This IG account has a ton of footage that shows Russia's attaching civilians.
Here's an example of a tank running over a car:
Anybody know if this is real footage from this conflict? I'm not really sure how to tell, but it would certainly call into question the "Putin = Good" narrative.
- I don't know how to fix the title. My bad, I lost to autocorrect.
- I'm trying to red pill friends. This felt fishy to me, as much of this footage does, but wanted some hard evidence.
- Looks like Salty tackled this clip briefly. Apparently PJW as well.
- I understand the initial run over looks like a mistake...but he then backs over the car a second time, so that seems pretty intentional to me.
Ignore the downvotes, it’s a valid question.
From what I’ve seen, civilians have not been targeted at all... it would be extremely foolish to do so. He needs the people to be on his side. Civilian casualties are, however, an unfortunate reality of war.
Putting aside the Putin “white hat” theories... Ukraine defaulted on loans, refused to pay anything they owed Russia, stole from Russia’s pipeline (as well as land cargo), cried to anti-Russian international groups to get them hit with sanctions, and threatened to bring an avowed enemy of Russia to their border. For these reasons alone, Russia absolutely had the right to get involved and eliminate the threat.
Now take into account the massive corruption and US operations in Ukraine, the Soros infiltration of the government, and their constant shelling of civilians in areas like Donbas... it’s crazy that it took Putin this long, tbh.
War is not a good thing. Ever. But it is a necessary thing, sometimes.
Pray for the people, and for the leaders involved to always do the right thing.
It is not a Russian tank. There was an article posted here yesterday pointing out how all the Russian tanks and vehicles being used in Ukraine have a Z painted on them. The reasoning was this helps the Russians differentiate from Ukrainian military vehicles which are very similar.
The tank was almost certainly Ukrainian. Lost control
Seems probable. The russian tanks all have white Z's painted on the sides.
I agree, it was not gripping the road at all. But hey, let me keep driving towards it...
Much of the video coming "from" Ukraine is fake - either from some other conflict or even from video games.
This particular video, from what I understand, is of a Ukrainian military vehicle and a civilian vehicle.
I think it's real, but I wouldn't call it an attack. Also, the person in the car survived. Here's some footage of them trying to get the person out of the car.
I don't know. It looked kind of like the tank was sliding because of dirt on the road and might have lost control. But maybe it was malicious, I don't know. Either way, glad they survived.
Do you mean attacking?
A lot of people post from phones with autocorrect. It should be inferred from context of the title, not to mention the content of the post.
My question is who is the guy and why would they target a random vehicle unless it was a target?
File under "shit happens" and stay off the road if there is an armed conflict near you. If they were "attacking civilians" that guy would be dead
Ever since this whole thing started there have been people downvoting anything that questions the Putin white hat narrative in any way.