Calling it "gender" instead of "sex" would really fuck up the narrative for these people. A persons sex is scientific standard language. A persons gender is how they feel at that particular moment.
I think this is a great way to start fighting back and changing the narrative.
Just start calling people like dog breeds.
Bitch = Female in heat.
Dame = Female with a litter.
Stud = Male virgin .
Sire = Male with a litter.
Eunuch = Trans-bomination (biological male)
Barren = Trans-bomination (biological female).
We call our dog a eunuch 😂
Have you gone to a used book store and picked up a physical thesaurus from 30-40 years ago?
Would be interesting to compare.
Yes! Yes! Yes! I can't believe how many seemingly intelligent people have been lulled into using this word. But it's all to a purpose -- make your language imprecise; make your thinking incapable of precision.
Gender - used in grammar as an attribute of a noun. Arbitrary and flexible.
Sex - used in biology as an attribute of an organism. Decided and fixed.
Eh, probably because the left's descent into excessive degeneracy has made the word feel dirty even when used biologically.
While we're at it, let's stop calling them groomers and start calling them child rapists
I have been doing this exact thing, and its a strong argument.
There is no reason on any form to ask how a person feels... I feel that way about a majority of forms as it relates to sex too.
Austin Powers ruined Sex on a form, and people tend to put gender because they don't want to hear the joke "yes, please"
Maybe that was the intent?
Sex? Yes, please.
You might be onto something!