Captain Nunchucks needs them knocked against his balls hard enough that he chokes on them! This guy needs to be sued, arrested, tar and feathered, what ever the millions there can do. He’s one dude who needs to go. Corrupt fat turd! Karen Fann needs to initialize the class action and criminal suit against him. Charge his ass with Obstruction of Justice! He’s not above the law when he’s obviously dropping the ball with all the proof the people of Arizona gathered!! They worked damn hard, and clawed to get it all, and this douche, to save whom?!?! Himself maybe?!?! That’s the only reason I can see for him bending this far over for the DemoLibs is he either helped them cheat, or he got a pile of CCP or ZuckerBucks to screw over his own state!
I think that now too. This is nothing more than light punishment to low hanging fruit to protect the enormous, coordinated fraud at the top and make it appear that AZ has done something about their fraud. It gives them a reason not to decertify because they claim they held the fraudsters responsible.
Captain Nunchucks needs them knocked against his balls hard enough that he chokes on them! This guy needs to be sued, arrested, tar and feathered, what ever the millions there can do. He’s one dude who needs to go. Corrupt fat turd! Karen Fann needs to initialize the class action and criminal suit against him. Charge his ass with Obstruction of Justice! He’s not above the law when he’s obviously dropping the ball with all the proof the people of Arizona gathered!! They worked damn hard, and clawed to get it all, and this douche, to save whom?!?! Himself maybe?!?! That’s the only reason I can see for him bending this far over for the DemoLibs is he either helped them cheat, or he got a pile of CCP or ZuckerBucks to screw over his own state!
Karen Fann dirty af also.
I said from day one there were too many McCain Republicans in Arizona for ANYTHING meaningful to happen.
I think that now too. This is nothing more than light punishment to low hanging fruit to protect the enormous, coordinated fraud at the top and make it appear that AZ has done something about their fraud. It gives them a reason not to decertify because they claim they held the fraudsters responsible.
Yep, seems like it.