Flat out, Fearful Symmetry's "Righteous Russia" joins the world likes of Patel Patriot's "Devolution", Slag's "The Wartime Presidency," Will Zoll's "PrussiaGate," and of course all of Neon Revolt's epic posts, as some of the best analysis ever written in this movement.
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I was part of that original calm before the storm group on Reddit before it was shut down and most of us migrated to Voat. It was not an easy transition since the community on Reddit was quite large and comfortable for many of us because there weren't many designated Q places. We all landed at the QRV site that had been the designated board, but that was, indeed, due to the stuff Neon was doing.
I remember waking up to find CBTS gone! But I can't remember how we learned about VOAT. Was there a post CBTS group on Reddit that said if this gets yanked let's meet over at VOAT? How did we know where to go? ICR.
It's been a long journey that's for sure.
I'd been on r/GA 6 weeks (maybe) when it was rugged. Spent whole morning and finally found clues on either tigerdroppings or kiwifarmsproject. Hit voat, stayed. (and still pissed at putt).
SB2 nearly caused me to quit the whole Q thing.
SB2 quickly got way too bizarro for me.
His stuff never made much sense to me.
Did not come into Q via 4chan so it took me awhile to catch onto the slides. SB2 was the one however that got a "What is this bullshit?" out of me. Weird (& great) thing about voat, once you start seeing those patterns you cannot unsee them.
I tried following SB2 through one of his "decodes" and the dude was not even following his own rules to decode.
As I recall, Q asked for a place ~ and then gave notice that the QRV was it.
I remember when it was suddenly announced that VOAT was shutting down Christmas, several places were given by other anons. I tried several of them, but found I liked this one best.
I also remember getting in a written spat with Neon Revolt early on in CBTS. I recall later Q dropping the warning about paytriots and I knew Neon was one. Ahhh...the early days.
The other one was Dr. Jerome Corsi, who had a temper tantrum once Q called him out.
From his website: "Dr. Jerome Corsi has retired from active involvement in current politics.
Dr. Corsi has retired to devote full-time to writing some legacy books he has wanted to write for many years."
Voat was horrendous. Every-other thread and comment was Nazi copypasta. Not from the reddit group, from prior-existing Voat users.
In part I think they used it as a sort of hazing, being free-speech purists and saying the most horrible things trying to get us to censor them, which they would have been all over denouncing.
The actual anons who were there for Q were great. The rest were raw sewage.
I wouldn't have cared if they limited their posts to their own sub, but they plastered it all in the Q forum. I'm sure anyone new to Q would have seen those posts and turned away, thinking we were nothing but a group of Neo-nazi skinheads.
I remember the day r/pizzagate got banned from reddit... same day Voat became a mainstay
I found VOAT through one of the Q news channels (Praying Medic or IPOT), by way of a hobby interest board. VOAT was mentioned, along with 4 Chan, and 4 Chan looked like waste of time to me - not necessarily to anyone else, I just didn't have time for it. The goat pen was perfect for me, Q drops, lots of news, most everyone contributing relevant info, and exposing DS players going back many years, shills being exposed, etc.
anyone know if IPOT is still making videos somewhere .occasionally I would find him on bit Chut but I have not seen anything in months
He does on occasion. The plandemic hit him pretty hard.
IMO, I think the Q drops helped him with his research on the DS players - being dropped by U-Tube and with Q going silent, he's struggled to get by.
he's also on Gab, https://gab.com/IPOT1776 but posted his interest these days is in documentaries and is currently working on one.