posted ago by popsiclep3t3 ago by popsiclep3t3 +52 / -0

I know a lot of people have had theories about the Convoy. Obviously I think that the agreed upon consensus about the Convoy is that it's a gathering of blue collar truckers who are Fed up and are using their economic muscle as well as physical presence to stand up for freedom for all Canadians.

But what if something else is truly going on behind the scenes? I'm just curious about what kind of stuff people have come up with as alternate theories to what's going on behind the scenes. Here's mine.

Ever since Justin Trudeau stepped into office in late 2015, it's been more or less in sync with everything rotten going on in the states. Justin was there for the Obama years working in a less prominent role and was in the PM office for the end of Obama and what was SUPPOSED to be 4 years of Hilary. It's just so magnificent the timing of his arrival isn't it?

With all of this said, he seems to be some part of whatever is going on with corruption in the states and globally. Part of me feels like when Hilary lost out, Justin became their centrepiece politician. He made personal contributions to Hilary with OUR tax money in Canada. When the Clinton foundation stopped operating and business was just redirected through the Trudeau campaign instead. We already know that Canada was involved in Uranium 1. The headquarters of the fraudster voting machine company is in TORONTO, what about that 4chan story where the trucker talked about delivering adrenochrome through the Yukon Territories in Canada. The list goes on and on and on and on.

So what if Canada is the Keystone? Watch CA.

What if this HALT to everything in Canada. (and it's not just Ottawa) there have been massive closures and borders closed across the country with blockades.

My theory is that what is actually being blocked here is the human trafficking routes. It might be a bit out there, but with the level of organization in these convoys, it's really got my wheels spinning, pun intended. They could be choking out the channels that have been used for human trafficking. If you think about Trudeau and what he's been involved with, specifically with Clinton and Obama, it would all make sense that he's the one facilitating all of their heinous activities. Canada is also probably a great place to choose to do it. The largest land mass, natural resources, low population, obedient citizens....

Anyways, that's my alternate theory. What's yours.