Comments (19)
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I wonder if those kids real parents even know they were subjected to that shit. That would give kids nightmares. That is child abuse, and if the parents know the kids should be take from them.
Tearing down the family with these tactics is just how the deeps state weakens citizens to enslave them
It's PentaCorn story time kids!
THEY'RE FUCKING STOOOPID! https://i.cbc.ca/1.6264048.1637950078!/fileImage/httpImage/image.jpg_gen/derivatives/16x9_780/kid-vaccine.jpg
These are the same people who passed their kids through the arms of Baal. They want approval and acceptance from society so badly they’ll sacrifice they’re children.
It's like a trans Freddy Krueger.
An oxymoron. Pretending to support families (book) while destroying them.
Me: Kids, this is a Final Fantasy boss.
Debased minds.
Everytime I see that image, all I see is a sprouted potato. And when the potato sproutes as bad as that one, the actual potato itself is rotted and no good anymore.
This is demonic. Period. Full stop.
why in the AF would any sane parent subject their kid to that garbage voluntarily? Like for woke sanctimonious suck points among their leftist social circle?
Anyone else notice the finger lakes type design on the blouse of the little girl that's front and center?
Think those are snakes
Sheesh, I think you're right. That makes it even worse.
They Tongue Satan's Anus, and they just want their kids to follow in their lip prints.