Lmao Nogales is so dangerous. An old friend of mine in high school came from there and he told me a story about how some cartel guys offered him and his friends 500$ an hour to sit up in a tree with a walkie talkie and to let them know if any black trucks drive past.
He said he had to decline because his parents warned him all his childhood about these people and how there's no such thing as "just this one time", with these people. He was only 14 at the time.
Coincidentally, one of the foremen at the company I work at was telling me all about the Coyote Network and how the illegal immigration networks work. This article seems legit to me. Falls in line with what he was saying.
Police should be all over this. Pick em up drive em straight to the processing center. Soon, nobody will trust the coyotes i.e. government officials paying g the money through a shell organization.
I'd love to see someone sign up for this then ghost ride the van off a cliff. You would just need a bit more than 8k with how high car prices are right now.
"Life changing experience" if the BP/Sheriff/State Police decide to chase you.
Arizona's cops will, but not the Feds.
Pre-arrange the meeting with the AZ cops.
“Finders fee”
If the ad is placed by the cops.
If you get killed by said "workers."
"Where's the source?" "Got a link?"
These are questions we all should be asking more often.
That one appears to have been removed. But it keeps reposting:
The one I screenshotted was from over a week ago and was flagged for removal.
I texted the phone number (602) 806-4392 and asked if I would have to cross the border. I received a reply saying no, I would not have to.
For all we know this is CPB paying people to haul immigrants away from their facilities.
Or it could be a sting.
That posting was flagged. Here's another from 13 days ago:
Here is another ad for this bullshit:
They put it in the for sale section
10% for the Big Guy!
You can see why people are tempted to do it. Work for one week and make what May would make in one year.
Fuck yeah, and they post this in the For Sale section to stay on the DL
1 hour from Tucson eh? Sounds like Nogales MX. Super safe it is NOT.
Lmao Nogales is so dangerous. An old friend of mine in high school came from there and he told me a story about how some cartel guys offered him and his friends 500$ an hour to sit up in a tree with a walkie talkie and to let them know if any black trucks drive past.
He said he had to decline because his parents warned him all his childhood about these people and how there's no such thing as "just this one time", with these people. He was only 14 at the time.
Yeah that was an enlistment offer.
Yeah but kids wouldn't have any idea that's what it was.
Yup. The cartel are wicked.
One had their "life" changed a couple of days ago closing I-10 EB with 3 dead.
This illiterate, UN-punctuated, misspelled ad would certainly interest ME! Yeah.... NO!
Yeah there's a greater than 0% chance you end up in the back of a van with your kidneys cut out of your body
Did you at least archive Craigslist link?
..Annnd its gone!
Looks like this was written by a Cartel member.
Coincidentally, one of the foremen at the company I work at was telling me all about the Coyote Network and how the illegal immigration networks work. This article seems legit to me. Falls in line with what he was saying.
They have to wear a mask in an uber
Police should be all over this. Pick em up drive em straight to the processing center. Soon, nobody will trust the coyotes i.e. government officials paying g the money through a shell organization.
I'd love to see someone sign up for this then ghost ride the van off a cliff. You would just need a bit more than 8k with how high car prices are right now.
Don't front any money so the driver brings in the workers and then gets killed. win/win for the ad poster
Looks like they missed a word. Should be: "picking up some [sex] workers 1 hour away from tucson"
Also, was in phoenix airport recently and a ton of illegal immigrants got to skip the security line and walk through without any checks... sickening