Camp Victory, Baghdad; We were in DFAC (chow hall) eating & watching News and across street maybe 300 yards away Howitzers were sending targeting rounds downrange. Very loud. On the News Giraldo comes-on RIGHT OUTSIDE the DFAC underneath a concrete picnic table “Special Report- we have INCOMING ROUNDS here in Baghdad” & everyone started laughing coffee spewed everywhere. Meanwhile his Mic guy & Lighting guy are NOT under the table…like it mattered. Truth.
Well, you DID warn us.
(Vomiting). Ugh.
I shouldn’t have scrolled down, ugh
Weiner's got a radio show already or something? We got someone on that? Asking for a friend.
Seriously?! Disgusting.
Geraldo Rivera, the useful idiot messenger, back in the day (timestamp / 15 seconds)
Camp Victory, Baghdad; We were in DFAC (chow hall) eating & watching News and across street maybe 300 yards away Howitzers were sending targeting rounds downrange. Very loud. On the News Giraldo comes-on RIGHT OUTSIDE the DFAC underneath a concrete picnic table “Special Report- we have INCOMING ROUNDS here in Baghdad” & everyone started laughing coffee spewed everywhere. Meanwhile his Mic guy & Lighting guy are NOT under the table…like it mattered. Truth.
The best was when huwhite supremes broke his nose on live tv. Reeeeeeeeeeee
Cute couple.
(Now you say, "Couple of what?!")
PEDOS. Answering for a Fren.
Ok. I'll bite.
Couple of what?