Yeah, they taught us that in elementary school, didn't they? Apparently Bill Gates and his robber baron cronies skipped class during those lessons. According to them, the science has changed, and now Greta Thundberg is the new expert. She skipped class, too, as she admits.
Don't worry, before long, Lord Jesus Christ will be casting you into the outer darkness, and you won't have to worry about it no more. Your climate is fixing to change
I seem to remember long ago some Gates quote that chemtrails were for blotting out the sun to decrease global warming. Stupid. It isn't possible for puny man to control the sun. Even if he could, it would create loss of life on Earth. The chemtrails are damaging enough as it is.
But please don't follow what THEY call "science" too closely. Leave at least 10 car-lengths between because it has a tendency to make sudden, drastic manoeuvers.
Anyone that attempts this needs to be hunted down and killed. What type of moron would think this is a sane thing to do. global warming is a hoax, it exist solely in-silica, meaning on a silicon chip inside a computer.
Scientific hubris will most likely lead to our extinction. Some would suggest it is already happening with Covid vaccines, but I believe there are bigger and better screwups on the horizon. Humanity won't be satisfied until we've technologized ourselves right out of existence.
Artificial intelligence? Yeah! Let's give it the keys to the missile silos. Gene therapy technology for every possible ailment? What could go wrong with that? Deploying some sort of aerosol into the atmosphere to block out the sunlight? Wow, we're so smart aren't we?
Uh, correct me if I'm wrong, but "The Science (TM)" says that plants need sunlight and CO2 for photosynthesis.
Yeah, they taught us that in elementary school, didn't they? Apparently Bill Gates and his robber baron cronies skipped class during those lessons. According to them, the science has changed, and now Greta Thundberg is the new expert. She skipped class, too, as she admits.
This is code.
Sunlight is the Internet.
The Sun is a star. Lots of hot gas (free information) burning by nuclear fusion (explosive events).
Global Warming / Climate Change is a Change the the Elite's Climate.
This article is talking about turning off all of the world's network infrastructure in order to to cause mass chaos and try to hide.
They have no intent to actually blot out the Sun -- they have no power to do so.
This is their last-ditch effort to avoid the PAIN and flee amidst the confusion.
Nothing Can Stop What Is Coming.
Heard that China was trying to burn a hole in the sun when the SunSpot Observatory in NM was raided with Blackhawk helicopters.
Don't worry, before long, Lord Jesus Christ will be casting you into the outer darkness, and you won't have to worry about it no more. Your climate is fixing to change
Is this why the C-trails start every morning back n forth in crisscross pattern in front of the sun. Every. single. day.
Follow the science 🤡
I seem to remember long ago some Gates quote that chemtrails were for blotting out the sun to decrease global warming. Stupid. It isn't possible for puny man to control the sun. Even if he could, it would create loss of life on Earth. The chemtrails are damaging enough as it is.
But please don't follow what THEY call "science" too closely. Leave at least 10 car-lengths between because it has a tendency to make sudden, drastic manoeuvers.
hahaah the dv shill checked in yeah c-trails are always gonna get quick a DV 🤡
Their answer to fixing everything is to destroy something.
Sounds strangely similar to the matrix.
if they put their head back up their ass poof sunlight gone....
Imagine publishing something this dumb and putting your name to it. Probably get a lot of praise from wacko environmentalists though.
Anyone that attempts this needs to be hunted down and killed. What type of moron would think this is a sane thing to do. global warming is a hoax, it exist solely in-silica, meaning on a silicon chip inside a computer.
Scientific hubris will most likely lead to our extinction. Some would suggest it is already happening with Covid vaccines, but I believe there are bigger and better screwups on the horizon. Humanity won't be satisfied until we've technologized ourselves right out of existence.
Artificial intelligence? Yeah! Let's give it the keys to the missile silos. Gene therapy technology for every possible ailment? What could go wrong with that? Deploying some sort of aerosol into the atmosphere to block out the sunlight? Wow, we're so smart aren't we?
Obligatory "Simpsons predicted this"
Real matrix vibes
This is some Mr.Burns level shit