So many feminists HATE men because the only men they know are guys like this. They have no idea what decent men are like because the only men they hang around with are THESE guys so they think all men are like this. Sick.
Omg, you left out the best part. He had to delete the tweet and immediately issued a follow-up apology: "I meant something else guyz, I CONDEMN VIOLENCE AGAINST WOMENZ!!!!"
Robert Reich suggesting that Democrat Senators should have violently beaten Sen. Kyrsten Sinema because she disagreed with them on one issue.
Remember how they gushed with praise for being the first openly bisexual US Senator?
Liberals are just retarded sometimes.
bisexual is not enought to warrant praise from the water buffalos with koolaid colered hair any longer.
and dont you forget liberals are retarded all of the time
Sometimes? No, they are retarded 99% of the time.
Why are you being so generous?
I loathe that fugly weasel River Reich. He’s so putrid. What a hypocrite.
That was very big of him. Truth is, he’s a mental midget.
Omfg YES
So many feminists HATE men because the only men they know are guys like this. They have no idea what decent men are like because the only men they hang around with are THESE guys so they think all men are like this. Sick.
Another jacka** exposing himself. This is great too.
So incitement to violence is ok now? Cool.
I thought liberals were about peace and love. Violence is for redneck republicans. Moron
My favorite reply is the gif of the honeymooners
Aren’t u a nice guy. Fuck off
This is childish. Muh
Democrats hit like limp wristed pussies
Omg, you left out the best part. He had to delete the tweet and immediately issued a follow-up apology: "I meant something else guyz, I CONDEMN VIOLENCE AGAINST WOMENZ!!!!"