Yes, God is a God of love. He is also a God of justice, a God of wrath, a holy and righteous God, and many other things which cannot be cut out and used in isolation to oversimplistically define God. But this does not negate the fact that God is, indeed, a God of perfect love. Thus, when we define the word “love,” it must be in a manner that is consistent with God’s character rather than our own sentiments or cultural preferences. If we want to know true love, we must look to God and not our own feelings, biases, or flawed human relationships.
The Bible does repeatedly characterize God in terms of His love. While many people falsely claim that the Old Testament paints God as a cold and ruthless judge without mercy, some of the most frequent descriptions of the LORD in the Hebrew Scriptures are phrases like “slow to anger, and abounding in lovingkindness,” (Exodus 34:6), “slow to anger and abundant in lovingkindness,” (Numbers 14:18), and “slow to anger and great in lovingkindness,” (Psalm 145:8). Likewise, the New Testament famously says things like:
“The one who does not love does not know God, for God is love,” (1 John 4:8).
The Bible is quite clear that love is not a passing sentiment that God may or may not possess at a given time. Love is a central attribute of God’s unchanging character. God is love as certainly and unwaveringly as God is holy (Leviticus 11:44-45) or God is “a consuming fire, a jealous God,” (Deuteronomy 4:24). All such things, which the word of God plainly declares, must be taken together as revealing the very nature and character of God. So yes, it is certainly true that the biblical God is a God of love.
Love and discipline
Many people today assume that rebuke, chastisement, and punishment are contrary to love. But biblically, God does all of these things. What’s more (and this is crucial to understand) He doesn’t do them in spite of being loving but rather because He is loving! Done righteously, these are actually expressions of true love! Jesus Himself said:
“Those whom I love, I reprove and discipline; therefore be zealous and repent,” (Revelation 3:19).
The New Testament authors echo and build on this sentiment, writing things like:
“For those whom the Lord loves He disciplines, And He scourges every son whom He receives. It is for discipline that you endure; God deals with you as with sons; for what son is there whom his father does not discipline? But if you are without discipline, of which all have become partakers, then you are illegitimate children and not sons,” (Hebrews 12:6-8).
We read similar statements in the Old Testament, such as:
“For whom the Lord loves He reproves, Even as a father corrects the son in whom he delights,” (Proverbs 3:12).
This not only attaches rebuke, reproof, and correction to God’s love, it assumes that such things as necessary parts of human love as well! A father who does not chastise his children does not love them! Letting people go on in their sin and refusing to confront and correct them is not love, it is indifference. We often miss the part of the famous “love chapter” read at so many weddings where it says that love “does not rejoice in unrighteousness, but rejoices with the truth,” (1 Corinthians 13:6). This is an essential part of what love is, and it finds its perfect expression in God.
Love and wrath
It’s one thing to say that rebuke and even corrective punishment are loving. After all, they are meant to restore the person and set them back on the right path. But what about God’s wrath, especially that final, ultimate wrath which He pours out eternally on those in hell? Isn’t that contrary to love? Again, the answer is actually no. And once again, the issue isn’t simply that God is so just and righteous that He will cast unrepentant sinners into hell in spite of His love. In reality, even God’s wrath expresses His love.
In a world where sin and evil exist, wrath is a necessary corollary of love. To put it another way, you can’t love someone without also having righteous indignation toward that which harms or threatens the one you love. Jesus draws on precisely this principle in some of his judgment language:
“Whoever causes one of these little ones who believe to stumble, it would be better for him if, with a heavy millstone hung around his neck, he had been cast into the sea,” (Mark 9:42, see also Luke 17:1-2).
In other words, if you hurt one of these precious people that Jesus loves, you’d be better off being dragged by the throat to the bottom of the ocean compared to what He’s going to do to you! God likewise spoke to Israel this way through the prophets:
“For thus says the Lord of hosts, ‘After glory He has sent me against the nations which plunder you, for he who touches you, touches the apple of His eye. For behold, I will wave My hand over them so that they will be plunder for their slaves. Then you will know that the Lord of hosts has sent Me,'” (Zechariah 2:8-9).
When someone harms one God loves, they might as well be poking God in the eye, and He will bring them down for it! Earlier still, the violent plagues on Egypt were because God loved Israel (Deuteronomy 4:47, 7:8). Sin brings death and suffering to all mankind and a curse on the whole of creation. How can the love of God not provoke Him to wrath against those who persist in bringing such cataclysmic harm on His people, indeed, on all people! A loving God will not allow sin and death to abide forever. Yet, He allows them to abide for a time, and this too is motivated by love:
“What if God, although willing to demonstrate His wrath and to make His power known, endured with much patience vessels of wrath prepared for destruction? And He did so to make known the riches of His glory upon vessels of mercy, which He prepared beforehand for glory,” (Romans 9:22-23).
