Tonight is one of the nights that I feel drained and am so ready for the load to be lifted. I read an article in Bloomberg saying they’re worried about boosters breaking down the immune system, instead of feeling the win, I’m pissed. I’m pissed we’ve known this for six months and they’re trying to act like it’s fresh news. I’m pissed they’re going after the littles. Im pissed my veteran BIL may loose his medical job for an unconstitutional mandate he went through hell and fought to prevent. Im tired of the clown world. Tonight I want vengeance.
It gets tiresome when we are months (if not years) ahead of the news cycle. No one is listening when it is important for them to listen. I don't want to be the "i told you so I guy." I want to be the "Aren't you glad you listened?" guy.
Here's an example:
I paid very careful attention to what the doctors prescribed Trump during his bout with COVID. If anyone is non-partisan, it is the military doctors assigned to treat the President. Aside from monoclonal antibodies and remdesivir, they prescribed him: vitamin d, zinc, melatonin and Pepcid.
When i read the list, I didn't understand the Pepcid. Then I started to dig. Pepcid was linked to markedly better patient outcomes in multiple studies. The reason is that it suppresses H2 - a histamine which can cause immune system overreaction. Immune system overreaction is likely the cause of death for many.
I won't get in to Vitamin D and zinc - because we all know what they mean to COVID.
Fast forward a few months and I get COVID. I take a multi-vitamin, d3, zinc and pepcid. My symptoms were: loss of taste and smell for ~7 days. No fever, no aches, no cough.
When my friends got COVID, I told them about pepcid. They laughed at me. They had objectively worse symptoms: many days of fever, chills, aches, pains, coughing. Some say they now have "long covid."
Fast forward to December 2021. Joe Rogan had Dr. Malone on and Rogan asked, " How did you treat yourself for COVID? You had an early infection." I nearly fell off my chair when Dr. Malone said, without pause, "Pepcid." To be fair - he had a rougher go of it than I did. But he was never hospitalized - and never believed he was in any immediate danger.
All we could do is tell people what we know. if they do not want to listen, that is on them.
NB: Pepcid is not a prophylactic. It is something you take at symptom onset/positive test.
Trump did not take remdesivir..he took regeneron and bought up supplies so Americans could have it for free. Remdesivir is fsucis ..he forced it to be prescribed knowing it shuts down the kidneys. Remdesivir needs to go and so does fauci
That’s the thing, I tell my kids all the time that I wish I could somehow transfer the thousands of hours of reading and research directly into your brain. The amount of knowledge you have to back a claim as simple as “take some Pepcid” is undoubtably plentiful. You probably went down a day/night rabbit hole about histamine, it’s function, etc. I’m sure your hours of research kept you from getting really sick. But what do we know? Thanks for sharing your story, I’m so glad I don’t ride this crazy train alone fren!
He says we are healed by the stripes of Jesus Christ.
He says no weapon formed against thee shall prosper.
..... I have been waiting 40 years for this period to unfold.
I do have an extensive mil Intel background and I have been involved in psyops etc. So I stayed put and did the opposite of anything the government ordered.
Still healthy, the covid is the flu, the rest is all about Fear.
Fear is the Dis-ease of mind. When we fear we get exactly what we fear.
Thank you - am hanging in there but I’m in a country with ~95% adults vaxxed… the cognitive dissonance between what I believe & the restrictions, messaging & narrative all around me is hard. Have made new connections/friends but only a handful of people I know stayed unvaxxed. I do wonder what’s next though.
Thanks for the info! And I feel you. It’s hard to fathom at this point. When the things I’ve told my family in past happen today they act as if I never said anything. I truly think it is something to do with the “matrix” mind control
Can you share your dosage of Pepcid - and I assume the generic form is that drug would work just as well? My practitioner also suggested that if I get it - already did so hopefully not again. Very interested in what you are saying about histamine response and impact on immunity. Would there be any article on that for a non medical person you could point me to? TY
You are not alone on that !! We are all getting pissed !!!! The exciting news is that We’re hearing a rapidly increasing number of “EX NORMIES” making very similar statements.. the initials NCSWIC have never been more true or imminent!!!
I know! Today was just long, I definitely red pilled my sister a little. She’s my gauge. Die hard dem, political science/history teacher. We used to never be able to talk politics but she’s at least open to listening now. Her husband a vet, who is sticking to his principles.
