posted ago by inutterable ago by inutterable +44 / -0

Connecting the dots between a few posts, and noted this in https://qalerts.app/?n=946


Carefully regard the post for patterns. Spellings matter. Misspellings matter. The number of Os. 4, 2, 8. These correspond to the letters D, B, H.

DBH is a very important little enzyme in the human body, Dopamine beta Hydroxylase. https://www.greatplainslaboratory.com/gpl-blog-source/dopamine-beta-hydroxylase-enzyme

This little enzyme trail takes Dopamine down a cute little path towards keeping your energy levels high and your entire body balanced right. But, while it's on the way, there's another little enzyme that it runs into called Norepinephrine. https://www.verywellhealth.com/norepinephrine-what-does-or-doesnt-it-do-for-you-3967568

Here we go. Clicking some puzzle pieces together, DBH takes Dopamine and turns it into Norepinephrine. Why is this important? Well, what produces Dopamine? Drugs, Social Media, Food, Purchases, and anything else you enjoy. It's how you think, and thinking makes it work.

Now Norepinephrine, why is this important? Because it's triggered by stress. It's the step between thinking and acting, or between your Dopamine and your Adrenaline. But, Norepinephrine also makes you retain information insanely well.

So, if some smart guys launched a Social Media platform, got the News and Media to look at one place at the same time, got everyone in the world all Dopamine'd up about something, then scared the hell out of them while dropping the red pill to end all red pills...

Well, they sure won't be forgetting that, will they?

Oh, and, 4 year delta on that post. Buckle up, broncos.