I’m familiar 😁 My ptsd from 5 wars/conflicts almost rekked me. Psilocybn removed the ptsd completely. Microdosing realigns your subconscious see James Fadiman protocol 👍🏽 He’s the man;
I planned to trip with a friend at a movie theater many decades ago. I’d taken mushrooms many times before, but my usual MO was to pick fresh shrooms and make tea, which we couldn’t do in a theater for obvious reasons. So on this occasion he brought a baggy of dried shrooms and neglected to tell me that he hadn’t had any yet AND that there were several servings in the bag. I exited the restroom with an empty bag and he was like where’s the rest of the shrooms? His eyes grew huge when he realized I’d eaten the whole bag 😂 I have no idea how many grams I ate that night, but that trip took me to a place I’ll never be able to describe with mere words. Life changing INDEED. 🍄❤️🥰
I think it is. Jesus made the ultimate sacrifice for everyone to forgive their sins. I think we are supposed to also do that. Obviously not die for real, unless you have to, but sacrifice something for others that will make their lives better. If everyone did that the world would be a better place. That's why jesus is the lamb of God, he was sacrificed for us. I dono I'm still trying to figure things out. Theres a book called the sacred mushroom and the cross that ties christianity to magic mushrooms. After my experience I beleive it.
All in all I think it lasted about 8 hours. I wanted to have a heavy trip so I ate like a quarter but after a couple hours i wasnt where i wanted to be so i just scarfed a bunch more not even thinking and ended up eating about 15gs. Shit started speeding up after that lol. Crazy body high and visuals but then started thinking someone I knew was gonna die. I spent what seemed like hours trying to figure out who was going to die, then I realised it was me. That freaked me out cause I didnt want to die obviously, so I was frantically trying to figure out how not to die but then I realised I had to. Not only did I have to die I also had to suffer, for everyone else to live in peace and happiness. So after realizing that, I basically tore my clothes off and buckled to the floor expecting to die and burn in hell...but the trip ended as soon as i hit the floor, like, lesson over. So after years of trying to figure out what happened I think the trip was telling me the meaning of life is ultimate sacrifice for others.
I used to follow LoS back when Mark Vann played banjo. THOSE…were the golden years. He was amazing & I met him & Drew Emmitt once in Cardboro NC. Drew signed my F5 mandolin. 👍🏽 I’m familiar with Great American Taxi but haven’t seen em. Might go to DelFest and/or Peach Festival but I’m getting a bit old for all that. I’m tight with Umphrey’s McGee used to go camping with those guys; before they made it big. 😎
As a fellow phanner (sorry, sorry) I always notice your handle. Would be hilarious if you were on the Phantasy Tour message boards? I’m in self-exile, as it has become a woke lib hellhole from hell, but there’s a few of “us” in there doing daily battle.
Phishhed I didn't know you were a deadhead? Doesn't that make you like 60 or so?
I ran into a whole hotel plaza full of deadheads when I went to Florida for Ultra Music Festival in like 2014. Your people were tripping on acid from dusk til dawn like it was just another day.
From what I observed, alot of the traditional deadhead culture passed onto the younger generations and infiltrated the Electronic Music Festival scene en masse. We call your offspring the bass heads haha. Best needlepoint LSD came from a deadhead hippie chemist who was secretive as fuck and wouldn't even deal with me in person.
Makes sense when you're manufacturing tens of thousands of hits of LSD lol.
Yeah, I’m 60 now. Survived a LOT. The Dead started or were the center of the original scene but Phish & the jamband scene…it’s different. The love is missing. All that was a big part of my world when I was young but I pulled outta it & had a long marriage & career, 3 kids etc. We can slam here all day about dirty hippies etc but it was fun when I was 16-19 or so. Grew up in New England so pretty much covered those tours late 70’s, early 80’s 👍🏽 “The music never stopped” 😎 💕. Edit; try being a Conservative even then & dealing with those liberals? It was all about the music (& party) for me
Man I'd love to just sit and listen to someone like you talk about all the stories you must've accumulated.
But yeah hippie at heart here myself. I used to think it only made sense to be a liberal. I was the go-to-guy in college for psychedelics and designer drugs (I was very careful in how I dosed people with Molly. Even had two chicks furious with me for not giving them more. Only for them to come find me 4 hours later crying and thanking me for not giving in to their pressure because their comeup was so intense).
Festival culture was a completely different type of euphoria. But I was almost ALWAYS the person responsible for making sure everyone who took drugs survived.
One of the few times I wasn't, one of my best friends and fraternity brothers (who had ever a stronger tolerance than I did) made it about 30 minutes into first set of a 3 day festival about 20 of us went to in two groups in South Padre Island.
He mistaking took 3 tabs of lsd not knowing they were double doses. And combined it with an ecstasy roll, and ended up blacking out and falling into a seizure in the middle of the crowd.
