I saw that story a few days ago about Putin sending 1,000's of Chechens in as an occupation force. I just find it hard to believe he would allow the slaughter of 1,000's of Chtistian Ukranians. Haven't heard anything but that one story, so who knows if it's true.
Looks like a photo shoot.
Not a one has ear or eye protection.
They didn't fire a single round that day, as demonstrated by the lack of magazines.
7.62 is loud. There is no reason to cause ear damage for basic training.
At least a good amount of them have trigger discipline.
Pretty weak grips for holding onto a full auto.
I feel like they could defeat any enemy if they just have a 5 min 80's music montage.
Staged for the gullible
It only makes sense if you want a bunch of pictures and videos of dead and dying young idiots.
I saw that story a few days ago about Putin sending 1,000's of Chechens in as an occupation force. I just find it hard to believe he would allow the slaughter of 1,000's of Chtistian Ukranians. Haven't heard anything but that one story, so who knows if it's true.
Feb 19th?
6th row pic on right: