I don’t golf anymore. Tried to learn it, took lessons and bought all the equipment etc. but family priorities eliminated any leisure time, so I gave it up and gave away all the sticks and bag and boots. I even gave away my John Daly loudmouth pants! Still wear the cap n jacket though.
Do you play backgammon? Chess? Cards?
I’m interested in cultivating social contacts but I’d be a drag on a foursome on the fairway.
Before the 2020 election there were Trump rallies with flags every weekend on main thorough fares there. Unfortunately, the city went blue in the last election for the first time in years. Sadly, there are too many Dems moving here from blue NE states and voting the same way they did.
I didn't do it but I spotted it myself about a month ago at Port City Java on 17th St. Has more on each side of the vehicle, Certainly makes a statement!
The only time I was actually kicked out of a place for refusing a mask during the pandemic, was some restaurant in Wilmington last Winter. And my wife was refused counter service at a McDonalds and told she had to order at the kiosk if she didn't have a mask.
I love Wilmington, we were looking at houses (got outbid every time) but damn...
Try Genki Sushi. Even in early ‘21 they posted a sign saying “We Are Not the Mask Police” if this bothers you call your order in to go. Place was packed. Hope I don’t get them in trouble mentioning them.
Look in Hampstead, it's less crowded and more
conservative, plus it's only 15 minutes outside Wilmington. Just moved into a brand new house here in Hampstead and my kids love the school.
Fauci and Gates both need the injection that cures all diseases, the lethal injection.
Yep. At 3260fps...
That’s a pretty fast bullet!
9mm Intercranial Injection?
I live in Wilmington NC. Nice.to see I'm not the only one here that can research and think for themselves! I love it!
New Bern!
Me too.
Just moved to Hampstead from NY, need golf frens...
I don’t golf anymore. Tried to learn it, took lessons and bought all the equipment etc. but family priorities eliminated any leisure time, so I gave it up and gave away all the sticks and bag and boots. I even gave away my John Daly loudmouth pants! Still wear the cap n jacket though.
Do you play backgammon? Chess? Cards? I’m interested in cultivating social contacts but I’d be a drag on a foursome on the fairway.
Sweet, I was stationed Coast Guard Marine Safety Office in Wilmington years ago!
Before the 2020 election there were Trump rallies with flags every weekend on main thorough fares there. Unfortunately, the city went blue in the last election for the first time in years. Sadly, there are too many Dems moving here from blue NE states and voting the same way they did.
Dominion and blue go together.
Likely cheating. I think it is suspect it went blue.
Bad News!
I didn't do it but I spotted it myself about a month ago at Port City Java on 17th St. Has more on each side of the vehicle, Certainly makes a statement!
Thank you for not posting their unredacted license plate.
Proud to be in NC.
The only time I was actually kicked out of a place for refusing a mask during the pandemic, was some restaurant in Wilmington last Winter. And my wife was refused counter service at a McDonalds and told she had to order at the kiosk if she didn't have a mask.
I love Wilmington, we were looking at houses (got outbid every time) but damn...
Try Genki Sushi. Even in early ‘21 they posted a sign saying “We Are Not the Mask Police” if this bothers you call your order in to go. Place was packed. Hope I don’t get them in trouble mentioning them.
Look in Hampstead, it's less crowded and more conservative, plus it's only 15 minutes outside Wilmington. Just moved into a brand new house here in Hampstead and my kids love the school.
That's absolutely fantastic!
I have a sign on the back of my car so I know it takes balls to drive around with it. Your social fitness suffers.