The last I checked we’re all fighting for freedom. Freedom to earn our money, and choose to spend it the way we choose. If that person wanted to indulge in their vehicle then I’m for it. Saying that you should take your money, help others out, and serve the community, is a very socialist idea. However; I’m not against helping others, as I’ve done a lot of that in my life. But… To judge somebody else because they decided to indulge in something for themselves, and then claimed they should’ve done something else with that money to help others, is a socialist comment. It’s something AOC would say. ! I’m for freedom! Freedom to earn your own money! Freedom to spend that the way you want to! And freedom from judgment from others when you do so.
Also I spent many years helping drug addict kids. There are a lot of people that you help, that are ungrateful, and won’t even do the basics around the house just to keep things running. You can dish out money, love, companionship, and all manner of Christian attributes. But sometimes the amount to nothing. I learned my lesson the hard way.
Yes many were helped, but at the cost of our family. So I love this car. Personally I think it’s ugly, but I think it’s beautiful in a way that somebody chose something for themselves. Some thing that Americans do! Some thing that when somebody has access, they indulge in it. I am all for that.!
Because I have helped others in the past, I’m not in a position to do that. So there’s that.! It’s a two edged sword. Always!
Very good point that I missed. Thank you for sharing. Also the idea of investing in family members, is a more likely scenario. I didn’t think of that either.
I think for me my view of everything that’s happening in the world is much different than others. I lost my job, my house, and my husband all in one year back in 2009. And I lost my mind at the same time. LOL.
I have a daughter who is 30, she’s a raging liberal, she’s not having children, and she won’t even speak with me. Other than that - my mother, who is 81, I have no other close relatives; except my brother who has lived in Japan for 30 years. He has no children either.
I will never be a grandmother, I will never be a aunt, and I have no other children. Once my daughter dies, the legacy of our family will be done.
I am in a very odd, and rare situation, where I do not need to worry about my legacy. Because I have none. Having the freedom to know that when I die, I die, sometimes… Is a very free thing.
I know where I’m going when I die, I have a relationship with my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, and I welcome the day when I get to see him. soon my mother will pass on, and since my daughter wants nothing to do with me, I am ready to go see my Lord and Savior whenever he’s ready for me to come to him.
So I do view things much differently than most people. Thank you for sharing your thoughts. It helps me to understand them much better. God bless you and have a great day!
You’re assuming the Dogecoin car parked last. It could’ve been the other vehicle that parked close to the Dogecoin car.
I have a dodge charger, over, over, and over again… People will park next to my car, or as closest possible. The entire parking lot can be empty, and when I pull into a spot, immediately after somebody will park right next to my vehicle.
That’s when I back out of the spot, and find one further down. I don’t mind walking. I just find it amazing that people are sheep, and instead of giving anybody space with their vehicles, they have to park right next to them.
People generally are envious of others vehicles. So it’s more likely that white SUV parked so closely to that car, in hopes that it would get damaged with the door. Even though it is wrapped, once the wrap comes off, there could still be a dent in the vehicle.
It’s sad but true. It’s difficult for people to actually be happy for others when they succeed.
I had a charger. Lovely vehicle but I kept having issues, and it was new.
My brother got the newer sport model a few years ago and the entire computer system went haywire. Couldn't charge phones, couldn't change settings (seats would heat automatically, no AC as it's through the computer) no radio or blue tooth.
Had to replace the whole computer system linked through the radio, $1300.
I’ve had several problems with mine it’s a 2015. However, I bought the car in California when I was helping to take care of my dad when he was dying. At the time they had a lifetime bumper-to-bumper warranty. All I have to pay is $100 co-pay to have repairs done on my vehicle. Of course this is minus basic maintenance like brakes, lightbulbs, and other little things that normally you would have to pay for yourself. Tires etc…. I consider this a gift from my father, and from the Lord, because My car is in perfect condition because I keep up on all of the repairs. It’s $100 each time I take it to the shop. So if I wait for a couple of issues to build up, then I only paid $100 for bringing it there. Not for each problem. I’m very fortunate and very grateful. For some reason they don’t sell those warranties anymore! LOL. They were counting on me selling my vehicle within five years, and I will not be doing that. I will keep that car for the rest of my life. My favorite car ever, best car ever, and I am very satisfied and grateful.
True observation fren I usually park way out and come to find one right next to me of course is it weird I’ve taught our kids when u exit ur vehicle always make sure you don’t ding yours or theirs it’s just common courtesy right?
I as well don’t mind a walk I enjoy and take care of my vehicle so thinking they zoomed right in next to the dogecoin makes complete sense indeed
I know huh! Even when you park way out there, they’ll be a car parked right next to yours when you come out. Every time. It’s crazy. I know I don’t know in the parking lot, but when you take extra steps to park as far away from the building as possible, if somebody parks right next to you it just seems like it’s purposeful.
