I think this quote resonates now more than ever and I believe people on here have figured it out: that the good guys have already won in this Ukraine situation. There's a reason why Trump made deals with leaders from other countries (some relatively against their will) over his 4 years. Just as Ukraine is being invaded by Russia, it's as though no one really wants to get involved as Ukraine (Kharsians, Azovs, etc..) find themselves drowning on a rapidly sinking ship with no support.
I don't believe Starlink is really being deployed for Ukraine and is most likely being used as a 'cover story'. I believe Starlink may be utilized by Russia, China and US mil to communicate during these operations as there have already been moves to "disconnect" Russia from the via telecommunication companies. According to @nexta_tv on twitter, "Russia began active preparations for disconnection from the global internet". And at this point, they won't need the traditional internet, if they have Starlink. The obvious irony here is, if DS cuts Russia off from the global internet (or Russia chooses to disconnect) the DS will have absolutely ZERO CLUE of any details regarding the White Hat operations. DS will literally be in the DARK.
However, if Ukraine is actually utilizing Starlink then I'd imagine the US mil intelligence is involved in capturing the network traffic/activity since it's being used to assist foreign countries under wartime activity. I also couldn't imagine a private US company (such as SpaceX) wouldn't be given that type of extreme latitude if it wasn't 'signed off' in the first place. What if Starlink was considered a 'Public Utility'?
Q post #3620, 3619, 2793:
"Should this occur, immediate steps will be taken to classify each as 'Public Utility' (essential public services) to gain appropriate gov regulation (control)."
The fact that Ukraine isn't an official member of NATO yet is also great timing. And when Zelensky asked for NATO support, the member nations just kind of sat there as if Ukraine expected NATO to jump to their rescue.
MSM is also running obvious propaganda campaign and are forced to use previously recorded footage due to Russia's amendment to the criminal code of imprisoning members of news organizations who promote fake news. This has restricted MSM's ability to propagandize the population effectively as they now rely on various and potentially unreliable 'sources'.
'Look Here, Not There":
As the news cycle is clogged with Ukraine... everyone is ignoring the escalation between China and Tawain. Tawain is effectively what Ukraine is to Russia. They also have US biolabs there.
With everything considered, the timing and the prep of this is pretty great and this obviously could not of happened under Trump.
Lastly, TruthSocial seems like it will play a very important part of disseminating information moving forward.
They are part of Russia..that's why NATO can't ntervene..Ukraine has no borders and is part of the Soviet Union as was. They certainly couldn't get money . Russia is policing its own country..:-)
Need sauce. Everywhere I looked, Ukraine is a sovereign nation.
And it's unclear what "part of the Soviet Union as was" even means
I have just given links out..Putin said in a speech that Ukraine had no registered borders...this was checked and found to be accurate. Believe me given a smidgeon of a chance NATO meaning the cabal would be attacking Russia. But it has no grounds to
Also Europerenaissance.com goes into it all. Because there are no borders registered with UN. Verified then by default it is Russia's as part of the Soviet empire as was.
OK will check thanks
Sauce: https://ukrainetrek.com/about-ukraine-history/soviet-union-period I didn't want to use wikipedia. This was the 2nd result when I searched "Ukraine part of USSR".
Yeah. You're right.
The Soviet Union was a FORCED union (at the point of a gun) - like the US has been since the War of Northern Aggression.
The Soviet Union broke up and the satellite countries were allowed to secede. Unlike in the US were Lincoln invaded the sovereign South and forced the Confederate States back into a non-voluntary union. Pretty much exactly when a physically abusive husband goes and kidnaps his battered wife after she left him, and tells everyone that they still have a good strong marriage.
I think most countries are pretty much like that actually.
How many countries has England invaded and conquered..wasn't it around 500? It still is a total conquer mentality...brittannia rules the waves...that needs to go....
That’s an interesting take. Can you share where you got this information?
Read euroerenaissance.com/2022/02/28/ukraine-doesnot-have-borders
Good article
I read it on internet..more than one website. If I remember where I will get back to you. Could be Ben fulford....
Putin himself said it in a speech...reported by various outlets. Wasn't Ben fulford just checked. .
UK column.org