The system was supposed to fail. Instead of Hedgefunds, bankers, etc. keeping profits and leaving us to deal and clean up the mess, Apes will take whatever’s liquidated from GME shorts’ infinite losses.
GME is over-shorted, everyone acknowledges that GME is manipulated to hell, yet nothing is happening. Just kicking the can as far as it’ll go. After all, once the music stops, their “GameStops” too.
Either way, it’s also incredibly undervalued, so even if shorts had closed (which hasn’t happened), it’s worth so much more on fundamentals, and this is without their NFT/whatever other ventures they have in play.
Much MUCH better than keeping cash in a savings account or whatever.
Lobbing cruise missiles at an aspirin factory and then having Wolfy Blitzer tell us about it shouldn’t even move the needle anymore. But 40-60% of Americans will lap it up.
I saw that. Something about how Putin was increasingly threatening to aggress on us via Cuba or something. I saw and just thought "For the love of Christ. Can we at least create some better lies?"
There is no play they can do that is going to work... they may "fake" Christ's return and go so far as to rebuild the temple and have the Anti-christ do their big reveal and after that we know what happens.
That is the only play I can see them going with that would actually fool a lot of people. Aliens? They laid those seeds of doubt years ago. War? They exhausted that play after 9/11. But oh man... I hope they try. Would be funny if Biden gives an order to go to war and nothing happens because he isn't the Commander in Chief.
So yeah... there is nothing they can do except trigger Jesus's triumphant return which if that's what they want, you'll get no complaints from me.
So, what's next? Market / bank failure? Fake alien invasion? Place your horse and bets.
What about muh gme
It's just fun money I invested but still want my lambo
Griffen is the greatest investor ever./s (Launches bed post at window)
What about it?
The system was supposed to fail. Instead of Hedgefunds, bankers, etc. keeping profits and leaving us to deal and clean up the mess, Apes will take whatever’s liquidated from GME shorts’ infinite losses.
GME is over-shorted, everyone acknowledges that GME is manipulated to hell, yet nothing is happening. Just kicking the can as far as it’ll go. After all, once the music stops, their “GameStops” too.
Either way, it’s also incredibly undervalued, so even if shorts had closed (which hasn’t happened), it’s worth so much more on fundamentals, and this is without their NFT/whatever other ventures they have in play.
Much MUCH better than keeping cash in a savings account or whatever.
It's also a system for retirement, a shitty one, but one people are relying on. A market implosion wipes out 401ks, IRAs, and brokerages.
Rumors going around that they're going to start a war to distract from the problems at home.
Wouldn’t surprise me
Russia Ukraine - biden has enough corrupt buddies still in positions of power to pull some shenanigans and the media has been pimping it lately
Think Clinton; cruise missiles into Afghanistan to deflect from the BLUE DRESS.
On a much, much bigger scale. It's take WW4 to get the attention off of what's going on now.
If AZ & Brnovich decertify or if it moves in that direction…EXPECT A DIVERSION.
Maybe smallpox? That's what Gill Bates was threatening us with just a few weeks ago.
Lobbing cruise missiles at an aspirin factory and then having Wolfy Blitzer tell us about it shouldn’t even move the needle anymore. But 40-60% of Americans will lap it up.
This exactly ☝🏼 (What a bonehead c1a “name”, Wolf Blitzer. Laughable. That wasn’t his name when he narced-out Johnny in the schoolyard?!!
Yes, body bag of our soldiers being offloaded from planes should distract a lot of people!
That card has been played...
false flag/war with Russia
the alien Blue Beam thing has got to be last resort, it reeks of desperation
True dat ☝🏼
I saw that. Something about how Putin was increasingly threatening to aggress on us via Cuba or something. I saw and just thought "For the love of Christ. Can we at least create some better lies?"
The government doesn't need our approval to start a war, they will just start a war.
Both world wars were a clear example of this.
The Straits become crossable in March.
Or a proxy war between US and China (via Iran maybe??)
There is no play they can do that is going to work... they may "fake" Christ's return and go so far as to rebuild the temple and have the Anti-christ do their big reveal and after that we know what happens.
That is the only play I can see them going with that would actually fool a lot of people. Aliens? They laid those seeds of doubt years ago. War? They exhausted that play after 9/11. But oh man... I hope they try. Would be funny if Biden gives an order to go to war and nothing happens because he isn't the Commander in Chief.
So yeah... there is nothing they can do except trigger Jesus's triumphant return which if that's what they want, you'll get no complaints from me.
Party under the holograms at that point!!
Ill go w horrific airborne disease for $200 Alex.
Saracenia purpurea extract if the card comes-up Smallpox.
You mean my 1955 vax won't work?
Uummm…not without da boosta!!
Still waiting for my SP tinctures ordered a few months ago........
May have to reorder from another source
Same thing happened to me, then I reordered & both came!! Hope you get some!
Won't ivermectin fix it? Does everything else.
There's already rumors of hemmoragic fever in the wild down in xian.
tomorrow 🦍🚀
Ken Griffen is the elon musk of hedge funds didnt you hear?