What happens when you fall to the ground after your 2 shot and 3rd booster? Should we just step over you as you are clutching your chest clearly having a heart attack and say, “Oh well, his body his choice?” In my opinion, no movie, no restaurant, no play, etc. would coerce me into taking the shot. I feel live and let live. You want to take 14 shots? Your choice. But do not inflict your beliefs on me. You as a man want to have sex with another man? Your choice, but don’t do it in front of me or my children. Same with a heterosexual couple. When you impinge on my rights you buddy are asking for trouble.
The harder you squeeze, the more slip through your grasp
At one point in my life I wanted to visit Canada, but yeah.. no.. pass.
I donno, I'd really like to visit this turd.
I live here and want out, dont bother visiting.
Bern there and it was overrated then
Yeah, this was 5 months ago... I wonder what little Chicken Little is saying now? Oh wait... um... nope, I don't care. Never mind.
Hahahahaha..... what did he do to land in Twatter jail?
sad trombone plays
What happens when you fall to the ground after your 2 shot and 3rd booster? Should we just step over you as you are clutching your chest clearly having a heart attack and say, “Oh well, his body his choice?” In my opinion, no movie, no restaurant, no play, etc. would coerce me into taking the shot. I feel live and let live. You want to take 14 shots? Your choice. But do not inflict your beliefs on me. You as a man want to have sex with another man? Your choice, but don’t do it in front of me or my children. Same with a heterosexual couple. When you impinge on my rights you buddy are asking for trouble.
Our side wants people to wake up and free themselves. Their side wants us dead. Who are the baddies again?
Petty wannabe Dick Tater Tyrant......
This Canadian is so fucking ready to get violent, P.S. this movie fucking sucks.
I think that's an orange next to his name
He's welcome to come to the house and try to push the vax.
My position is that you must be stripped from your position and if one person is violated you hang.
Maybe he should learn how to use punctuation.
People like this should be round up with the rest of humanity's traitors
It says cock under those emoji’s
((Doug Little))
This is way too obvious. I think it may have been a psyop to benefit The Awakened.
Echo....Macron said it.
He has the size of his manhood in his surname.
Just an indicator.of a weak male. He doesn't have to risk anything. I think we start making people who think like him pay dearly.
I would like to crush Doug.