I have also noticed of late that il Donaldo's Telegram presence is very quiet. He has had a week or two of reposted items and the like. He does always wish his followers Buenos Dias and Buenos Noches, though, with one or two messages in between. Nothing today, yet.
How do we react if il Donaldo tweets that "My fellow Americans" message?
WE put of the full armor of God and fight!
Is this "POTUS removal from Twitter?"
could be, could be
Twitter suspended Il Donaldo and Truth Social is down. Big happenings happening today?
It was slow this morning, Devin sent a message that updates are coming (with a picture of grapes (?)
It's working fine now.
Is it down? I’m seeing things in the feed but I just tried to post something and it wouldn’t let me.
Truth Social will not load for me today, and I have been trying since 7am Eastern. Downdetector.com shows widespread user reports of problems.
I have also noticed of late that il Donaldo's Telegram presence is very quiet. He has had a week or two of reposted items and the like. He does always wish his followers Buenos Dias and Buenos Noches, though, with one or two messages in between. Nothing today, yet.
He’s pretty active on Gab (:
...he is probably too busy to post anything because afterall, he is POTUS 😎
I believe this account may have legit been 45... what do y'all think?
My spidey senses were whispering either Scavino or Jr.
I kind of think it’s Barron. He’s not in the limelight but would make statements with his T-shirt’s when photographed. Just my thought
We LOVE you il Presidento!
He's still on Truth Social, but yeah, I've been having issues today with Truth being really, really slow.
Good to know
But now their feelings are really, really hurt and he has to go. "WE HAVE TO HAVE OUR 100% SAFE SPACE!!"