Mmmmm… I used to pretend it was a cigarette in 4th grade and did this. The end would get deliciously mushy and I would try to suck the smokey flavored oil out of it. Good times.
FWIW Bud changed it right after 9/11 when everyone got Patriotic all of a sudden ( the USA car flags , radio stations playing the National Anthem at noon, Lee Greenwood on repeat, etc ) and Firemen / Police / Military were all being called 'American Heroes'. Bud said the commercials appeared tone deaf and swapped it out.
Article from St. Louis dispatch 2003 copy/pasted here about 3/4 way down on the history of the commercials:
lol I took my family to Dollywood in Nov 2020 and I had a coffee in my hand 100% of the time. one park staff directed me to put my mask on and I said "are you going to refund my coffee then since I won't be able to drink it?" she didn't say anything more but just moved along.
Brilliant display of passive aggressive defiance. Well done Sir.
I’ve been doing this since the start - but with a water bottle. Every time someone asks I take a sip
Drive on Airborne, drive on
Heh. Haven’t had a slim Jim in a long long time. This Would be pretty good use for one.
Mmmmm… I used to pretend it was a cigarette in 4th grade and did this. The end would get deliciously mushy and I would try to suck the smokey flavored oil out of it. Good times.
This has Bud Light 'Real Men of Genius' commercial written all over it..
Best one IMHO:
"... it's a SALAD... isn't it?" gets me every time.
It used to be 'Real American Heroes' before the communists cancelled it.
FWIW Bud changed it right after 9/11 when everyone got Patriotic all of a sudden ( the USA car flags , radio stations playing the National Anthem at noon, Lee Greenwood on repeat, etc ) and Firemen / Police / Military were all being called 'American Heroes'. Bud said the commercials appeared tone deaf and swapped it out.
Article from St. Louis dispatch 2003 copy/pasted here about 3/4 way down on the history of the commercials:
That's what I said: before the communists cancelled it.
I thought I had seen them all. Thanks.
This is the way.
I did that on two 4 hour flights with some carrot sticks! I totally one uped him!
Video/pics or it didn’t happen. 😬
A large bag of salted peanuts works too -- one every 90 seconds -- chew slowly.
When the rules are absurd, act absurd.
lol I took my family to Dollywood in Nov 2020 and I had a coffee in my hand 100% of the time. one park staff directed me to put my mask on and I said "are you going to refund my coffee then since I won't be able to drink it?" she didn't say anything more but just moved along.
I too did something similar on a recent flight!
fucking kek
Become ungovernable
Ate a bag of whole sunflower seeds on my flight to banff last year, they were not amused hahaha
Somebody call the Guinness World Record folks.
oh, wow! another repost! neato!