Thus, God’s wrath (and the manner and timing in which He carries it out) are inseparably bound up with God’s love. His attributes cannot be spliced out and set against one another. There is no conflict between God’s justice, holiness, love, wrath, compassion, mercy, or any other attribute of God. The God of wrath is the God of love without contradiction.
Conclusion: God is a God of love
God is a God of love. This fact tells us something about God, but it also tells us something about what love is. We cannot start with our sentimental, subjective sense of what love ought to be and then use that to deny portions of God’s word because they strike us (incorrectly, I might add) as “unloving.” We also cannot pit God’s love against His wrath, justice, or holiness. Indeed, love would not be love without rebuke, correction, and even righteous wrath. The God of the Bible provides a perfect picture of true, whole, rich, and robust love in all its facets, and our own conceptions of love must bend to His self-revelation.
You should check out Greg Braden's channel on youtube. He does a great job connecting science to the Bible. It might help you understand at a deeper level.
What gives you the idea that I don't understand the presuppositions required for science?
By "deeper" you mean rejecting what God says and who Jesus is and following other beliefs. That's a hard pass. I've done that already.
That channel is new age lies from the pit of hell meant to distract you from the truth of God's infallible Word.
"I am the truth, the light, and the way. No one comes to the Father except through me." - Jesus.
What you don't realize is that you can't call anything objectively "good" "positive" "blessings" "Problems" without appealing to the Judeo-Christian worldview. If you reject your creator, God, then EVERYTHING is subjective.
Q said "God wins" and quoted from the Bible. He also said to pray. Not meditate, vibe, or any other new age lies from Satan.
You've been deceived. Put down you new age idols and follow Christ.
Philippians 4:8
Finally, brothers and sisters, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—if anything is excellent or praiseworthy—think about such things.
Me, too. But He created the science by which the world operates.
He can answer prayers however he wants...inside or outside of the laws of science. So, one way is by the science he created.
One example...If we pray in faith, and expect the good outcome, and have joy and gratefulness already, the limbic system of our brain starts highlighting stimuli that will lead us to the goal. This is especially effective if our subconscious is running images of the completed goal.
The best way to get the subconscious to produce these images is to pray with faith and gratefulness....versus if we pray in lack and fear, which causes our subconscious to produce images of what we already have.
You know how a pregnant woman notices all the other pregnant women, when normally, they don't? Or how you notice all the brands of cars around you when you are in the market to purchase one, when normally you don't pay attention? This is due to the limbic system highlighting stimuli that is important to you. We are constantly weeding out stimuli that is unimportant.
So, I give Jesus all the glory, and am not relying on myself or New Age ideas. I am praising him for his creation, asking him for help, and living in abundance and gratefulness to him...not patting myself on my back for my manifesting practices.
One example...If we pray in faith, and expect the good outcome, and have joy and gratefulness already, the limbic system of our brain starts highlighting stimuli that will lead us to the goal. This is especially effective if our subconscious is running images of the completed goal.
Can you share the chapter and verse please? This is hogwash otherwise.
When in college, I learned how the limbic system of our brain works, and was amazed. The more I learned, the more I worshipped God for how wonderfully we are made.
All I am saying is that a positive expectation (with emotion and abundance) is faith, when we are relying on God...and that my studies of physiology and quantum physics gave insight into God's amazing creation.
Also, my studies of physics made me believe in creation even more, not less. For instance, the 2nd law of thermodynamics says that everything goes towards disorder. Evolution cannot coexist with that law.
So, basically, I believed what the Bible said about faith already, but after studying the brain, I can see examples of how God's promises are expressed. Of course, he can answer prayer however he wants. ❤️
This is also why thieves can justify themselves. If they do it, it stands to reason they are like everyone else, so everyone must be a thief, they just don't act on it.
This is not how reality works. Even though "philosophers" are always saying stuff like this. Minds don't attract anything. Blessings don't either. The guy below says you become what you worship. No, I am not going to become God, since I worship Him. It's just fluffy thinking, which, hey, probably attracts MORE fluffy thinking. Was I wrong??????? Birds of a feather flock together: Yeah!!
We are a wave of energy AND particles of mass at the same time...and our thoughts and emotions have frequency, too, just more subtle than our 5 senses can detect.
