They aren’t even really communists. It was all a commie LARP. The workers of the world are uniting and throwing off their chains just like Marx implored and now that it is happening, the communists are melting down. “Noooo! Workers unite, but not like this! Throw off your chains, but not right now! Trust the corporations! Trust the central banks!”
The communist claim of being in support of the working class was always just a lie. Just like every other cause the collectivists/Marxists screech about, whether it be the environment, minorities, or gender, they don't actually care about these causes or groups.
Collectivists/Marxists simply use these issues or groups to gain more power for themselves. Once the issue or group is no longer politically useful it is discarded without a second thought or a twinge of regret/remorse.
When this kind of discussion is raised, I'm always reminded of the scene from Clint Eastwood's "The Enforcer", where a woman terrorist, who is supposedly only a terrorist because she wants to promote the causes of the "everyday man", shoots a guy point blank, and then sarcastically says, "For the people!".
Enforcer was a good movie with the criminals hiding behind communist radicalism. Tyne Daly as Harry’s new partner was a good take on 70s women’s lib. She was a good cop in her own way, a complement to Harry instead of a replacement.
Socialists love democracy, or majority rule, and the popular vote
So the majority are white, Christian, heterosexual, pro-liberty, and employed.
Suck on it, libs.
They aren’t even really communists. It was all a commie LARP. The workers of the world are uniting and throwing off their chains just like Marx implored and now that it is happening, the communists are melting down. “Noooo! Workers unite, but not like this! Throw off your chains, but not right now! Trust the corporations! Trust the central banks!”
The communist claim of being in support of the working class was always just a lie. Just like every other cause the collectivists/Marxists screech about, whether it be the environment, minorities, or gender, they don't actually care about these causes or groups.
Collectivists/Marxists simply use these issues or groups to gain more power for themselves. Once the issue or group is no longer politically useful it is discarded without a second thought or a twinge of regret/remorse.
When this kind of discussion is raised, I'm always reminded of the scene from Clint Eastwood's "The Enforcer", where a woman terrorist, who is supposedly only a terrorist because she wants to promote the causes of the "everyday man", shoots a guy point blank, and then sarcastically says, "For the people!".
Enforcer was a good movie with the criminals hiding behind communist radicalism. Tyne Daly as Harry’s new partner was a good take on 70s women’s lib. She was a good cop in her own way, a complement to Harry instead of a replacement.
before removing the splinter from the eye of your brother remove the beam from your own. matthew 7.5
I'm not wasting my time commenting about splinters!
I laughed because this is so true. They're being forced to live under their own stupidity.