My boyfriends son’s (15), school is requiring both shots and a booster by Feb 1. My neighbor, who wrestles in college and has had heart problems told me they’re requiring the booster too, yet the NCAA says they can’t participate for 14 days after. It means they fucking know the danger. I look at the ones I love (especially the littles I consider my own) and I can’t help but want retribution. I’m ready for the load to be lifted tonight. Tomorrow, I’ll put on my armor of god. Tonight I cry.
"I read an article in Bloomberg saying they’re worried about boosters breaking down the immune system, instead of feeling the win, I’m pissed. I’m pissed we’ve known this for six months and they’re trying to act like it’s fresh news. I’m pissed they’re going after the littles."
THIS!!! There is no "Told you so" winner feeling in it!
I am so sad this week for all these injuries and losses.
But God will provide everything, also a cure for that - THAT IS MY HOPE and soon my confidence!!!
Truth. Don't k know why but today I felt more angry than normal, & actually shed a few tears.. This war is real & I have lost family from the vaxx and have been seriously disconnected from family & friends due to the fake news. But I keep my posture & I'm stronger than ever. Im here for the Children, we need to stop this for them.
The start will be obfuscated, and simply look like the natural progression of random coincidences. Regular people will see things happen and will truly think “who would have ever imagined”. They will either by act of will, or ignorance refuse to comprehend that what we have been saying for months, if not years is coming true. They may wake up but they will still be stupid.
My biggest thing is just getting those words into people still fully asleep. Even a small comment can stand out in some ones mind and they can come ask you about what you meant after the shit hits. Small seeds turn into huge crops. Be humble, be kind, and pray for those about to get ripped awake.
My awakening was a 2 month voluntary journey and it was not pleasant. I can only imagine what it will be like to go through it involuntarily.
That’s what I try to do. I throw a coy comment just to signal that my opinion is different. Then I quickly and noticeably change the subject as if I am protecting a secret.
We cannot relax either as we are at the start of the mini ice age....great changes to thecplanet and at a time when perhaps a billion people could die from this jab and millions being disabled and require looking after
Add to that the complete collapse of currency worldwide and the end of Rothschilds private federal reserve Bank and ww central banks and
the depression and chaos that will ensue.
There will be shortages of everything and there will be no more goods from more slave labour.anywhere in the world supplying you with the clothes goods and toys medicines and drugs
Stock up on all you can and know for a long time life will be very tough.
I feel you….One of my mental exercises (to help stay sane) is to humble myself and reflect on Jesus. Another exercise is to remind myself how we are beautiful and wonderfully made. God made us (people) into all these awesome temples. We are eternal beings!! Each and everyone of us is part of God’s plan. When we look back on this time, we are going to laugh and understand how there was no need to be afraid.
When I feel exasperated at people who are set on going the wrong way, it's definitely helpful to think about Jesus and all the rejection He met from day one.
I don't listen to Mr Geddes, He is a paytriot, an upper class Oxbridge graduate and a plagiarist. Something doesn't smell right about him, he doesn't talk about very much else but himself using the words of others.
"The Struggle is real" "We have nothing to fear but fear itself"
How would he know anything about quiet wars? Be careful who you follow.
This is Janet Reno shit, taken to a whole new level.
The Bossmaker guy: Ronald Heijster, well, he loves to show off. check his buddy buddy list.
Very well put. We can only do so much before the storm is actually upon us. Normies that have not or refused to wake up are going to be shocked into reality....the TRUE reality not there fake bubble world. We can't point and laugh at them our job will be to help them. Remember, they're brainwashed so right now they lash out at us but that's the brainwashing talking.
We all feel this way. We've been on a long march and hopefully the end will soon be in sight. We've lost support of family and friends along the way, we've fought our own inner doubts and fears. Yet we find a reason each day to get out of bed and push forward. We've cut the cord to MSM, we've stopped watching movies and TV shows made by the Hollywood perverts. We see the damage of brainwashing all around us and feel powerless to stop it. Yet, we keep going toward a finish line we hope and pray actually exists. “Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil: for thou art with me; thy rod and thy staff they comfort me.” Psalms 23:4
Tonight is one of the nights that I feel drained and am so ready for the load to be lifted. I read an article in Bloomberg saying they’re worried about boosters breaking down the immune system, instead of feeling the win, I’m pissed. I’m pissed we’ve known this for six months and they’re trying to act like it’s fresh news. I’m pissed they’re going after the littles. Im pissed my veteran BIL may loose his medical job for an unconstitutional mandate he went through hell and fought to prevent. Im tired of the clown world. Tonight I want vengeance.
It gets tiresome when we are months (if not years) ahead of the news cycle. No one is listening when it is important for them to listen. I don't want to be the "i told you so I guy." I want to be the "Aren't you glad you listened?" guy.
