhill.
Congrats on being awarded Eagle.
I guess we can be grateful that we had scouts. When we win the world back from the reptilians, then we can reinstate scouting as it once was for future generations.
Important point. Everything the DS has infested and destroyed needs to be rebuilt stronger and from the ground up.
I'm an Eagle, too. His rank badge on his uniform in the picture is Life Scout, one below Eagle.
I laughed at the "Q" highlight. I had three of those patches on my uniform for three consecutive years our troop earned the award.
What was the badge for if I may ask? I couldn't read the writing on it well.
It says "Quality Unit 2002". Basically, if we had good attendance at events for the whole troop, we get the award.