Spoken by someone who lives in "lower Alabama," or, the "redneck Riviera" if you prefer (rural Florida panhandle), these are NOT the people you want more of in our country. They are rude, think laws are an infringement upon their rights, routinely trespass, throw garbage out the windows of their cars, think ditches are places for mattresses and old furniture, have no respect for neighbors, dump unwanted pets on the side of the road, and think public roads are appropriate racetracks for their ATVs. I could go on, believe me.
Now, if by the word, redneck, you mean salt-of-the-earth, kindly folks...the kind that bake pies for the annual community picnic, and farm food for your table, then, yes.
Here in southern West Virginia, the term “redneck” means something more than a rural, working-class white person. It’s symbolic of the solidarity and defiance demonstrated by the thousands of coal miners and their families who fought in the West Virginia Mine Wars.
This dramatic and often overlooked chapter in American history took place when miners stood up and fought coal operators for their constitutional rights, fair labor practices, and the right to join a union. The roughly 10,000 justice-seeking miners who took up arms and marched to battle in 1921 at the climax of the mine wars wore red bandannas around their necks and came to be known as “the Red Neck Army.” So when you call someone a redneck in West Virginia, you may be giving them a compliment.
There is no "may" to it.
this history is being scrubbed, so feel free to dig and archive.
How true, so much lost to the revisionist white washing history. WW1 hero came home, organized and stood up to the overlords. I hiked the hill of those bloody battles.
Williamton a coal baron when asked, "If given a choice, would he prefer to own a mule or hire a Irish" his response," the expenses of the mule far out weight that of the Irish, and when he dies in the mine I don't have to worry "they bury their own".
The term Red Neck is another historical term that has been hijacked to become derogatory. The true meaning is g8rb81's post. It has been co-opted and maligned, as is their usual modus operandi to take away from the true historical meaning to mean ignorant, racist white folks. The real term signified the red bandana wearers and was a sign of identification of whites, blacks and immigrant miners. It had ZERO racial overtones.
Don't use their meaning, if someone uses it incorrectly, explain the true meaning and why it was maligned. Siding with corporate big money interests over working people that were fighting for fair labor and safe working conditions. Yes, they were associated with communists, but that was about empowering the labor group, not the economic system as a a whole.
Keep in mind, this was a time of Robber barons and the total lack of workers rights. The robber barons used people like slaves or more accurately as indentured servants.
Yeah bless them. They came through for us during Hurricane Harvey and pulled a ton of people out of their underwater homes to safety. This thread gave me a laugh tho. Imagine not knowing the difference between white trash and redneck.
I was going to post a link to Bird and Macdonalds "All American Redneck" But it's an X rated song so find it on you tube yourself..... Pretty good description of a stereotypical "redneck". Pretty much describes a lot of guys I knew in the dim past.
"And he loves Dolly Parton cuz she's got the biggest ____!!"
Spoken by someone who lives in "lower Alabama," or, the "redneck Riviera" if you prefer (rural Florida panhandle), these are NOT the people you want more of in our country. They are rude, think laws are an infringement upon their rights, routinely trespass, throw garbage out the windows of their cars, think ditches are places for mattresses and old furniture, have no respect for neighbors, dump unwanted pets on the side of the road, and think public roads are appropriate racetracks for their ATVs. I could go on, believe me.
Now, if by the word, redneck, you mean salt-of-the-earth, kindly folks...the kind that bake pies for the annual community picnic, and farm food for your table, then, yes.
Don't confuse white trash with Rednecks. That's what they want you to do. It's why they created the white trash.
Live in east Tennessee, can confirm.
As a fellow east Tennessean, I would add that what WE call redneck is very different than what the rest of the country calls redneck.
I am a redneck in the eyes of most of America.
In the eyes of what WE call redecks I am some kind of Dudley Doright city boy that thinks too highly of the gubment and the law dogs.
ya i was about to say REAL rednecks are like hella trash bro LMAO but like if you're talking about like the cool ones then uhhh ya yeehaw lol
redneck history
This dramatic and often overlooked chapter in American history took place when miners stood up and fought coal operators for their constitutional rights, fair labor practices, and the right to join a union. The roughly 10,000 justice-seeking miners who took up arms and marched to battle in 1921 at the climax of the mine wars wore red bandannas around their necks and came to be known as “the Red Neck Army.” So when you call someone a redneck in West Virginia, you may be giving them a compliment.
There is no "may" to it. this history is being scrubbed, so feel free to dig and archive.
How true, so much lost to the revisionist white washing history. WW1 hero came home, organized and stood up to the overlords. I hiked the hill of those bloody battles. Williamton a coal baron when asked, "If given a choice, would he prefer to own a mule or hire a Irish" his response," the expenses of the mule far out weight that of the Irish, and when he dies in the mine I don't have to worry "they bury their own".
My Grandfather, fought at the battle of Blair Mountain. My family, is from Boone and Logan counties. "Montani Semper Liberi"
A Country Boy Will Survive.
It depends on what you mean by a redneck.
I think different people have very different definitions.
Whereas I think the definition an SJW is pretty consistent.
The term Red Neck is another historical term that has been hijacked to become derogatory. The true meaning is g8rb81's post. It has been co-opted and maligned, as is their usual modus operandi to take away from the true historical meaning to mean ignorant, racist white folks. The real term signified the red bandana wearers and was a sign of identification of whites, blacks and immigrant miners. It had ZERO racial overtones.
Don't use their meaning, if someone uses it incorrectly, explain the true meaning and why it was maligned. Siding with corporate big money interests over working people that were fighting for fair labor and safe working conditions. Yes, they were associated with communists, but that was about empowering the labor group, not the economic system as a a whole. Keep in mind, this was a time of Robber barons and the total lack of workers rights. The robber barons used people like slaves or more accurately as indentured servants.
For me, red neck is someone who has spent their sunny day head bent down pulling weeds.
Removing the corruption from my own backyard.
Working with my hands, with head bowed.
Not slavery--doing it willingly, by choice.
How dare you! Don't you know that it is racist to call someone a "Redn3ck!"
I myself am happy to be one!!
Well if you're happy, I'm happy too. But I will offer a friendly suggestion- don't let any woke assholes get away with calling you that ;)
Yeah bless them. They came through for us during Hurricane Harvey and pulled a ton of people out of their underwater homes to safety. This thread gave me a laugh tho. Imagine not knowing the difference between white trash and redneck.
I was going to post a link to Bird and Macdonalds "All American Redneck" But it's an X rated song so find it on you tube yourself..... Pretty good description of a stereotypical "redneck". Pretty much describes a lot of guys I knew in the dim past. "And he loves Dolly Parton cuz she's got the biggest ____!!"
Workin on it! Yeehaw!