Q Drop 4891
What does this suggest? Does it make sense?
What does this suggest? Does it make sense?
-Hunter flipped at that point.
-Took a white hat deal, or simply got scared of what he was involved in and wanted a way to leak it with plausible deniability
-Is a complete idiot and did it on accident
Im kinda doubt the idiot option. I dont have pictures of skittles on my penis, nor pictures of me doing drugs from a hookers ass, or anything even remotely close to that on my phone or tablet, and i still wouldnt leave one of those at a shop.
Replace "idiot" with "completely drugged out" and maybe the theory works. Just my four cents.
Just throwing out options.
Obviously that one is the least believable
With the amount of heavy drugs he was on/into, it's possible that he simply forgot where he took the laptop. Doesn't explain why he ignored the shop owner's calls though.
If the shop owner story was just a front, and he was an Intel guy then that’s just part of the cover story. Read above what u/horseyPatriot said;