That's all I'll say
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Debunking the mythical republican/democrat switch.
Dinesh is awesome.
He’s pretty good and i formative
Carol Swain does a good takedown of this also for prayer U. And she black, from Vanderbilt U
PRAGER University
She Black! -JLP
Thank you so much muhqtardtho for that yutube of Dinesh. I screenshot the list of amendments and sent it to my posse, some of them more recently awake. It's time this whole nation wakes up to which political party perpetuated slavery and racism. They profit from in so many ways. DESPICABLE.
The Inconvenient Truth About the Democratic Party Prayer university
Glad you guys found it helpful. I copy paste it here when the topic comes up but it rarely gets much interaction. It was one of the first red pills my homie from the boards ever sent me. It's kind of wild to think of how long I've known him before he helped me wake up.
Great takedown of this trope.
Bookmarked for posterity… thank you!
TY for that…great video 👍🏽