Those of us who are federal contractors would disagree 😊 But I will gladly give up my nice job to save the country.
[edit] I have not yet never been paid as a result of a shutdown. But we were threatened with loss of pay on a couple of longer ones had they continued on…
I woke up and remembered it was happening and ran out. Amazing!
Now I’m wide awake, however.
An update. Facebook is now letting posts through.
We have had a lot of good conversations there. It’s helped me figure out how to try to concisely explain complex topics in easily understood bites. Everyone in this group is already curious, so they are open to learning new things.
My poor 80 year old mother, however. She is vaccine-injured enough to affect her quality of life and for her to just keep hearing ALL of the things that they have done to us, can be so overwhelming. But, she is fighting the good fight on social media and with her friends the best that she can, trying to save children and others from medical malpractice.
For those who will knock me using Meta…
I use Messenger to host a small group of people who are like-minded. I moved off Facebook so I wouldn’t get kicked off Facebook and lose access to seeing what our HOA is up to. This small group has led to much education about Q.
Facebook is currently filled with the liberals in my extended family rampaging with Occupy Democrat posts. I was posting occasionally to irritate them.
Not backing down and battling how I can…
God bless this administration!! Genius!!
There was so much information packed into that article. Some that stood out to me…
- The good primary care/family practice doctors are switching to functional medicine, integrative health approach.
- Texas allows doctors to practice using other non-Big Pharma approaches.
- The Covid doctors have done a good job of spreading information throughout the medical community (who wanted to learn), gleaned from successful treatment of Covid patients
- Nutrition is a key defense to measles - and other diseases
- Community can be amazing and solve so many problems
My husband ruined it for me by telling me that he reads them Saturday evenings. Yes, they are usually ready Saturday night, for those that really can’t wait.
That was my first thought.
Trump Derangement Syndrome is worse than ever over on FB. My husband’s liberal family members and their friends are typing in capitals and just absolutely losing their mind over what they think is currently happening.
I read the comments and just laugh. I sure hope the white hats have good psychiatrists advising them on how to wake these people up or there will be a lot of broken people.
For context, out of the 16 cousins in my husband’s generation, 13/16 and their spouses are liberal. Two are raging on FB daily with the others agreeing more meekly in the comments, occasionally. My mother’s cousin and her minions are also losing their minds over this.
I don’t even bother engaging any longer. I don’t have time to source what I want to say and even if I did comment and source anything, they don’t read the sources.
Again, I sure hope the white hats have a good plan for them!
She was doxed yesterday. There was a post about her and that yesterday.
Her story is incredible. The person who doxed her has apparently been doing it forever. Ricky Taylor, also deaf( ?)
Anyone got time to dig into him?
I check FB daily now to see the screeching from liberal friends and family. They are losing their minds!! I just laugh.
There is no reaching them right now.
On the other hand, I saw father and step-mother Sunday evening. First sentence out of my mouth after we sat down, “So what do you think of this Elon stuff?”
Huge grins and all 3 of us had fists pumping in the air as we all laughed. 81 year old couple so happy to see the fraud and corruption finally being tackled!
I actually think they are slow-rolling them to get us roiled up enough to demand them. We are getting daily lessons in how the government should be run. Well, it needs to be a government by the people. We can’t rely on those appointed to do what we want without our voices being heard, loudly!
ELCA (Lutheran) was also getting a lot of $ for illegal immigrants.
So many heads are going to explode on Monday. They were so unhappy about the resign emails. And now this “indignity”??
I predict more will leave as a result of this treatment.
Great thread!
They didn’t just sell out, they are also afflicted with the same corruption as seen in other sports…
This makes me so mad. These soldiers make so little as it is!
Our younger daughter went through Officer Training School last year and as a former Division 1 athlete, she knew that they were not getting the needed daily nutrition. On our tour we saw all of the signs telling them what to eat but no one could eat enough in the allotted 10 minutes. (In addition to it being a typical military chow hall - blech!) The dining hall is too small for the number of people they have in the school - a known problem that they haven’t figured out how to fix. Typical military. She too was getting BAS deducted and then starved?!! (She bought protein bars in bulk to help her get through.)
She gave them detailed feedback at the end of the school as she had the athletic background to speak knowledgeably. The Colonel who had created the new curriculum is fantastic so I hope he fixes that problem.
I was there the last time he attended. We were standing in the security line outside when AF1 circled and the cheers were loud. Same for when he circled the track in the Beast. What a great day that was!
While we stopped watching NASCAR, I have it on now just to see our President.
Thank you for posting this! I was 3 years late to Q and I am always playing catch up!
You’re welcome and thank you. I almost didn’t write the post, but thought others might want to know what I observed first hand.
I have gotten pretty good at not dwelling on the evil crimes (for self-survival), but I couldn’t stop staring at that island and thinking about what had occurred there.
I have only read some quick accounts about what the level area may have been. I am sure it was very bad 😡👿
DECLAS cannot come soon enough!
Controlled asset. The Badlands guys talk about Poole and Benny Johnson (and others) who were never demonetized. The tell of a controlled asset.