Our vibration expands past our skin. This includes our thoughts and emotions. So, yes, attention, thoughts and emotions affect our environment.
Just like our airway splits off into two, then branches and branches until it becomes our alveoli, and just like our spinal cord divides and branches until it becomes the nerve endings in our digits, and like our arteries branch and branch until they become our tiny arterioles, in the same way, energy moves through branching pathways. It is just too subtle for our 5 senses to notice.
This double-slit experiment occurred in the early 1900's. Einstein tried to debunk quantum physics. After he retired, he kept sending experiments to the current scientists that he thought might show its fault, but the result was always more verification of quantum physics concepts. In fact, the equations resulted in inventions. Newtonian physics seems to be contradicted by quantum physics, yet they both are proven true and work in cooperation.
We need more discovery, but one thing is for can't hurt to realize that we are an energy vibration expressing itself as a body. So, if we improve the energy, we can improve the form it takes, and we can affect the vibrational forms to which we are linked around us.
This explains in part what Jesus told us about how much he can do through us if we have the faith of a mustard seed.
I used to teach a class about stress reduction. I enjoy using this in my own life. I try to be aware of five physical changes that stress does to my body, which are completely in my control to reverse. When I am aware of what stress is doing to me physically, I can choose the opposite physical action. The link is just as strong both directions, so I can reduce my stress.
Here are two simple examples:
Negative thinking affects our facial expressions and tone of voice, which alters how others will treat us, which determines much of our reality. If stress makes us frown, we can choose the smile. If we hear a sharp tone in our voice, we can choose a kind one. I used to sugggest the employees put a mirror on the desk and look into it while speaking with frustrating customers. They said it helped. For fun, when my kids were fighting, I used to ask them to sing whatever they were saying. They always ended up laughing, instead.
Also, stress causes us to breathe in a shallow way, which is linked to our sympathetic (fight-or-flight) nervous system. DIaghram breathing is linked to the parasympathetic nervous system, which when engaged, gives us feelings of well-being, love, abundance, etc. It is hard to be in fight-or-flight mode and abundant mode at the same time. Luckily, we hold the key...diaphragmatic breathing. Unless our threat is a true physical one (like being chased by a bear), it is our choice which system we are utilizing.
No, I only meant worst advice ever because it's nearly impossible when in the midst of a negative mental shit-storm to "Just think positive!" People toss that advice out and then go dancing on their merry way, thinking they did the person some good. The whole trouble when someone is anxious or depressed is that they feel they can't "think positive" right then.
It isn't bad advice because it's a bad thing to do; it's only bad advice because so many people find it virtually impossible to do.
You are correct about that. I was very depressed for a very long time and if someone would have told me to just think positive I would probably have told them to F off.
I tried it on my own because I had a theory about vibration and emotion and figured it was worth a shot. It triggered my spiritual awakening. Synchronicity was so intense I thought I was going crazy. I had no idea about any of that stuff until I experienced it. Turns out it is common and that is what all these people I used to call hippy freaks were talking about with all their love and light nonsense. It is not nonsense. Now I get called names when I try to tell people about it. That's karma I guess. lol.
It's actually more than this. You become what you worship. Everybody worships something. If it's not God then It's idolatry.
Either focus on God and you'll be confirmed to Him and His attributes; peace, love joy kindness humility.
Or focus on something else and become like that.
Yes! The world is cold, dead, and unforgiving. Those who worship the world will become cold, dead, and unforgiving... !
That would explain my smooth, full, rounded shape and large central nipple.
Love is just one of God's attributes. And God defines how we are to love which is by keeping His commandments.
What is your specific definition of God?
The Bible defines God.
Yes, God is a God of love. He is also a God of justice, a God of wrath, a holy and righteous God, and many other things which cannot be cut out and used in isolation to oversimplistically define God. But this does not negate the fact that God is, indeed, a God of perfect love. Thus, when we define the word “love,” it must be in a manner that is consistent with God’s character rather than our own sentiments or cultural preferences. If we want to know true love, we must look to God and not our own feelings, biases, or flawed human relationships.
The Bible does repeatedly characterize God in terms of His love. While many people falsely claim that the Old Testament paints God as a cold and ruthless judge without mercy, some of the most frequent descriptions of the LORD in the Hebrew Scriptures are phrases like “slow to anger, and abounding in lovingkindness,” (Exodus 34:6), “slow to anger and abundant in lovingkindness,” (Numbers 14:18), and “slow to anger and great in lovingkindness,” (Psalm 145:8). Likewise, the New Testament famously says things like:
“The one who does not love does not know God, for God is love,” (1 John 4:8).
