My husband and I are NOT vaxed and will never be. Had Covid pretty bad back in June but when we finally got our ivermectin in the mail that finally kicked it. Got the flu a bit ago which may have actually been Covid again but didn’t bother testing. Been trying to have another child since around the same time we got Covid back in June. Since then, I’ve had 4 miscarriages…all similar pattern. Positive pregnancy test, all seems fine, then bam, miscarry about a week later. We already have kids and have never had any trouble getting pregnant before. I suppose it could be a weird coincidence, but just wanted to hear if anyone else is experiencing this and maybe hear if anything has helped?
Anyone having reoccurring miscarriages after having Covid?
Very sorry to hear this. Good luck to you guys!
Thank you!
Our covid doc told us that covid is a blood disorder disease and that the spike proteins stay around for a while after having covid. He said it causes "sticky blood". He told us to take NAC (N Acetyl Cysteine) to keep our blood from clotting. Maybe something to think about?
My husband and I are not vaxxed either...
Thank you! This was the kind of this I was hoping to find out. I’ll try that!
I second that idea about the NAC. You might also try the Zelenko vitamin regimen or ivermectin, just to clear out any potential lingering infection just in case. Those therapies are not harmful, especially as a temporary regimen. And of course pray.
Oh wow, I very sorry to hear that. 😔 That's gotta be difficult to have happen to you. What's the age group you're in? Later 20s, 30s....40s?
I'm mid 20s and haven't had any issues as far as other things go. Now I'm not trying for a, kinda need a man for that I can't say I've gone through or understand what you're going through. I haven't heard of anyone having issues with their pregnancy....except one woman who was vaxxed, in her later 30s and has had issues with trying to get pregnant.
I hope you are okay and do better!
Thanks! And I’m mid-30’s so I acknowledge that could be an issue but still seems odd which is why I wanted to see if anyone else was having issues.
Side note, my ex wife always had bad periods but contracted Covid around Thanksgiving and said it was the worst period she's ever had. And I know for a fact they've found in studies that the vax seems to concentrate spike proteins in the ovaries. Maybe you just need more time and some vitamin mineral type stuff to clear all that?
Here’s hoping! And hope your wife is all back to normal now
She's my ex. Wanted to be fabulous by 40 and asked for a divorce three years ago. Idk how that's working out for her. But I pray for her nightly to find salvation as well as whatever will make her happy in life because nothing was ever good enough
Whoa. That is so sad. But you sound like a wonderful man with a good head on your shoulders. Take care, Fren.
Oh I’m sorry! I misread that. You have a very good attitude and I pray you find love again with someone who will appreciate you!
The time for that has passed, I fear. The hour is growing short.
Hello there lol
I've heard people who took the mRNA vaccines can shed their spike proteins onto (and then into) others. This could be the cause, unfortunately.
That’s what I’m wondering too. I’ve heard about how horrible the vax is for miscarriages and cycles but hasn’t heard anyone else having issues even without being vaxxed
Had the same kind of issue - not sure if miscarriages or simply periods every 2 weeks for like 3 months starting back in Feb 2021. Anyways I took all fluoride out of my water (drink only distilled) and brush without fluoride now. I also supplemented iodine via drops and bam. Got pregnant and giving birth hopefully within 4 weeks. Could try purifying the body with clean water 👍🏻👍🏻
Kinda personal, but are they legit miscarriages? My first wife and I went through what the hospital called a "chemical pregnancy." Popped positive, went to iirc the first baby appointment, before they look for anything, and by the 2nd appointment nothing had happened and they told us chemical pregnancies are fairly common and not technically a miscarriage because it's elevated hormone levels or something and the baby was never there to begin with.
I wish you luck tho, I have two kids now and it's great.
Yeah I’ve heard of those too so don’t test until I’m definitely late. And I suppose it’s still possible but never had this before with any of my other pregnancies and 4 within 7 months seems crazy to me?
Yeah that's why I ask it does seem really high
I am guessing you are using the pcr tests to see if your pregnant as well?
I think this is a clever joke or really dry satire. No way you could say something that dumb, not sure who downdooted u.
People who take everything super serious. Its okay, I am used to it lol.
I mean a lady pede is talking about trying to have a baby but having multiple miscarriages... probably not the best thread for joking
The covid is the joke
Point being don't believe everything you read on the internet. This sounds like fear mongering to me, since covid is fake and most of us know it. All in a simple paragraph, someone has sewn doubt into any other women on here if they have tested positive for a fake virus using a fake test, they may not be able to get pregnant, and also you can get this fake virus even if you have already had it. Sorry for my crude sense however funny it may be, but know I would never make light of someone losing a child. But I will make jokes about the fake test,fake virus and honestly test anyone coming onto a q board to drop posts like this.
I mean look at the name "love Trump shat", how do you know this is a real pede and if they aren't just trying to plant more covid myths into your head, to make it real.
You sound like a shill. I'm her mother. It's real and you're an asshole.
I would typically get my mother to jump onto a q board and stick up for me if I had some false positive pregnancy tests too. Just saying, get over yourselves. This is a q board, not a let's try to tie a fake virus to anything bad that happens in my life board. I am quite certain my cat got hit by a car the other day only because I got the covid, thrice.
Why are you spending so much time on this thread, then? Why don't you go to another thread and try to impress people with your "intellect"? Or better yet, back to Reddit.
Ummmm ... try again ... “love Trumps hat”.
Some peoples children.
Covid is real - it's the flu. Doesn't deserve shutting down the economy or a lethal "vaccination".
So weird! Both times we got sick was after being around out-of-state vaxxed people (although I don’t think they were newly vaxxed) which seemed like another odd coincidence.
Same here, had a house full of boosted vaxxed people, next day all 4 of us were down with fevers and body aches. Only lasted a day or two but 2 years, nothing, one party with vaxxed family and we get floored.