Thank you for teaching your family when you get out of your vehicle to be careful. I am very careful, and not just because I don’t want my car dinged, but because I wouldn’t want it to do it to somebody else.
I don’t care if it’s a $500 car next to mine, I still take care because somebody had to work hard for that money to buy that vehicle. It’s just a matter of respect.
The McLaren or the wrap? I saw a Ferrari FF that was wrapped in an unusual color. I asked the guy at the shop what the story was. He said the FF was black, but the owner wanted to see what it looked like in a pearl red, so he paid 13k to wrap it.
I'm a car guy too. If I had the scratch for that level car, it'd probably be a GT3.
I wouldn’t waste it on a mclaren and I grew up loving their F1 road car.
Now a days, I don’t find the appeal in super/hyper cars. 200mph is nothing for a well engineered car today and what good is that capability. You can have a ton of fun under 150mph on a good track. I would enjoy more of a Porsche or lesser car, a good driver’s-car. Porsche are funky to drive but they aren’t usually over stated and flashy. Having driven a few super cars, I don’t want the attention and worry associated with them.
With that said, I could care less for most materialistic things. I am in favor of ownership, I just don’t get attached like I used to a depreciating object that is worthless when SHTF.
I have a stryker 1350 cruiser with a raked out fork and fat tire on the back. I can hit 135 tops but that's more than enough for me as I only ride street. Turns are rough, I often have to scrape pegs at higher speeds, but that is quite a thrill xD
I often have to scrape pegs at higher speeds, but that is quite a thrill xD
Just make sure the previous owner didn't exchange the hero blob for a rounded steel bolt head like mine did on my 1.5L Victory Vegas.
Fortunately I discoverd this 'lever' on a low speed turn and managed to keep it rubber side down, but definitely one of my most 5p/50p moments (not sure what the US equivalent would be, 5c/50c maybe ;) )
Heck, a C7 Vette will do 200 mph for under a 100k.
F1 sucks these days. I went to the USGP at COTA 2 years ago and the track was wonderful, but the cars, meh. Didn't even need earpro. It'll be interesting to see Miami and then LV.
I agree - all of the fancy stuff won't be worth much if SHTF. Although, I did see some kid driving a Rezvani Tank around my house the other day. That may have some value at the same price point.
Haha, good point. As a car guy, I wouldn’t waste my new wealth on that.
I'm with ya. My neighbor planted ornamental plants in their raised garden beds. With the world falling apart, normies are rearranging deck chairs.
The last I checked we’re all fighting for freedom. Freedom to earn our money, and choose to spend it the way we choose. If that person wanted to indulge in their vehicle then I’m for it. Saying that you should take your money, help others out, and serve the community, is a very socialist idea. However; I’m not against helping others, as I’ve done a lot of that in my life. But… To judge somebody else because they decided to indulge in something for themselves, and then claimed they should’ve done something else with that money to help others, is a socialist comment. It’s something AOC would say. ! I’m for freedom! Freedom to earn your own money! Freedom to spend that the way you want to! And freedom from judgment from others when you do so.
Also I spent many years helping drug addict kids. There are a lot of people that you help, that are ungrateful, and won’t even do the basics around the house just to keep things running. You can dish out money, love, companionship, and all manner of Christian attributes. But sometimes the amount to nothing. I learned my lesson the hard way.
Yes many were helped, but at the cost of our family. So I love this car. Personally I think it’s ugly, but I think it’s beautiful in a way that somebody chose something for themselves. Some thing that Americans do! Some thing that when somebody has access, they indulge in it. I am all for that.!
Because I have helped others in the past, I’m not in a position to do that. So there’s that.! It’s a two edged sword. Always!
Very good point that I missed. Thank you for sharing. Also the idea of investing in family members, is a more likely scenario. I didn’t think of that either.
I think for me my view of everything that’s happening in the world is much different than others. I lost my job, my house, and my husband all in one year back in 2009. And I lost my mind at the same time. LOL.
I have a daughter who is 30, she’s a raging liberal, she’s not having children, and she won’t even speak with me. Other than that - my mother, who is 81, I have no other close relatives; except my brother who has lived in Japan for 30 years. He has no children either.
I will never be a grandmother, I will never be a aunt, and I have no other children. Once my daughter dies, the legacy of our family will be done.
I am in a very odd, and rare situation, where I do not need to worry about my legacy. Because I have none. Having the freedom to know that when I die, I die, sometimes… Is a very free thing.
I know where I’m going when I die, I have a relationship with my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, and I welcome the day when I get to see him. soon my mother will pass on, and since my daughter wants nothing to do with me, I am ready to go see my Lord and Savior whenever he’s ready for me to come to him.
So I do view things much differently than most people. Thank you for sharing your thoughts. It helps me to understand them much better. God bless you and have a great day!
I think you should change your screen name to: ThisIs"Howl"tStarts . if you are a follower of ADog you will get it...
That’s funny. And I do get it!