Ended up getting cared for by the paramedics as they monitored his heart rate and administered fluids as he slowly came back to homeostasis.
The craziest part of that event (besides one of us hardened ravers being shown we're not immortal), is that earlier that afternoon our two groups came together for a daytime kegger at one of the townhouses one of us luckily had access to by their negligent rich parents lol.
A handful of us decided to dose on the blotter of acid my friend procured for festival.
Maybe like 6 or 7 of us bought a tab from my friend just to sample it out together. I was the one who agreed to trade him two ecstasy rolls for two tabs, since he wasn't able to find any in time for the festival later that night.
After about 3 to 4 hours of me watching everyone else clearly begin to trip and thus verify the tabs were as potent as described, I annoyingly felt compelled to approach my friend and express my disappointment that despite taking both tabs and waiting patiently, I wasn't feeling a thing and so he reasonably agreed to return one of the ecstasy rolls I traded him.
And so later that night when he ended up falling into a seizure from overdosing and had to receive attention from the paramedics there, you can just imagine how emotionally charged I was from hearing the news while I myself was plateauing on the tab of ecstasy I took and already had my emotions amplified to the max.
All I kept thinking about was how it must've been divine intervention that the TWO tabs of DOUBLE DOSED lsd (that just sent my friend into a seizure) that I took earlier that afternoon somehow had zero effect on me, which ended up being the only reason my friend took 1 less ecstasy tab than he had planned that night.
I was bewildered, emotional sad yet astounded at how statistically unlikely the entire day's chain of events had occur so perfectly so to have avoided what would've been a devastating fatal disaster.
I remember how unnaturally certain I was that my friend was going to be okay when i initislly was told he was being treated at the medical tent.
Ironically i was the only one not thinking the worst before we actually knew he was recovering wonderfully. A part of me immediately knew that this was a divine intervention and the reason the 2 tabs (4 doses) of potent lsd I took earlier that day didn't end up working, was because my friend was not meant to die that night.
That event even further solidified my belief system that I had to always do my best to make sure my friends didn't get caught up in the fun of partying and accidentally kill themselves with drugs, especially if I was in a position to mediate what they took and how much.
I went on kind of a tangent there but something about the topic of how festivals were in the earlier decades always makes me reflect on how many accidental deaths must have occurred from simple naive hippies just looking to have fun.
Experiences like the one I described are why mushrooms are the only drug ill ever push onto people since their physical safety is pretty much guaranteed.
Third Anniversary Bonnaroo…was VIP & sitting in side-stands & moe. had just started playing. 2 girls were dancing about 40 feet from me on the grass & one went into seizure. I was mesmerized watching them & then it went bad. I launched over the railing & sprinted over but they were already surrounded so I couldn’t get to them. The one girl died…ecstacy body/brain temp soared. Lack of water. Tragic. I was in a frat in college until they shut us down and like you I was the trip-master. Have seen people not come back from acid. As with all street drugs your always rolling the dice no matter what. As you stated, stick with nature & live to tell the tale. God kept us around for a reason…and that’s become so evident as fact. To continue “guiding” others? I survived 5 wars, Hep-C, 12 surgeries & cancer. “He’s GOTTA have a reason to keep me kickin” was my mantra for a long time. Then I began to pray on it. And pray & pray. Then one depressing night as I was SURE the cancer had ended my road I kept praying. The room began to shine & glow…I FELT pure love. (I was completely sober). In my head I “KNEW”…like a voice but not “heard”; “I’m-not-through-with-you”. I can’t describe in words the pureness of the complete feeling of LOVE I experienced. The light & glow faded and I was blown-away further than any mushy induced out of body experience…drugs can NOT compare. I’ve been REBORN was all I could think. It wasn’t my goal…but my constant praying WAS LITERALLY ANSWERED. I’m careful not to slip now…I mean the old me was Type-A Mr Extreme no matter what I did. Now I feel like an aging goat ready to lead the pack if called-upon. Sorta. I smell better than a goat 😂. Edit; God definitely intervened in your experience with your Brother-friend 👍🏽💕😎
Oh Phish fans for sure come from all ages. I was 16 when I was first introduced to it. At the time I didn't understand how this obnoxious noise was so revered. But when I took mushrooms for the first time and I finally understood.
Ex-Deadhead (& by my name I didn’t quit there)…mushys for the win. Several obe’s…silver thread, outer space man o man.
I’m familiar 😁 My ptsd from 5 wars/conflicts almost rekked me. Psilocybn removed the ptsd completely. Microdosing realigns your subconscious see James Fadiman protocol 👍🏽 He’s the man;
Take a road trip to Ann Arbor Michigan or Denver. Or Seattle/Portland. My daughter’s in Ann Arbor & she says they’re just about Decrim there.
