The Times is quoting a possibly Q-linked Republican saying that, which, with all the setup they gave the quote, negates the opinion as conspiracy theory thought.
Ok, sorry wasn't meant to be..." Watkins is calling her a pedo-enabler" whose quote they printed was the part I was trying to put the spotlight on...Like I said, it isn't intentional...
All the MSM, when reporting on her being called out as a pedophile-enabler by Republican Senators, run her saying, "That's just completely false" (or whatever she said), as if because she said it's false, it's false.
Do you think this could possibly be the first judge to not be appointed to the Supreme Court because of such a subject is this? Has any other supreme court recommendation not been appointed?
It's a quote
kinda misleading to title it as "NYT is calling Judge Jackson a...." "finally some truth comes out"
The point that they even publish this, is huge. In the past they just pretend something doesn’t exist. So they actually printed it. Huge!
You should read the entire article, which focuses on blasting pizzagate and "Qanon" conspiracy theorists. Nothing out of character for the NYSlimes
Pizzagate is a hoax,
said Ghislaine Maxwell, probably
Its a little too late but dont dumb down this community. Its called Q Research, for you know, researching and stuff.
This is Buzz Feed/TMZ click-bait bullshit.
The Times is quoting a possibly Q-linked Republican saying that, which, with all the setup they gave the quote, negates the opinion as conspiracy theory thought.
Ok, sorry wasn't meant to be..." Watkins is calling her a pedo-enabler" whose quote they printed was the part I was trying to put the spotlight on...Like I said, it isn't intentional...
Proofreading helps prevent embarrassment.
.I'm not embarrassed...
Should be. Know thy shame.
They print quotes like this to get snappy one liners in
I bet her husband is predator as well.
All the MSM, when reporting on her being called out as a pedophile-enabler by Republican Senators, run her saying, "That's just completely false" (or whatever she said), as if because she said it's false, it's false.
They printed that. That's number 2. Pattern starting to develope.
Kudos to Ron.
Do you think this could possibly be the first judge to not be appointed to the Supreme Court because of such a subject is this? Has any other supreme court recommendation not been appointed?
Look into Bork during the Reagan administration, and Biden's role in that denial. Bork was better than Scalia and Thomas.
Never mind I answered my own question.
It’s widely believed that NYT is propaganda
It's wild that Fake News publishing real news is a hot news flash, both with this and with the Hunter laptop.
Overtly misleading title. Par for the course. Better check that post automation que... too many shit stories slipping through and being recycled.
But at least this one wasn't insta-stickied, amirite v8power 🤔
Sigh....You like a rabid dog...really...You just have to talk shit at some point given the chance....Pathetic
What's pathetic is recycling shitposts and then getting butthurt when called out for doing it 😜
Any senator who votes to confirm will be a penis; pedophile-enable now in Senate.
Sorry NY Times, too little too late, you are part of the cancer that MSM brings to the woke.
Proves pizzagate is real.
No they're quoting the owner of a site that used to have child porn
The New York Times is not calling her a pedophile-enabler. They're mocking someone who said that. What is wrong with your reading comprehension?
Calling democrats pedophile-enablers seems somewhat redundant. Truth to dems (and RINO back-stabbers) is like garlic to vampires.
Looks like we found another baby raper.