Fellow Patriots,
I'm being advised actions have created accelerated counter-actions.
We have not yet ascertained the scope of the attack.
Watch the news outlets.
POTUS' Twitter take down was not by accident (as referenced several hours ago).
Should the LIGHTS go out please know we are in control.
Do not panic.
We are prepared and assets are in place.
God bless - I must go for good at this point.
This is fine for the stupidest story I’ve read all day. So you’re telling me the White House, or the president of the United States of America, can’t get power. They’re having power outages? So if that happens how does the president get down do you safe space when a war starts? How do they make anything work there? And if they do you have power that goes out, don’t they have generators that are built into that building to make everything work. A lot of people who are rich have those built-in generators that runoff of propane, etc.… This is the stupidest story ever. It’s definitely got to be Comms OR - Biden truly does not live there, he is not president, and the white hats are screwing around with them by turning off the power intermittently. Top KEK if true! I wish the power would go out during the SOTU!
'Pebble Beach' refers to the outdoor White House location from where news crews do their stand-up shots. The pebbles were a temporary fix to the area muddied by the television equipment over many years. The area was permanently fixed during a GW Bush vacation including the addition of power outlets.
So, I think pebble beach residents would refer to the driveway media at the White House.
This sounds like fuckery. They are probably setting up for the big ff at the state of the union. Probably blame the truckers, Trump supporters or Russia.
Well the truckers aren’t there yet, the capital surrounded by fences, and the national guard is there… What are they preparing for? But nobody else is there for them to blame.
Fellow Patriots, I'm being advised actions have created accelerated counter-actions. We have not yet ascertained the scope of the attack. Watch the news outlets. POTUS' Twitter take down was not by accident (as referenced several hours ago). Should the LIGHTS go out please know we are in control. Do not panic. We are prepared and assets are in place. God bless - I must go for good at this point. Q
I have always wondered where this drop would come into play. Maybe……. ?
Hmmm. Will they have a lighting problem tonight for the SOTU?
This is fine for the stupidest story I’ve read all day. So you’re telling me the White House, or the president of the United States of America, can’t get power. They’re having power outages? So if that happens how does the president get down do you safe space when a war starts? How do they make anything work there? And if they do you have power that goes out, don’t they have generators that are built into that building to make everything work. A lot of people who are rich have those built-in generators that runoff of propane, etc.… This is the stupidest story ever. It’s definitely got to be Comms OR - Biden truly does not live there, he is not president, and the white hats are screwing around with them by turning off the power intermittently. Top KEK if true! I wish the power would go out during the SOTU!
That's how we know this is COMMs.
The President lives at Mar A Lago now. WH is mothballed.
Yep! That’s why Joe Biden hast to go back to Delaware every weekend. Because he has nowhere to live in Washington DC
Claim it's for the ROC, you know, the Reporters of Color. We couldn't penalize them, could we?
But muh global warming
Who are "Pebble Beach Residents" ?
Might be comms? A lot of mega wealthy Silicon Valley power players have 2nd homes/mansions in Carmel CA, (aka Pebble Beach).
'Pebble Beach' refers to the outdoor White House location from where news crews do their stand-up shots. The pebbles were a temporary fix to the area muddied by the television equipment over many years. The area was permanently fixed during a GW Bush vacation including the addition of power outlets.
So, I think pebble beach residents would refer to the driveway media at the White House.
They will probably blame microwaves next.
This sounds like fuckery. They are probably setting up for the big ff at the state of the union. Probably blame the truckers, Trump supporters or Russia.
Well the truckers aren’t there yet, the capital surrounded by fences, and the national guard is there… What are they preparing for? But nobody else is there for them to blame.