It is good. I also like the pink himalayan. It's a bit coarser than your typical Morton's and consequently, quite flavorful. It's also supposed to have a lot of good minerals.
I’m actually an old bay guy. Coat your corn on the cob, or popcorn, with butter then release the delicious old bay seasoning all over. You won’t regret it.
I deport and put a custom message that the post is shit and to delete it but nothing happens. I don't know which mods are on shift either. Plus Ive never seen them remove a post that was debunked
Agreed i report shit all the time and nothing ever happens. There should be a “fake news” tag that can get applied to a post later so at least people could see it had been debunked and then adjust their thinking about it. Removal is good bout its enter maybe to brand it as debunked then leave it up so people see
I equate it as being a notable on 8kun. leave it up but allow people to call it out as debunked. Otherwise other people think it's a 'notable' because it's got so many upvotes from people who don't even research shit before auto upvoting something they like the sound of.
If I member correctly back in the day folks would downvote. It's still in the system but hidden behind a style sheet. By changing the style of the forum they were able to find that the down vote button was there, just hidden. There would be posts with like -3.
But that's just what my memory says It could have been a fever dream about voat coming back.
Do you have proof of that? Any of these fucking shills can turn off community theme and downvote all posts. It's us who are lazy and like the community theme that only includes upvotes.
I too hate having to do things with extra steps. Life is so very very hard. If a post is worthy of a downvote then it's worthy of the 30 extra seconds it takes to switch then switch back. If you TRULY cared enough to have access to the button you'd keep the styling off. All you'd be missing is the lightning bolt to the front page. A wall building upvote gif. And I guess the banner on the top of the page. I honestly don't think adding it to the styling would increase the quality of posts that rise on this platform at all. Just do your job as an anon and call out fake news and shame shitty OPs.
this site is about people awakening and doing their own research, not us spoon feeding people, correct? so this site already HAS a downvote function. now go out and find it. 5 npc's already did at this time. so this has to be a shitpost or another attempt at bringing this site down.
I second
Popcorn with real butter and salt. The best.
Real butter is key
Real salt is key, too. None of that 'I can't believe it's not salt' crapola.
I CAN believe it's not salt.
Sea salt is best
It is good. I also like the pink himalayan. It's a bit coarser than your typical Morton's and consequently, quite flavorful. It's also supposed to have a lot of good minerals.
Yep I need to order some pink himilaian
And real corn too
What type of corn is 'real'
Also i hear corn is very bad for you
When you use a corn cob to make your own popcorn.
I know that corn syrup is really bad for you, but not actual fresh corn and pop corn you make from them.
If I remember correctly it's best to consume corn with something high in omega 3 fatty acids. Like butter.
A little pepper makes popcorn taste like corn on the cob. IF you put pepper on your corn..Just saying.
Homemade ghost pepper salt.. wife chowing on a bowl of popcorn as we speak
I’m actually an old bay guy. Coat your corn on the cob, or popcorn, with butter then release the delicious old bay seasoning all over. You won’t regret it.
I'll try next time
Goes great with steamed crabs!
White cheddar or salt & vinegar are clearly superior.
I add paprika too 😋
Never tried, will try
"Bacon tastes good"
🐸his inflection is so funny there... pork chops taste good👌
This is the post that made me write this petition.
LOOK AT THE WEBSITE. Cmon man. Do some research instead of blindly upvoting. It's fucking satire.
On the front page of this shithole site:
BREAKING: Hillary Clinton Found Dead Under Suspicious Circumstances
I deport and put a custom message that the post is shit and to delete it but nothing happens. I don't know which mods are on shift either. Plus Ive never seen them remove a post that was debunked
Agreed i report shit all the time and nothing ever happens. There should be a “fake news” tag that can get applied to a post later so at least people could see it had been debunked and then adjust their thinking about it. Removal is good bout its enter maybe to brand it as debunked then leave it up so people see
I equate it as being a notable on 8kun. leave it up but allow people to call it out as debunked. Otherwise other people think it's a 'notable' because it's got so many upvotes from people who don't even research shit before auto upvoting something they like the sound of.
Only person i see sticky their own posts is catsfive kek
Thanks fren. Eatin some tendies now.
If I member correctly back in the day folks would downvote. It's still in the system but hidden behind a style sheet. By changing the style of the forum they were able to find that the down vote button was there, just hidden. There would be posts with like -3.
But that's just what my memory says It could have been a fever dream about voat coming back.
Unfiortunately the griefing by shills is going to be off the charts if we do that.
Do you have proof of that? Any of these fucking shills can turn off community theme and downvote all posts. It's us who are lazy and like the community theme that only includes upvotes.
Nope. When I first joined thats what I was told by the senior mods when this question kept coming up.
I too hate having to do things with extra steps. Life is so very very hard. If a post is worthy of a downvote then it's worthy of the 30 extra seconds it takes to switch then switch back. If you TRULY cared enough to have access to the button you'd keep the styling off. All you'd be missing is the lightning bolt to the front page. A wall building upvote gif. And I guess the banner on the top of the page. I honestly don't think adding it to the styling would increase the quality of posts that rise on this platform at all. Just do your job as an anon and call out fake news and shame shitty OPs.
It's not just about me, I want others to have the ease of access to downvote garbage.
I keep the styling off & don't think I'm missing much🐸
feels good man
this site is about people awakening and doing their own research, not us spoon feeding people, correct? so this site already HAS a downvote function. now go out and find it. 5 npc's already did at this time. so this has to be a shitpost or another attempt at bringing this site down.
Oh yeah, we should not make downvoting easier /s
Seriously, that's what youtube did because their propaganda content was getting too many downvotes. They removed the DOWNVOTE BUTTON.
Thats not what happened on his linked post though - it got a lot of upvotes, and people in the comments were not disputing it (except a few)
Make downvoting harder! - You.
yeah we wouldn't want accurate votes!
No dude the downvote is important
i gave you a downvote. its a secret how i did it.
is this a shitpost?