I saw that. Something about how Putin was increasingly threatening to aggress on us via Cuba or something. I saw and just thought "For the love of Christ. Can we at least create some better lies?"
A few years back one of his senior military men said “US Foreign Policy is akin to a Monkey with a Hand Grenade. At some point we will have to put that Monkey down. For now we will just keep still and hope the Monkey finally gets distracted and drops the Grenade.”
If you read the internal publications from most of these countries - all but China basically have this attitude of “If we stay as far away from the US as possible - they will continue their decline and destroy themselves.”
I mean admit it. Increasingly our country has an increasing obesity rate etc. hell if you wait 2 generations people will probably be too fat to even have kids. “Nah hump is hard. Zzzz”
There is no play they can do that is going to work... they may "fake" Christ's return and go so far as to rebuild the temple and have the Anti-christ do their big reveal and after that we know what happens.
That is the only play I can see them going with that would actually fool a lot of people. Aliens? They laid those seeds of doubt years ago. War? They exhausted that play after 9/11. But oh man... I hope they try. Would be funny if Biden gives an order to go to war and nothing happens because he isn't the Commander in Chief.
So yeah... there is nothing they can do except trigger Jesus's triumphant return which if that's what they want, you'll get no complaints from me.
false flag/war with Russia
the alien Blue Beam thing has got to be last resort, it reeks of desperation
True dat ☝🏼
I saw that. Something about how Putin was increasingly threatening to aggress on us via Cuba or something. I saw and just thought "For the love of Christ. Can we at least create some better lies?"
No. They don’t even care about the level of lies.
I thank God every day for guiding Putin.
A few years back one of his senior military men said “US Foreign Policy is akin to a Monkey with a Hand Grenade. At some point we will have to put that Monkey down. For now we will just keep still and hope the Monkey finally gets distracted and drops the Grenade.”
If you read the internal publications from most of these countries - all but China basically have this attitude of “If we stay as far away from the US as possible - they will continue their decline and destroy themselves.”
I mean admit it. Increasingly our country has an increasing obesity rate etc. hell if you wait 2 generations people will probably be too fat to even have kids. “Nah hump is hard. Zzzz”
The government doesn't need our approval to start a war, they will just start a war.
Both world wars were a clear example of this.
Plus they own our goverment
The Straits become crossable in March.
Or a proxy war between US and China (via Iran maybe??)
There is no play they can do that is going to work... they may "fake" Christ's return and go so far as to rebuild the temple and have the Anti-christ do their big reveal and after that we know what happens.
That is the only play I can see them going with that would actually fool a lot of people. Aliens? They laid those seeds of doubt years ago. War? They exhausted that play after 9/11. But oh man... I hope they try. Would be funny if Biden gives an order to go to war and nothing happens because he isn't the Commander in Chief.
So yeah... there is nothing they can do except trigger Jesus's triumphant return which if that's what they want, you'll get no complaints from me.
Party under the holograms at that point!!