posted ago by KimJung-Un ago by KimJung-Un +253 / -0

These guys are headed to Ottawa from all over their country. From the west, east, north and south of Ottawa.

A long the way they are gathering people from all walks of life who are fed up and one thing I KNOW about Canadians (wife is Canuck), they are EXTREMELY timid and shy until they see others doing what they want to do.

This is gathering steam unlike anything I've seen up there and frankly, down here. I'm personally blown away by what they are pulling off because I did not have any faith in them watching Quebec and Trudeau get away with so much.

But I forgot they are the type to wait, wait, wait then snap.

This is a beautiful thing to witness and I'm with you patriots all the way. My BIL has convinced his liberal parents to join him in the convoy and that is saying something.

4 days left, eh? Get out there and support for fellow patriots! I wish I could cross that fucking border and join you and it pains me that I can't!