My son works for a contractor that does work at a level 4 lab in Montana. Security advised them today they will need to be Vaxed or tested starting next week to get through the gate. Son does not want to even test, boss wants a valid non-conspiracy reason for refusal. Thanks Frens
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How about say No.
Right to refuse experimental drugs = Nuremberg Code
Right to bodily autonomy = 4th Amendment
OSHA laws are about keeping the workplace safe, to avoid slavery. They are not about forcing you to take drugs, The company must prove they have gone through risk assessments, engineering and administrative protocols before they can move to PPE. Has the company done that? Vaccines and invasive testing are not even in the category of PPE: they are a step further, into a person's body. One can even argue that mandates are a form of slavery. Get a lawyer for that line of argument, because there are a lot of code clauses to ponder, however, even Justice Thomas of the Supreme Court argued that point recently.
If you want to try for a religious exemption look into the fetal cell lines that the drugs were tested on. However, be careful, because a lot of generic drugs fall into that category. The employer will then counter with all sorts of questions in which one must supposedly 'prove' one's faith. Do not fall into that trap. Faith cannot be proven, because it is a belief. A religious exemption does not need to cite why, or which denomination of faith one believes in. All one have to say is that it is a belief. Unfortunately, atheism is rife, so it is difficult to argue. Nevertheless, a strong conviction, and a firm "no, because I don't believe in it", end of story, can work. However, they will then try and fire him for his belief, which is grounds to end up in court.
I sympathise with your situation, I have children in similar positions. One of them recently got a better job, with more perks. The other has offers from several contractors. He is weighing is options. So put feelers out, as an escape hatch. He might be pleasantly surprised. Walking out on the contractor will be hard to do, but there are many hungry contractors who will gladly employ your son.
turn it around on them. pretend that you are a good little sheep, and that you are just scared to death of catching COVID,
so scared, in fact, that maybe it would be best if i just not come into work until the heightened restrictions are rolled back to normal.
since I'm an "essential employee", it would be very BAD if i caught COVID and DIED, so therefore, for safety, ill be social distancing, at home, on unpaid leave,
until you, the employer, come to grips with your own paranoid delusions, and your power trip,
because at the end of the day, i actually have the skills that you need, and all you have is some money, that i can get somewhere else.
You might be able to use a religious exemption to opt out of testing. But people have been put on unpaid leave for that.
"unpaid leave"
never, ever give your employees a reason to even LOOK for another job, because they will always FIND another job.
its crazy how many times i have seen this happen. an otherwise good, decent employee, got pissed off by some bullshit a boss did, or the company did, and they "start looking"... and they find a better job, and then they tell their ex-coworkers that the new place is great, oh, and they are still hiring, and oh, heres the interview process, interview questions, test questions, and instructions on how to pass the trick question part of the interview process, and a photograph of the guy who will be interviewing you
smaller companies act as little farm teams to bigger companies. young employee get hired at smaller company, gets 1-5 years in, and can jump ship to bigger company, turns around and helps his ex-coworker from smaller company get hired on. its like a never ending supply / feeder of new workers into the system
I have an easy one. Because it doesn't work!
We all know that, his boss doesn't because he refuses to hangout with us cool kids.
Level 4 lab in Montana? Is this how Gates unleashes the Marburg on us??
"breaking news, an unvaxxed conspiracy theorist contracted Marburg virus at a level 4 lab in Montana today...if only he had been tested,all your vaxxes would have worked."
I wish him luck. IMHO it's not worth it, but that's a choice each makes for himself.
There's a real peril to these test kits being used for collecting DNA and building a database. This is like being fingerprinted every time you get a medical checkup. I read a while ago some of these companies are providing China with DNA.
IMO; my religious exemption is all inclusive and personal with God. It requires no disclosure or approval. I Believe and refuse Covid in totality. BTW; I was looking for a job when I found the one I have (and may lose). So be it. There will be plenty of gainful things to do in the near future.
14th Amendment - Equal protection clause - "liberty"
Can he use a at home quick test?
Didn't say, he would test if it wasn't invasive or reportable.
I saw a vidio from the UK were the testing swabs were radioactive. I don't know how true it is. It might be worth looking at if anyone has equipment to test them.
Just say no.
Non-liability of Vaxx producers = non-payment of insurance claims for vaxx related illness and death. Ins co says voluntarily taking the vaxx when it is an experimental drug with no ingredient insert, and dying from it, is the same as your committing suicide. If you are vaxxed your insurance policies are probably useless to you or your beneficiaries if you are in the system as being vaxxed.
this information should mean something.
How about gereral fucking principle.
Tell whoever is asking to fuck off. Simple as that.
If it costs a job it costs a job. SO. THE. FUCK. WHAT.
Thanks 20-guage