We made our stand early. We never flinched or wavered. We paid every price imaginable, knowing we would be proven right. *WE ARE NOT THE SAME*

We are not the same. But with great power, comes great responsibility. Be humble and be a truth spreader! No one wants to listen to an ‘i told you so’ asshole. Some of these folks are gonna shaken to their absolute core, and some just plain irredeemable.
That being said, I can’t wait to wear my Fauci public enemy #1 shirt when it arrives!!!
Thank you for saying this. This board seems to have forgotten who the real enemy is. "They want you divided."
Pretty disappointing to see one of the mods, who should know better, promoting this kind of BS.
Lots of people need constant reminders. The fog of war is debilitating. First and foremost, we need to treat each other with respect and kindness. Many here have been ousted from every other group because of their free thinking ways.
Do some pedes have bad takes? Absolutely! Doesn’t mean we should stone them to death and call them a fag. This is NOT THE WAY.
Quit being a fag.
Just kidding 😂
Haha I just can’t help myselfffff
The enemy of my enemy and all that. Does it matter what caused them to wake, or just that they are awake? Too much holier than thou lately. We are supposed to have knowledge and share it with me people. That's our job.
It doesn't mean division, we are just acknowledging the obvious difference in quality.
You can have 2 apples, one is wrinkled, small and tastes of nothing, the other is big, immaculate and tastes great, they're still both apples, but they're not the same.
The failure to acknowledge the difference in quality of people is one of the things that brought us into this mess.
created, not born equal.
Unlike apples, humans can reverse the rot and become fresh again... heads on straight.
If someone is already in the process of losing weight, it does not help to nag them about their weight.
There is something that isn’t the same. Their path, their journey! Everyone has a different trigger to enlightenment... to awakening.
Sure, never said they couldn't, to recognize one's errors and better them is something any human being should be able to do.
But just like apples a lot of what we are in our brief sojourn is this planet is defined by genetics, you cannot go around that, capacity and quality varies greatly.
But instead of facing that fact head on, which is a hard thing to do, people take the easy way out, which is where moronicy like "you can be whatever you want to be!!!!!!heart kiss hug" get started.
No, one can't, one can be the absolute best one CAN be, achieve the utmost potential of whatever capacity one was given, but that's it
That we are all born equal is one of the greatest fallacies ever thought up, the founding fathers knew better, that's why they said CREATED equal, big difference, flesh is born, spirit is created.
Once you are done with your brief stay in the flesh, you are reborn in spirit, and then, truly, our potential is absolutely equal, but down here, again, capacity and quality varies greatly, and it's about time we start considering that for the running of a civilization again, otherwise nothing is ever gonna get better.
Eh, on an uneven playing field what can ya do
Technically when any moderator creates a post, they are still in mod mode - not "one of us"
"They want us divided"? We want them, the DS gone. Once that happens, we'll show our friends and neighbors truth. If they don't accept it, I will not try to un-brainwash them. If they apologize or show any contrition, I will forgive, but I will not forget. These people aligned with the enemy. They wanted me to accept poison and ostracized and shamed me and my family. They looked down, talked down at me, they refused to listen to logic and reason. The damage was deeply personal. They damaged the relationship, not I. I will not act like nothing happened, all water over the damn. NO. These same people will jump on the next leftist bandwagon, gravitate toward wokism again. They might believe in situational ethics but I don't. After the SHTF, I'm not going to wipe their tears or say there, there. They will not bite me twice.
What a melodramatic bundle of joy you are. They can just find somebody else who will. You’re only really isolating yourself at that point.
🤣 superspreader….ahahaha..
Case by case basis. The vast majority I will show empathy. There is a small minority though that I will say Fuck you I told you so if you die its your own damn fault. And then that minority will go out and take their nth jab and put on a third mask.
Like I said, some are plain irredeemable. Lots of legit insane people out there.