I don't know why you flat earth people keep on insisting that God is deceitful and limited. Flat earth people somehow think that God created the entire world to be an illusion to convince us that there was a ball Earth and created an entire holographic universe to sit in the surface of the firmament to convince us that there's a universe. And then God added special parameters into the atmosphere to make it lens the sun convincingly like an atmosphere on a ball planet would, so that it would be nearly impossible to tell that it's a projector in the sky. Then he made light barriers so that the light from one location on the desk wouldn't bleed to all of the other locations on the disk. Then he put super powerful omnidirectional ocean currents around Antarctica so that sailing around Antarctica took the same amount of time the sailing around the North Pole. Then he made sure that the amount of atmosphere that was available for a balloon to float in with such that it could never touch the hologram of the firmament.
Just think about that.
Apparently you look up in the sky and there is an entire universe there. And you expect us to believe that God did that just to trick us?
Flat Earth is a Satanic lie.
That's like young Earth people. These guys think that God put dinosaur bones in the Earth to trick us into thinking that the Earth was old and that watching a single-celled organism go through a process in which it's DNA changes and it technically has evolved inside of a petri dish is fake news.
I wish these people would stop blaspheming God. Infinity begets Infinity. God is infinity and he begot infinity.
Besides go to Walmart spend a couple hundred dollars and buy a telescope. It's not hard if this is so important to you.
Go buy a telescope and sit there one night and look at the flight paths for satellites.
Point your f****** telescope at a satellite and look at what's keeping them up there.
There are no balloons, there are no wings, there is no propulsion. The only thing that keeps those giant hunks of metal in the sky is momentum.
It amazes me how many people miss this crucial bit
Bc they’re still listening to the mockingbird
So what. We should have expected it and it proves we have them where we want them
I don't know why you flat earth people keep on insisting that God is deceitful and limited. Flat earth people somehow think that God created the entire world to be an illusion to convince us that there was a ball Earth and created an entire holographic universe to sit in the surface of the firmament to convince us that there's a universe. And then God added special parameters into the atmosphere to make it lens the sun convincingly like an atmosphere on a ball planet would, so that it would be nearly impossible to tell that it's a projector in the sky. Then he made light barriers so that the light from one location on the desk wouldn't bleed to all of the other locations on the disk. Then he put super powerful omnidirectional ocean currents around Antarctica so that sailing around Antarctica took the same amount of time the sailing around the North Pole. Then he made sure that the amount of atmosphere that was available for a balloon to float in with such that it could never touch the hologram of the firmament.
Just think about that.
Apparently you look up in the sky and there is an entire universe there. And you expect us to believe that God did that just to trick us?
Flat Earth is a Satanic lie.
That's like young Earth people. These guys think that God put dinosaur bones in the Earth to trick us into thinking that the Earth was old and that watching a single-celled organism go through a process in which it's DNA changes and it technically has evolved inside of a petri dish is fake news.
I wish these people would stop blaspheming God. Infinity begets Infinity. God is infinity and he begot infinity.
Besides go to Walmart spend a couple hundred dollars and buy a telescope. It's not hard if this is so important to you.
Go buy a telescope and sit there one night and look at the flight paths for satellites.
Point your f****** telescope at a satellite and look at what's keeping them up there.
There are no balloons, there are no wings, there is no propulsion. The only thing that keeps those giant hunks of metal in the sky is momentum.
I think Magellan put the flat earth concept to rest in 1522. Confirmed in 1969 from outer space. Research known history before drowning in the psyop.
It's round, sonny.
This is hilarious.