Let alone park so damn close to other vehicle 🙄 but kuddos to pic grab
You’re assuming the Dogecoin car parked last. It could’ve been the other vehicle that parked close to the Dogecoin car.
I have a dodge charger, over, over, and over again… People will park next to my car, or as closest possible. The entire parking lot can be empty, and when I pull into a spot, immediately after somebody will park right next to my vehicle.
That’s when I back out of the spot, and find one further down. I don’t mind walking. I just find it amazing that people are sheep, and instead of giving anybody space with their vehicles, they have to park right next to them.
People generally are envious of others vehicles. So it’s more likely that white SUV parked so closely to that car, in hopes that it would get damaged with the door. Even though it is wrapped, once the wrap comes off, there could still be a dent in the vehicle.
It’s sad but true. It’s difficult for people to actually be happy for others when they succeed.
I had a charger. Lovely vehicle but I kept having issues, and it was new.
My brother got the newer sport model a few years ago and the entire computer system went haywire. Couldn't charge phones, couldn't change settings (seats would heat automatically, no AC as it's through the computer) no radio or blue tooth.
Had to replace the whole computer system linked through the radio, $1300.
I hate New cars.
I’ve had several problems with mine it’s a 2015. However, I bought the car in California when I was helping to take care of my dad when he was dying. At the time they had a lifetime bumper-to-bumper warranty. All I have to pay is $100 co-pay to have repairs done on my vehicle. Of course this is minus basic maintenance like brakes, lightbulbs, and other little things that normally you would have to pay for yourself. Tires etc…. I consider this a gift from my father, and from the Lord, because My car is in perfect condition because I keep up on all of the repairs. It’s $100 each time I take it to the shop. So if I wait for a couple of issues to build up, then I only paid $100 for bringing it there. Not for each problem. I’m very fortunate and very grateful. For some reason they don’t sell those warranties anymore! LOL. They were counting on me selling my vehicle within five years, and I will not be doing that. I will keep that car for the rest of my life. My favorite car ever, best car ever, and I am very satisfied and grateful.
True observation fren I usually park way out and come to find one right next to me of course is it weird I’ve taught our kids when u exit ur vehicle always make sure you don’t ding yours or theirs it’s just common courtesy right?
I as well don’t mind a walk I enjoy and take care of my vehicle so thinking they zoomed right in next to the dogecoin makes complete sense indeed
I know huh! Even when you park way out there, they’ll be a car parked right next to yours when you come out. Every time. It’s crazy. I know I don’t know in the parking lot, but when you take extra steps to park as far away from the building as possible, if somebody parks right next to you it just seems like it’s purposeful.
Thank you for teaching your family when you get out of your vehicle to be careful. I am very careful, and not just because I don’t want my car dinged, but because I wouldn’t want it to do it to somebody else.
I don’t care if it’s a $500 car next to mine, I still take care because somebody had to work hard for that money to buy that vehicle. It’s just a matter of respect.
Thanks Fren 🐸
Less likely to scratch with the wrap. Lol
truth haha
The McLaren or the wrap? I saw a Ferrari FF that was wrapped in an unusual color. I asked the guy at the shop what the story was. He said the FF was black, but the owner wanted to see what it looked like in a pearl red, so he paid 13k to wrap it.
I'm a car guy too. If I had the scratch for that level car, it'd probably be a GT3.
I wouldn’t waste it on a mclaren and I grew up loving their F1 road car.
Now a days, I don’t find the appeal in super/hyper cars. 200mph is nothing for a well engineered car today and what good is that capability. You can have a ton of fun under 150mph on a good track. I would enjoy more of a Porsche or lesser car, a good driver’s-car. Porsche are funky to drive but they aren’t usually over stated and flashy. Having driven a few super cars, I don’t want the attention and worry associated with them.
With that said, I could care less for most materialistic things. I am in favor of ownership, I just don’t get attached like I used to a depreciating object that is worthless when SHTF.
I have a stryker 1350 cruiser with a raked out fork and fat tire on the back. I can hit 135 tops but that's more than enough for me as I only ride street. Turns are rough, I often have to scrape pegs at higher speeds, but that is quite a thrill xD
Just make sure the previous owner didn't exchange the hero blob for a rounded steel bolt head like mine did on my 1.5L Victory Vegas.
Fortunately I discoverd this 'lever' on a low speed turn and managed to keep it rubber side down, but definitely one of my most 5p/50p moments (not sure what the US equivalent would be, 5c/50c maybe ;) )
Heck, a C7 Vette will do 200 mph for under a 100k.
F1 sucks these days. I went to the USGP at COTA 2 years ago and the track was wonderful, but the cars, meh. Didn't even need earpro. It'll be interesting to see Miami and then LV.
I agree - all of the fancy stuff won't be worth much if SHTF. Although, I did see some kid driving a Rezvani Tank around my house the other day. That may have some value at the same price point.