Why in TF have we not attacked China and put them in their place for the worldwide damage done by that nation and then cleaned up the mess all the nations' politicians and fake medical leaders in government have inflicted? That includes hanging any traitors from our nation who participated, knew, helped, promoted, propagandized, lied, misled, etc.
This disaster needs to stop. Today. Period.
Why punish the Chinese people for the indiscretions of their leadership? More importantly, the Wuhan lab was funded by Fauci's gang, and possibly the EU. I think we should clean house first, before throwing bombs. What did Jesus say?
Matthew 7:5. Thou hypocrite, first cast out the beam out of thine own eye; and then shalt thou see clearly to cast out the mote out of thy brother's eye.
We should absolutely clean house. Lots of rope. ALL participants should be punished severely and swiftly.
Umm...because it's not just China...its globalist infiltrators in ALL world governments...especially US.
The glow on this one.
Well, if it’s shown that it was an American made virus, grown in China, when does the rest of the world go to war with us?
We would surely deserve it. ALL who contributed should pay.
Shortly after Fauci and NIH are held accountable there will be some sort of reckoning with China.
We have to get the slab out of our own eye (fauci and his funding of it) before we criticize the splinter in china's eye
Agreed. But China's lab did the dirty work. They should pay first while we round up our traitors and hold them equally accountable.
I think we have already gone to war with them economically. A shooting war nobody wins but take them down economically you win. All those ships not being able to dock in port and off load the Chinese junk is killing them! They're shutting down factories over it.
“Some things are better left untold [cov]. Public truths of some events force wars. WWIII prevent. Hello, Feinstein.”
The concept of this being a nation vs nation war of US (or anyone else) vs China will cause more wars and division.
The plan is making sure it ends with all of the people uniting together regardless of race, sex, nation, or even religion or previous political affiliations.
Nearly all will unite against irrefutable undeniable proof of the “fewer than you think”when revealed to the world, whatever it is.
The war with China has been known about for sometime. . .don't buy Made in China. It works; the CCP fear 1.5 billion starving citizens more than us. Do your part.
We haven’t finished going to war with ourselves yet. Until they stop trying to divide us, rest of the world can take a number…
We have to win the war here first.
A lot of the stuff made in China was contracted for production by Westerners.
Nukes, and lots of them.