When the South was liberated from slavery, many slaves didn't want to leave the plantations at first.
If you were a slave family who just got freed, you can stay where you are, where you have a house, a garden, food, you know the local area. You know what work is needed and how to do it. You may have elderly who can barely walk, or several toddlers who you want to keep safe. You are uneducated and were forbidden to learn to read or write. The system kept you dumb and ignorant of anything except your job and the local area around the plantation. Maybe you have some family members that were sold off a couple years ago.
If you leave you have no where to go. No job, no money, no food, and you hear stories about how former slaves are being murdered or abused or are starving with no work.
What would you do?
You would probably do what many others did. Young adults might strike out and embrace freedom, take to the road and seek out a better life. Everyone else would hope that a brother or cousin would come back someday and bring you out, but for now, leaving is the greater danger.
Take this in the same context. People have been indoctrinated into the system.
For some of us, walking away from the slave system and embracing freedom is perfectly natural. For others, it's a frightening new world.
I have a friend who grew up in communist Poland and says the same thing about many of those from previous generations, they never quite got used to it and many did wish they could just go back to not having to fend for themselves.
After 70s even though Soviet citizens didn't have luxuries but neither were they enslaved to their Central bank. For example, after 1991 Ukraine standard of living dropped precipitously.
People who remember these times are the ones who want to go back to Soviet days but they still don't prefer communism. It was a necessary evil.
Just so everyone understands, there were slave-owning Union states: Delaware, Kentucky, Maryland, Missouri. Saint Lincoln only demonized the CSA. Political virtue-signaling bullshit from a political piece of bullshit. Lincoln was cabal.
Edit: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=VwTJMneBTm8
Other states had slave owners. Just look at federal census records before 1850. You will see columns for numbers of slaves in a number of northern states.
I saved this from a couple years back. Also today where is the bible belt? In the North or the South?
The war between the States / U.S. Civil War / The War of Northern Aggression!
There were two countries involved in that war that held slaves!
The Confederate States of America and the United States of America!
The North held slaves the entire war!
The slave owning states in the North were : Missouri , Kentucky, Maryland, and Delaware.
The Emancipation Proclamation of 1863 freed all the slaves in territories in rebellion.
That means that when the Confederacy surrendered and the war ended on April 9, 1865. All of the slaves in the South were legely free.
Ironically the slaves in the Northern States would not be freed until the ratification of the 13th Amendment on December 6, 1865. (That was 7 months and 30 days after the war ended!)
The last country in North America to have slavery was the United States of America!
Slavery was for 4 years under the Confederacy!
Slavery was for 89 years under the United States of America!
The real slave Flag was RED , White, and Blue with 13 red and white stripes!
Real history your grade school teacher never taught!
My ancestor saw what was coming and sold his slaves before the war. He didn't want to be the one to turn them out into the world with nothing. A lot of slaves stayed in the area and did the same work they always did. I know of one who was a midwife until the very early 1900s. Others worked in factories, at least until they saved enough money to buy some land or to move up north. We were never enemies like the TV says. Everyone worked together, ate together, wore the same kind of clothes, etc.
Here's a classic photo illustrating how blacks were doing in the 1930s. This is a government photo taken by Dorothea Lange. The store burned down recently, but I went there and took a lot of photos just before that.
When the South was liberated from slavery, many slaves didn't want to leave the plantations at first.
If you were a slave family who just got freed, you can stay where you are, where you have a house, a garden, food, you know the local area. You know what work is needed and how to do it. You may have elderly who can barely walk, or several toddlers who you want to keep safe. You are uneducated and were forbidden to learn to read or write. The system kept you dumb and ignorant of anything except your job and the local area around the plantation. Maybe you have some family members that were sold off a couple years ago.
If you leave you have no where to go. No job, no money, no food, and you hear stories about how former slaves are being murdered or abused or are starving with no work.
What would you do?
You would probably do what many others did. Young adults might strike out and embrace freedom, take to the road and seek out a better life. Everyone else would hope that a brother or cousin would come back someday and bring you out, but for now, leaving is the greater danger.
Take this in the same context. People have been indoctrinated into the system. For some of us, walking away from the slave system and embracing freedom is perfectly natural. For others, it's a frightening new world.
Slaves to endless debt.
Wage slaves.
Our Constitutional Republic and country was hijacked. It was never suppose to be this way. Income tax and property taxes are unconstitutional.
I wouldn't consider myself a slave, but I like to stay inside
I have a friend who grew up in communist Poland and says the same thing about many of those from previous generations, they never quite got used to it and many did wish they could just go back to not having to fend for themselves.
After 70s even though Soviet citizens didn't have luxuries but neither were they enslaved to their Central bank. For example, after 1991 Ukraine standard of living dropped precipitously.
People who remember these times are the ones who want to go back to Soviet days but they still don't prefer communism. It was a necessary evil.
Same with the Israelites when they were leaving Egypt in Exodus 16
NIV: https://web.mit.edu/jywang/www/cef/Bible/NIV/NIV_Bible/EXOD+16.html
KJV: https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Exodus%2016&version=KJV
Haha I just commented the same thing!
The parallels are uncanny, even to what we have today.
Slavery is a state of mind
You mention slaves in the South. Why do you ignore the slaves in the Union?
Same thing. Slavery is slavery. The rest is just geography.
Just so everyone understands, there were slave-owning Union states: Delaware, Kentucky, Maryland, Missouri. Saint Lincoln only demonized the CSA. Political virtue-signaling bullshit from a political piece of bullshit. Lincoln was cabal. Edit: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=VwTJMneBTm8
I disagree because he fought for and signed their declaration of Freedom and was killed for it.
Other states had slave owners. Just look at federal census records before 1850. You will see columns for numbers of slaves in a number of northern states.
I saved this from a couple years back. Also today where is the bible belt? In the North or the South?
The war between the States / U.S. Civil War / The War of Northern Aggression! There were two countries involved in that war that held slaves! The Confederate States of America and the United States of America! The North held slaves the entire war! The slave owning states in the North were : Missouri , Kentucky, Maryland, and Delaware. The Emancipation Proclamation of 1863 freed all the slaves in territories in rebellion. That means that when the Confederacy surrendered and the war ended on April 9, 1865. All of the slaves in the South were legely free. Ironically the slaves in the Northern States would not be freed until the ratification of the 13th Amendment on December 6, 1865. (That was 7 months and 30 days after the war ended!) The last country in North America to have slavery was the United States of America! (NOT THE CONFEDERACY!) Slavery was for 4 years under the Confederacy! Slavery was for 89 years under the United States of America! The real slave Flag was RED , White, and Blue with 13 red and white stripes! Real history your grade school teacher never taught!
There were more Irish slaves than black slaves in the US
My ancestor saw what was coming and sold his slaves before the war. He didn't want to be the one to turn them out into the world with nothing. A lot of slaves stayed in the area and did the same work they always did. I know of one who was a midwife until the very early 1900s. Others worked in factories, at least until they saved enough money to buy some land or to move up north. We were never enemies like the TV says. Everyone worked together, ate together, wore the same kind of clothes, etc.
Here's a classic photo illustrating how blacks were doing in the 1930s. This is a government photo taken by Dorothea Lange. The store burned down recently, but I went there and took a lot of photos just before that.