Here's an example:
I paid very careful attention to what the doctors prescribed Trump during his bout with COVID. If anyone is non-partisan, it is the military doctors assigned to treat the President. Aside from monoclonal antibodies and remdesivir, they prescribed him: vitamin d, zinc, melatonin and Pepcid.
When i read the list, I didn't understand the Pepcid. Then I started to dig. Pepcid was linked to markedly better patient outcomes in multiple studies. The reason is that it suppresses H2 - a histamine which can cause immune system overreaction. Immune system overreaction is likely the cause of death for many.
I won't get in to Vitamin D and zinc - because we all know what they mean to COVID.
Fast forward a few months and I get COVID. I take a multi-vitamin, d3, zinc and pepcid. My symptoms were: loss of taste and smell for ~7 days. No fever, no aches, no cough.
When my friends got COVID, I told them about pepcid. They laughed at me. They had objectively worse symptoms: many days of fever, chills, aches, pains, coughing. Some say they now have "long covid."
Fast forward to December 2021. Joe Rogan had Dr. Malone on and Rogan asked, " How did you treat yourself for COVID? You had an early infection." I nearly fell off my chair when Dr. Malone said, without pause, "Pepcid." To be fair - he had a rougher go of it than I did. But he was never hospitalized - and never believed he was in any immediate danger.
All we could do is tell people what we know. if they do not want to listen, that is on them.
NB: Pepcid is not a prophylactic. It is something you take at symptom onset/positive test.
Trump did not take remdesivir..he took regeneron and bought up supplies so Americans could have it for free. Remdesivir is fsucis ..he forced it to be prescribed knowing it shuts down the kidneys. Remdesivir needs to go and so does fauci early AM brainfog was snapped-alert as that flag waived.
That’s the thing, I tell my kids all the time that I wish I could somehow transfer the thousands of hours of reading and research directly into your brain. The amount of knowledge you have to back a claim as simple as “take some Pepcid” is undoubtably plentiful. You probably went down a day/night rabbit hole about histamine, it’s function, etc. I’m sure your hours of research kept you from getting really sick. But what do we know? Thanks for sharing your story, I’m so glad I don’t ride this crazy train alone fren!
I’ve a medical degree & a doctorate in immune priming. My family still all got vaxxed cos what would I know compared to the talking heads on TV? :(
I simply listened to God.
..... I have been waiting 40 years for this period to unfold.
I do have an extensive mil Intel background and I have been involved in psyops etc. So I stayed put and did the opposite of anything the government ordered.
Still healthy, the covid is the flu, the rest is all about Fear.
Fear is the Dis-ease of mind. When we fear we get exactly what we fear.
Glad u are OK.
I love that last part about fear.
Thank you - am hanging in there but I’m in a country with ~95% adults vaxxed… the cognitive dissonance between what I believe & the restrictions, messaging & narrative all around me is hard. Have made new connections/friends but only a handful of people I know stayed unvaxxed. I do wonder what’s next though.
Thanks for the info! And I feel you. It’s hard to fathom at this point. When the things I’ve told my family in past happen today they act as if I never said anything. I truly think it is something to do with the “matrix” mind control
Can you share your dosage of Pepcid - and I assume the generic form is that drug would work just as well? My practitioner also suggested that if I get it - already did so hopefully not again. Very interested in what you are saying about histamine response and impact on immunity. Would there be any article on that for a non medical person you could point me to? TY
Famotidine, generic form, available at costco over the counter.
All I want is liberation. Once we have that, everything else will fall into place.
This! Oh yes please Dear Lord this!
You are not alone on that !! We are all getting pissed !!!! The exciting news is that We’re hearing a rapidly increasing number of “EX NORMIES” making very similar statements.. the initials NCSWIC have never been more true or imminent!!!
I know! Today was just long, I definitely red pilled my sister a little. She’s my gauge. Die hard dem, political science/history teacher. We used to never be able to talk politics but she’s at least open to listening now. Her husband a vet, who is sticking to his principles.
My boyfriends son’s (15), school is requiring both shots and a booster by Feb 1. My neighbor, who wrestles in college and has had heart problems told me they’re requiring the booster too, yet the NCAA says they can’t participate for 14 days after. It means they fucking know the danger. I look at the ones I love (especially the littles I consider my own) and I can’t help but want retribution. I’m ready for the load to be lifted tonight. Tomorrow, I’ll put on my armor of god. Tonight I cry.