The Bible is quite clear that love is not a passing sentiment that God may or may not possess at a given time. Love is a central attribute of God’s unchanging character. God is love as certainly and unwaveringly as God is holy (Leviticus 11:44-45) or God is “a consuming fire, a jealous God,” (Deuteronomy 4:24). All such things, which the word of God plainly declares, must be taken together as revealing the very nature and character of God. So yes, it is certainly true that the biblical God is a God of love.
Love and discipline Many people today assume that rebuke, chastisement, and punishment are contrary to love. But biblically, God does all of these things. What’s more (and this is crucial to understand) He doesn’t do them in spite of being loving but rather because He is loving! Done righteously, these are actually expressions of true love! Jesus Himself said:
“Those whom I love, I reprove and discipline; therefore be zealous and repent,” (Revelation 3:19).
The New Testament authors echo and build on this sentiment, writing things like:
“For those whom the Lord loves He disciplines, And He scourges every son whom He receives. It is for discipline that you endure; God deals with you as with sons; for what son is there whom his father does not discipline? But if you are without discipline, of which all have become partakers, then you are illegitimate children and not sons,” (Hebrews 12:6-8).
We read similar statements in the Old Testament, such as:
“For whom the Lord loves He reproves, Even as a father corrects the son in whom he delights,” (Proverbs 3:12).
This not only attaches rebuke, reproof, and correction to God’s love, it assumes that such things as necessary parts of human love as well! A father who does not chastise his children does not love them! Letting people go on in their sin and refusing to confront and correct them is not love, it is indifference. We often miss the part of the famous “love chapter” read at so many weddings where it says that love “does not rejoice in unrighteousness, but rejoices with the truth,” (1 Corinthians 13:6). This is an essential part of what love is, and it finds its perfect expression in God.
Love and wrath It’s one thing to say that rebuke and even corrective punishment are loving. After all, they are meant to restore the person and set them back on the right path. But what about God’s wrath, especially that final, ultimate wrath which He pours out eternally on those in hell? Isn’t that contrary to love? Again, the answer is actually no. And once again, the issue isn’t simply that God is so just and righteous that He will cast unrepentant sinners into hell in spite of His love. In reality, even God’s wrath expresses His love.
In a world where sin and evil exist, wrath is a necessary corollary of love. To put it another way, you can’t love someone without also having righteous indignation toward that which harms or threatens the one you love. Jesus draws on precisely this principle in some of his judgment language:
“Whoever causes one of these little ones who believe to stumble, it would be better for him if, with a heavy millstone hung around his neck, he had been cast into the sea,” (Mark 9:42, see also Luke 17:1-2).
In other words, if you hurt one of these precious people that Jesus loves, you’d be better off being dragged by the throat to the bottom of the ocean compared to what He’s going to do to you! God likewise spoke to Israel this way through the prophets:
“For thus says the Lord of hosts, ‘After glory He has sent me against the nations which plunder you, for he who touches you, touches the apple of His eye. For behold, I will wave My hand over them so that they will be plunder for their slaves. Then you will know that the Lord of hosts has sent Me,'” (Zechariah 2:8-9).
When someone harms one God loves, they might as well be poking God in the eye, and He will bring them down for it! Earlier still, the violent plagues on Egypt were because God loved Israel (Deuteronomy 4:47, 7:8). Sin brings death and suffering to all mankind and a curse on the whole of creation. How can the love of God not provoke Him to wrath against those who persist in bringing such cataclysmic harm on His people, indeed, on all people! A loving God will not allow sin and death to abide forever. Yet, He allows them to abide for a time, and this too is motivated by love:
“What if God, although willing to demonstrate His wrath and to make His power known, endured with much patience vessels of wrath prepared for destruction? And He did so to make known the riches of His glory upon vessels of mercy, which He prepared beforehand for glory,” (Romans 9:22-23).
Thus, God’s wrath (and the manner and timing in which He carries it out) are inseparably bound up with God’s love. His attributes cannot be spliced out and set against one another. There is no conflict between God’s justice, holiness, love, wrath, compassion, mercy, or any other attribute of God. The God of wrath is the God of love without contradiction.
