This is the red line. This is the hill to die on. Do not interpret this as a call for violence, but what good was the Second Amendment ever for if you’re going to sit on your mountain of custom ARs while pedophiles ruin your flesh and blood right under your nose?
💡 Lets GLOOOoow! 💡

It's kind of weird statement. I think education has gone seriously wrong, and I think the pedophiles the schools are now hiring seems out of control. It has to be orchestrated.
However, back to Kumar's statement.
This sounds pretty violent to me.
So what is Kumar actually suggesting people do?
Wanting us to charge a hill but with him not taking any accountability for it.
Right. He’s a flamer
He didn't quite say that:
Fighting and war should be a last resort, when soap box, ballot box, and jury box do not work for the people any more..
We are rapidly approaching the correction of the ballot box problem, hopefully. The jury box was greatly helped by President Trump, however, there are still activist judges who believe the Constitution and Bill of Rights are out dated- KBJ is one of them.
It's almost time for the ammo box.
It seems like that last resort is coming to a head in America. These commies don't seem to understand what America is about and want us to be a 3rd world country. Isn't that SPECIAL? A war without a shot fired, doesn't seem like much of a war. The commie cities across America are having a war of their own with law abiding (maybe) citizens within their borders, and the violence is horrendous--especially after a weekend.
I think your omission of the words "willing to" drastically change the meaning of that phrase.
There's a pretty big step, arguably several, from willing to do something and actually doing it.
The imminent threat of violence is often much more effective than committing acts of violence when negotiating.
Yes and no. He's not advocating that people actually make those threats either. Because that would be illegal.
He's getting pretty glowfaggie. Try these first:
Run for your school board
Homeschool your kids
Run for city council
Run for any and all other applicable local offices
Become a teacher yourself
Unless they are coming into your home to force your kids into the school, save the violence for videogames.
Well, giving up all pursuits except saving and training your children will look like death for many.