I ate 15gs of mushrooms one time by myself and had crazy ego death. Pretty sure I found the meaning of life during that trip. Super intense
I planned to trip with a friend at a movie theater many decades ago. I’d taken mushrooms many times before, but my usual MO was to pick fresh shrooms and make tea, which we couldn’t do in a theater for obvious reasons. So on this occasion he brought a baggy of dried shrooms and neglected to tell me that he hadn’t had any yet AND that there were several servings in the bag. I exited the restroom with an empty bag and he was like where’s the rest of the shrooms? His eyes grew huge when he realized I’d eaten the whole bag 😂 I have no idea how many grams I ate that night, but that trip took me to a place I’ll never be able to describe with mere words. Life changing INDEED. 🍄❤️🥰
That's amazing. Theres a reason they're called magic.
And here I thought the purpose of life was to love & serve the Lord!
I think it is. Jesus made the ultimate sacrifice for everyone to forgive their sins. I think we are supposed to also do that. Obviously not die for real, unless you have to, but sacrifice something for others that will make their lives better. If everyone did that the world would be a better place. That's why jesus is the lamb of God, he was sacrificed for us. I dono I'm still trying to figure things out. Theres a book called the sacred mushroom and the cross that ties christianity to magic mushrooms. After my experience I beleive it.
All in all I think it lasted about 8 hours. I wanted to have a heavy trip so I ate like a quarter but after a couple hours i wasnt where i wanted to be so i just scarfed a bunch more not even thinking and ended up eating about 15gs. Shit started speeding up after that lol. Crazy body high and visuals but then started thinking someone I knew was gonna die. I spent what seemed like hours trying to figure out who was going to die, then I realised it was me. That freaked me out cause I didnt want to die obviously, so I was frantically trying to figure out how not to die but then I realised I had to. Not only did I have to die I also had to suffer, for everyone else to live in peace and happiness. So after realizing that, I basically tore my clothes off and buckled to the floor expecting to die and burn in hell...but the trip ended as soon as i hit the floor, like, lesson over. So after years of trying to figure out what happened I think the trip was telling me the meaning of life is ultimate sacrifice for others.
If you like those bands - try these two:
I used to follow LoS back when Mark Vann played banjo. THOSE…were the golden years. He was amazing & I met him & Drew Emmitt once in Cardboro NC. Drew signed my F5 mandolin. 👍🏽 I’m familiar with Great American Taxi but haven’t seen em. Might go to DelFest and/or Peach Festival but I’m getting a bit old for all that. I’m tight with Umphrey’s McGee used to go camping with those guys; before they made it big. 😎
As a fellow phanner (sorry, sorry) I always notice your handle. Would be hilarious if you were on the Phantasy Tour message boards? I’m in self-exile, as it has become a woke lib hellhole from hell, but there’s a few of “us” in there doing daily battle.
No, afraid not. Although my music tastes are “liberal”, I’ve been Conservative my whole life and can’t deal with liberals. Like, anywhere.
Oh yes - Umphrey’s ... I’m betting we would have been at some of the festivals together it I was a little bit older and you were a little bit younger.
Glad to have met a fellow festivaler (is that a word?)
Age really means nothing. I can have fun with ANYBODY.
Phishhed I didn't know you were a deadhead? Doesn't that make you like 60 or so?
I ran into a whole hotel plaza full of deadheads when I went to Florida for Ultra Music Festival in like 2014. Your people were tripping on acid from dusk til dawn like it was just another day.
From what I observed, alot of the traditional deadhead culture passed onto the younger generations and infiltrated the Electronic Music Festival scene en masse. We call your offspring the bass heads haha. Best needlepoint LSD came from a deadhead hippie chemist who was secretive as fuck and wouldn't even deal with me in person.
Makes sense when you're manufacturing tens of thousands of hits of LSD lol.
Yeah, I’m 60 now. Survived a LOT. The Dead started or were the center of the original scene but Phish & the jamband scene…it’s different. The love is missing. All that was a big part of my world when I was young but I pulled outta it & had a long marriage & career, 3 kids etc. We can slam here all day about dirty hippies etc but it was fun when I was 16-19 or so. Grew up in New England so pretty much covered those tours late 70’s, early 80’s 👍🏽 “The music never stopped” 😎 💕. Edit; try being a Conservative even then & dealing with those liberals? It was all about the music (& party) for me
Man I'd love to just sit and listen to someone like you talk about all the stories you must've accumulated.
But yeah hippie at heart here myself. I used to think it only made sense to be a liberal. I was the go-to-guy in college for psychedelics and designer drugs (I was very careful in how I dosed people with Molly. Even had two chicks furious with me for not giving them more. Only for them to come find me 4 hours later crying and thanking me for not giving in to their pressure because their comeup was so intense).
