Same with the New Orleans mayor Cantrell. She’s pushing it onto the kids. They had to be fully faxed or sign a dissent letter. Of course, not the private schools, only the New Orleans public schools. Guess the typical demographic
So then when the courts or Congress declare the requirement is no longer to be enforced, there is no way for anyone taking the vaccine to undo that action. I smell a (well deserved) massive class action suit.
They are paid to push it. Beetlejuice is prob also being blackmailed. As dirty as they come. Her demise will be fun to watch.
Same with the New Orleans mayor Cantrell. She’s pushing it onto the kids. They had to be fully faxed or sign a dissent letter. Of course, not the private schools, only the New Orleans public schools. Guess the typical demographic
They have to hate those who didn't go along for the rest of their lives. It's beautiful
It's their addiction to power and control.
Money and control
Tell her to get knotted. What happens when police refuse? Will they get fired? Lose pay now? LOL. I'd pay to not have that shot.
Also she's a retard.
Also, she is evil.
use waybackmachine, friend. we do not want to pay with our data for something that is quite obvious.
criminals will simply deny. look up denial on wiki. you' ll be amazed, and indeed it is not a river in Egypt. Dissociation.
Since the jab so clearly stops transmission, it makes sense.
Because his/her DICK is bigger than yours.
I mean it this time!!
Sounds like she wants EMS to all leave and have Chicago become a full-scale warzone.
Why DEFUND the police when you can DELIFE them instead? - Beetlejuice.
All the police should walkout until this idiot backs down or the city is burned down!
Wait. I thought this horse shit was over... they're still making people get it? Hashtag BiteMe
So then when the courts or Congress declare the requirement is no longer to be enforced, there is no way for anyone taking the vaccine to undo that action. I smell a (well deserved) massive class action suit.