Would you please get your facts straight. It is way way way way past 50,000 truckers last count was 150,000 and every town they pass more are joining. The convoy is so big when the front end of it hit Thunder Bay Ontario the back end was still in Saskatchewan coming up on the manitoba border. From the Manitoba border to Thunder Bay Ontario is 591 Miles not Kilometers. They will likely be around 200,000 to 500,000 trucks by the time they get there. That is not even counting the 1.5 million people following them in cars. This is huge your 50,000 makes it sound like a truck stop rally
Would you please get your facts straight. It is way way way way past 50,000 truckers last count was 150,000 and every town they pass more are joining. The convoy is so big when the front end of it hit Thunder Bay Ontario the back end was still in Saskatchewan coming up on the manitoba border. From the Manitoba border to Thunder Bay Ontario is 591 Miles not Kilometers. They will likely be around 200,000 to 500,000 trucks by the time they get there. That is not even counting the 1.5 million people following them in cars. This is huge your 50,000 makes it sound like a truck stop rally
That math requires some evidence. 50,000 trucks would be a LOT on its own. Your projection of 500,000 seems unlikely.
Lots of pickups and cars have also joined I belive.
Not to mention those coming from the opposite direction.
It's crazy given how cold it is. It's never been this cold in a while.
Coincidence? They are afraid.
How do we verify this? The videos I have seen posted here don't seem to reflect that and many use the same footage of the same trucks.
I want this to be straight up, the best videos I have seen are posted on the marine rapper's instagram.
Like this
The ones I see here on GAW are mostly compilations of the same footage.
Reposting - I thought that too, its the farmers joining that is noteworthy.
HOLY SHIT. Let’s go truckers!