Festival culture was a completely different type of euphoria. But I was almost ALWAYS the person responsible for making sure everyone who took drugs survived.
One of the few times I wasn't, one of my best friends and fraternity brothers (who had ever a stronger tolerance than I did) made it about 30 minutes into first set of a 3 day festival about 20 of us went to in two groups in South Padre Island.
He mistaking took 3 tabs of lsd not knowing they were double doses. And combined it with an ecstasy roll, and ended up blacking out and falling into a seizure in the middle of the crowd.
Ended up getting cared for by the paramedics as they monitored his heart rate and administered fluids as he slowly came back to homeostasis.
The craziest part of that event (besides one of us hardened ravers being shown we're not immortal), is that earlier that afternoon our two groups came together for a daytime kegger at one of the townhouses one of us luckily had access to by their negligent rich parents lol.
A handful of us decided to dose on the blotter of acid my friend procured for festival.
Maybe like 6 or 7 of us bought a tab from my friend just to sample it out together. I was the one who agreed to trade him two ecstasy rolls for two tabs, since he wasn't able to find any in time for the festival later that night.
After about 3 to 4 hours of me watching everyone else clearly begin to trip and thus verify the tabs were as potent as described, I annoyingly felt compelled to approach my friend and express my disappointment that despite taking both tabs and waiting patiently, I wasn't feeling a thing and so he reasonably agreed to return one of the ecstasy rolls I traded him.
And so later that night when he ended up falling into a seizure from overdosing and had to receive attention from the paramedics there, you can just imagine how emotionally charged I was from hearing the news while I myself was plateauing on the tab of ecstasy I took and already had my emotions amplified to the max.
All I kept thinking about was how it must've been divine intervention that the TWO tabs of DOUBLE DOSED lsd (that just sent my friend into a seizure) that I took earlier that afternoon somehow had zero effect on me, which ended up being the only reason my friend took 1 less ecstasy tab than he had planned that night.
I was bewildered, emotional sad yet astounded at how statistically unlikely the entire day's chain of events had occur so perfectly so to have avoided what would've been a devastating fatal disaster.
I remember how unnaturally certain I was that my friend was going to be okay when i initislly was told he was being treated at the medical tent.
Ironically i was the only one not thinking the worst before we actually knew he was recovering wonderfully. A part of me immediately knew that this was a divine intervention and the reason the 2 tabs (4 doses) of potent lsd I took earlier that day didn't end up working, was because my friend was not meant to die that night.
That event even further solidified my belief system that I had to always do my best to make sure my friends didn't get caught up in the fun of partying and accidentally kill themselves with drugs, especially if I was in a position to mediate what they took and how much.
I went on kind of a tangent there but something about the topic of how festivals were in the earlier decades always makes me reflect on how many accidental deaths must have occurred from simple naive hippies just looking to have fun.
Experiences like the one I described are why mushrooms are the only drug ill ever push onto people since their physical safety is pretty much guaranteed.
Third Anniversary Bonnaroo…was VIP & sitting in side-stands & moe. had just started playing. 2 girls were dancing about 40 feet from me on the grass & one went into seizure. I was mesmerized watching them & then it went bad. I launched over the railing & sprinted over but they were already surrounded so I couldn’t get to them. The one girl died…ecstacy body/brain temp soared. Lack of water. Tragic. I was in a frat in college until they shut us down and like you I was the trip-master. Have seen people not come back from acid. As with all street drugs your always rolling the dice no matter what. As you stated, stick with nature & live to tell the tale. God kept us around for a reason…and that’s become so evident as fact. To continue “guiding” others? I survived 5 wars, Hep-C, 12 surgeries & cancer. “He’s GOTTA have a reason to keep me kickin” was my mantra for a long time. Then I began to pray on it. And pray & pray. Then one depressing night as I was SURE the cancer had ended my road I kept praying. The room began to shine & glow…I FELT pure love. (I was completely sober). In my head I “KNEW”…like a voice but not “heard”; “I’m-not-through-with-you”. I can’t describe in words the pureness of the complete feeling of LOVE I experienced. The light & glow faded and I was blown-away further than any mushy induced out of body experience…drugs can NOT compare. I’ve been REBORN was all I could think. It wasn’t my goal…but my constant praying WAS LITERALLY ANSWERED. I’m careful not to slip now…I mean the old me was Type-A Mr Extreme no matter what I did. Now I feel like an aging goat ready to lead the pack if called-upon. Sorta. I smell better than a goat 😂. Edit; God definitely intervened in your experience with your Brother-friend 👍🏽💕😎
I'm in my 40s and I knew plenty of Phish fans my age and younger.
Oh Phish fans for sure come from all ages. I was 16 when I was first introduced to it. At the time I didn't understand how this obnoxious noise was so revered. But when I took mushrooms for the first time and I finally understood.