China's Scientists Warn of Potential ‘High Fatality, Transmission Rate’ of Coronavirus NeoCoV
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Don't fall for it again like January 2020. The anons including me that heard it early only helped their propaganda. There are no viruses. Fear nothing but the Lord and don't take any zionist shots or pills and you'll be ok.
I never fell for it... Not even back on March 2020....I was telling everyone it was fake....
I did. I thought it was real till the antibodies tests in April 2020 revealed it's a nothing burger.
Couldn't reply on your recent post on sky spirals, it's been locked, but this popped up with another unusual explanation:
I was like you and fell only because I read Qs warning "ANONS PREPARE FOR THE STORM" before C19and read ... GOD forum
Yes, of course. It’s Chinese New Year next week. Cue staged falls in Chinese streets, the Chinese diaspora going home then returning to their expat lives, Nancy Pelosi inviting everyone to Chinatown in San Fran, something something bats and wet markets etc… The globalists are arrogant enough to try this all over again, just for shits and giggles. Or for a bar bet.
Dear Science - get fcuked, god bless. anon.
Fake and gayer than the sweat on Richard Simmons' Balls
Hmmm, looks like Beijing needs to cancel the Olympics. Wouldn't want thousands of tourists bringing home a new virus.
I am beginning to believe the world has been made victim to 3 separate attacks with Biological Weapons. None of this is natural. Whatever this crap is, it is being manufactured in my opinion, and then released at timed intervals to give an illusory effect of, "organic spread and mutation"...
The world is at war. For now, we have a primarily invisible enemy. And it is for that reason I believe there are still boatloads of people that don't even know we are at war.
In my opinion, we need to stop being told everything is what it most certainly is not. We need to stop the liars from leading this country into the slaughterhouse. Why do the terrorists on the TV news stations still get to flap their traitorous lips and jaws consistently, and get away with it?
The fake, lying, mockingbird, whore Media is a huge reason we have so many people still sleepytiming is the way I see it. They need cancelled, erased, deleted, acid washed, bleached out, gone. These liars are actively subverting America and the world, and I'm not really sure why we are letting them.
I guess it because there are too many people here that are afraid to risk it all for freedom. I don't blame them. Upon first glance, it seems we fight an unwinnable battle, but I believe there are so many more of us, than them.
In any case, apologies for the little rant, I have just been thinking on this "Variant" business for a little while now. And I am drawing pictures that I don't like looking at. I want to change the pictures. I bet a lot of people do. But how?
I just hate seeing the evil ones killing more innocent people.
I don’t trust many 🇺🇸 scientists because they are bought and paid for. Why should I trust the Chinese?
Neo cov...what?
Neo...can it dodge Ivermectin and HCQ using bullet time? If not, it's not THE ONE