Gold's only value is in jewelry... It is used so sparsely, mainly only in plating operations for corrosion resistance. Silver actually has needed demand, is consumed and thrown in the trash because refining process from whole devices isn't profitable.
Given it comes out of the ground at a ratio near 8:1 to gold... Makes zero sense how AU sits around $2k and AG sits @ $23 spot
Gold is not valuable because of its limited utilities. Its valuable because of scarcity and because everyone agrees that it is. Same reason Bitcoin is valuable.
It wouldn't be the ONLY THING, we have to mix it up a notch....
That's why Silver is our Secondary, et most available Monetary Coin, specifically named in the Constitution......
But, there are other much more available Metals, and some that are much rarer....
Platinum ~ Rarer, Nickle ~ not so much.....
Aluminum ~ go buy a beer...
Steel ~ lean against an OLD, like 50s car.....
THIS is information that EVERYONE should know, but keeps getting blocked by Morons like the School Councils, State School Councils, National Education Councils, Foundations everywhere, etc.....
This can literally set us up with a Solid Exchange Table......
ALL Based upon Rarity, and where WE can control the Wealth We Have, by applying Science....
So how would that work, since gold is also needed for things besides currency?
There's a limited supply, and demand would far exceed supply. So how would people acquire gold, if it was the only thing we used for currency?
Ummm... Sheep don't buy gold. Sheep won't need gold. There will be plenty of gold left over when Gates/Fauci have finished the jab initiative.
Sheepdogs buy both.
Gold's only value is in jewelry... It is used so sparsely, mainly only in plating operations for corrosion resistance. Silver actually has needed demand, is consumed and thrown in the trash because refining process from whole devices isn't profitable.
Given it comes out of the ground at a ratio near 8:1 to gold... Makes zero sense how AU sits around $2k and AG sits @ $23 spot
Jewelry was made from gold so people could store their gold and move it easily by wearing it.
silver has been kept artificially low for decades.
Gold is one of the best Electrical Conductors at Low Levels of Voltage, etc.....
That, plus as an elixir, so yeah, we have at least 4 uses, and there are probably a few more.....
Sheep get jabbed FTFY.
But basically agree. :)
Gold has no uses beyond currency and jewelry. Silver has many uses.
Gold is used in many electronic applications.
Gold is not valuable because of its limited utilities. Its valuable because of scarcity and because everyone agrees that it is. Same reason Bitcoin is valuable.
It wouldn't be the ONLY THING, we have to mix it up a notch....
That's why Silver is our Secondary, et most available Monetary Coin, specifically named in the Constitution......
But, there are other much more available Metals, and some that are much rarer....
Platinum ~ Rarer, Nickle ~ not so much.....
Aluminum ~ go buy a beer...
Steel ~ lean against an OLD, like 50s car.....
THIS is information that EVERYONE should know, but keeps getting blocked by Morons like the School Councils, State School Councils, National Education Councils, Foundations everywhere, etc.....
This can literally set us up with a Solid Exchange Table......
ALL Based upon Rarity, and where WE can control the Wealth We Have, by applying Science....