'Member when Adam Schiff made up a script between my President and Zelensky in the basement of the House during Sham Impeachment #1 (or was it #2?). Anyway, meanwhile, Trump got approval from Zelensky to release the actual call transcript and so Trump declassified it.
In the pdf of the "perfect" congratulatory call, there is this mention of a Crowdstrike server in Ukraine. I think it is on page 3 of the pdf.
This telephone call declassification was an interesting twist to the impeachment stuff to me because MSM and Schiff and company didn't think us regular Americans read transcripts, and so he went ahead and represented his own version of it on CSpan coverage of an actual House hearing. Many of us were screaming at our TV at the time, "That's not what he said!" because we had read the actual transcript . There was a hullabaloo about it.
Schiff will be addressed as Queen Bitch for all time for trying to slip that one in there. In merely resorting to something so stupid as a hail mary, it lets you now just how fucked he is.
If MSM calls Russia bad and Ukraine good, then we know the opposite is true
The programmers for Amazon's Ring are also in Ukraine.
Think about the implications of that.
I refuse to get one. My neighbor directly across the street from me has one.
SauceFag Here.
'Member when Adam Schiff made up a script between my President and Zelensky in the basement of the House during Sham Impeachment #1 (or was it #2?). Anyway, meanwhile, Trump got approval from Zelensky to release the actual call transcript and so Trump declassified it.
In the pdf of the "perfect" congratulatory call, there is this mention of a Crowdstrike server in Ukraine. I think it is on page 3 of the pdf.
This telephone call declassification was an interesting twist to the impeachment stuff to me because MSM and Schiff and company didn't think us regular Americans read transcripts, and so he went ahead and represented his own version of it on CSpan coverage of an actual House hearing. Many of us were screaming at our TV at the time, "That's not what he said!" because we had read the actual transcript . There was a hullabaloo about it.
So much has happened in the past few years that I've lost track of a lot of it. Good memory, friend!
Isn't that the bit he tried to pass off as a "joke"?
You sure?
Well, perhaps parody then.
Seemed to me at the time to be motivated to deceive us. One might sincerely ask why he would choose to do parody at that time.
That's why joke was in quotation marks.
Yeah, apologies. My "nope' response was wrong.
Q20191776 - I have combed through your posts.
high effort. o7
DM me if you would like to hive on a private anon comm
Schiff will be addressed as Queen Bitch for all time for trying to slip that one in there. In merely resorting to something so stupid as a hail mary, it lets you now just how fucked he is.
Juicy morsel to put in the 24hr hour bin.
I suppose it's Ukraine without "the" in front. ;)
No always needs the.