"I read an article in Bloomberg saying they’re worried about boosters breaking down the immune system, instead of feeling the win, I’m pissed. I’m pissed we’ve known this for six months and they’re trying to act like it’s fresh news. I’m pissed they’re going after the littles."
THIS!!! There is no "Told you so" winner feeling in it!
I am so sad this week for all these injuries and losses.
But God will provide everything, also a cure for that - THAT IS MY HOPE and soon my confidence!!!
There is an I want a rope around their neck feeling. I'll kick the chair myself.
Amen brother. I feel you
Maybe harder to grasp and sustain is the concept: beginning, middle, and end. We are at the end of the beginning.
If that is indeed correct, it is very hard to grasp.
Truth. Don't k know why but today I felt more angry than normal, & actually shed a few tears.. This war is real & I have lost family from the vaxx and have been seriously disconnected from family & friends due to the fake news. But I keep my posture & I'm stronger than ever. Im here for the Children, we need to stop this for them.
I've never had to control my emotions like I have to now.
I can certainly relate. Though not sure if there will be an exact “go time” either.
The start will be obfuscated, and simply look like the natural progression of random coincidences. Regular people will see things happen and will truly think “who would have ever imagined”. They will either by act of will, or ignorance refuse to comprehend that what we have been saying for months, if not years is coming true. They may wake up but they will still be stupid.
My biggest thing is just getting those words into people still fully asleep. Even a small comment can stand out in some ones mind and they can come ask you about what you meant after the shit hits. Small seeds turn into huge crops. Be humble, be kind, and pray for those about to get ripped awake.
My awakening was a 2 month voluntary journey and it was not pleasant. I can only imagine what it will be like to go through it involuntarily.
That’s what I try to do. I throw a coy comment just to signal that my opinion is different. Then I quickly and noticeably change the subject as if I am protecting a secret.
We cannot relax either as we are at the start of the mini ice age....great changes to thecplanet and at a time when perhaps a billion people could die from this jab and millions being disabled and require looking after
Add to that the complete collapse of currency worldwide and the end of Rothschilds private federal reserve Bank and ww central banks and the depression and chaos that will ensue.
There will be shortages of everything and there will be no more goods from more slave labour.anywhere in the world supplying you with the clothes goods and toys medicines and drugs
Stock up on all you can and know for a long time life will be very tough.
There will be an abundance of new knowledge. Since we have been lied to about 90 percent t of what we believe is false.
I feel you….One of my mental exercises (to help stay sane) is to humble myself and reflect on Jesus. Another exercise is to remind myself how we are beautiful and wonderfully made. God made us (people) into all these awesome temples. We are eternal beings!! Each and everyone of us is part of God’s plan. When we look back on this time, we are going to laugh and understand how there was no need to be afraid.
Stay strong. You are loved by soooo many people!
When I feel exasperated at people who are set on going the wrong way, it's definitely helpful to think about Jesus and all the rejection He met from day one.
Definitely got mental fatigue going on.
Thought it was just me.
I don't listen to Mr Geddes, He is a paytriot, an upper class Oxbridge graduate and a plagiarist. Something doesn't smell right about him, he doesn't talk about very much else but himself using the words of others.
"The Struggle is real" "We have nothing to fear but fear itself"
How would he know anything about quiet wars? Be careful who you follow.
I can feel this in my soul.
Yep, He's a wordsmith.
Being Atlas is not a fun job.
The question then becomes why would you carry the burden in such a way, while it is not your burden to carry?
Martin Geddes aligned himself with Bossmaker.
This is Janet Reno shit, taken to a whole new level. The Bossmaker guy: Ronald Heijster, well, he loves to show off. check his buddy buddy list.
Very well put. We can only do so much before the storm is actually upon us. Normies that have not or refused to wake up are going to be shocked into reality....the TRUE reality not there fake bubble world. We can't point and laugh at them our job will be to help them. Remember, they're brainwashed so right now they lash out at us but that's the brainwashing talking.
We all feel this way. We've been on a long march and hopefully the end will soon be in sight. We've lost support of family and friends along the way, we've fought our own inner doubts and fears. Yet we find a reason each day to get out of bed and push forward. We've cut the cord to MSM, we've stopped watching movies and TV shows made by the Hollywood perverts. We see the damage of brainwashing all around us and feel powerless to stop it. Yet, we keep going toward a finish line we hope and pray actually exists. “Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil: for thou art with me; thy rod and thy staff they comfort me.” Psalms 23:4
Man can I relate to every word Martin says here.
Good pin!
I could have written that. Good post.
I'm ready