Conclusion: God is a God of love God is a God of love. This fact tells us something about God, but it also tells us something about what love is. We cannot start with our sentimental, subjective sense of what love ought to be and then use that to deny portions of God’s word because they strike us (incorrectly, I might add) as “unloving.” We also cannot pit God’s love against His wrath, justice, or holiness. Indeed, love would not be love without rebuke, correction, and even righteous wrath. The God of the Bible provides a perfect picture of true, whole, rich, and robust love in all its facets, and our own conceptions of love must bend to His self-revelation.
You should check out Greg Braden's channel on youtube. He does a great job connecting science to the Bible. It might help you understand at a deeper level.
What gives you the idea that I don't understand the presuppositions required for science?
By "deeper" you mean rejecting what God says and who Jesus is and following other beliefs. That's a hard pass. I've done that already.
That channel is new age lies from the pit of hell meant to distract you from the truth of God's infallible Word.
"I am the truth, the light, and the way. No one comes to the Father except through me." - Jesus.
What you don't realize is that you can't call anything objectively "good" "positive" "blessings" "Problems" without appealing to the Judeo-Christian worldview. If you reject your creator, God, then EVERYTHING is subjective.
Q said "God wins" and quoted from the Bible. He also said to pray. Not meditate, vibe, or any other new age lies from Satan.
You've been deceived. Put down you new age idols and follow Christ.
Here's one of the hero's of the new age and what he experienced coming out of it and to truth.
Have you ever experienced synchronicity or unity consciousness?
Your mind is a garden of thoughts. Weed out that which harms, cultivate the good.
Philippians 4:8 NIV Finally, brothers and sisters, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—if anything is excellent or praiseworthy—think about such things.
I'll stick with Jesus, thank you very much.
Me, too. But He created the science by which the world operates.
He can answer prayers however he wants...inside or outside of the laws of science. So, one way is by the science he created.
One example...If we pray in faith, and expect the good outcome, and have joy and gratefulness already, the limbic system of our brain starts highlighting stimuli that will lead us to the goal. This is especially effective if our subconscious is running images of the completed goal.
The best way to get the subconscious to produce these images is to pray with faith and gratefulness....versus if we pray in lack and fear, which causes our subconscious to produce images of what we already have.
You know how a pregnant woman notices all the other pregnant women, when normally, they don't? Or how you notice all the brands of cars around you when you are in the market to purchase one, when normally you don't pay attention? This is due to the limbic system highlighting stimuli that is important to you. We are constantly weeding out stimuli that is unimportant.
So, I give Jesus all the glory, and am not relying on myself or New Age ideas. I am praising him for his creation, asking him for help, and living in abundance and gratefulness to him...not patting myself on my back for my manifesting practices.
Can you share the chapter and verse please? This is hogwash otherwise.
When in college, I learned how the limbic system of our brain works, and was amazed. The more I learned, the more I worshipped God for how wonderfully we are made.
All I am saying is that a positive expectation (with emotion and abundance) is faith, when we are relying on God...and that my studies of physiology and quantum physics gave insight into God's amazing creation.
Also, my studies of physics made me believe in creation even more, not less. For instance, the 2nd law of thermodynamics says that everything goes towards disorder. Evolution cannot coexist with that law.
So, basically, I believed what the Bible said about faith already, but after studying the brain, I can see examples of how God's promises are expressed. Of course, he can answer prayer however he wants. ❤️
Wise decision. Too much extra biblical nonsense here at times...New Age garbage as well.
Googled Christ consciousness....Found this...See the problem yet?
OK fine.... Another variation on the theme of "pull yourself together"
This is oversimplified, but the idea is sound.
This is also why thieves can justify themselves. If they do it, it stands to reason they are like everyone else, so everyone must be a thief, they just don't act on it.
I think you misunderstand, OP mentioned minds at first and then changed his terms to bodies, sliding the thread.
Doh, totally right! Lol
Thread sliding doesn't work with me.
This is not how reality works. Even though "philosophers" are always saying stuff like this. Minds don't attract anything. Blessings don't either. The guy below says you become what you worship. No, I am not going to become God, since I worship Him. It's just fluffy thinking, which, hey, probably attracts MORE fluffy thinking. Was I wrong??????? Birds of a feather flock together: Yeah!!
Love that video. Thanks for posting.
We are a wave of energy AND particles of mass at the same time...and our thoughts and emotions have frequency, too, just more subtle than our 5 senses can detect.
Our vibration expands past our skin. This includes our thoughts and emotions. So, yes, attention, thoughts and emotions affect our environment.
Just like our airway splits off into two, then branches and branches until it becomes our alveoli, and just like our spinal cord divides and branches until it becomes the nerve endings in our digits, and like our arteries branch and branch until they become our tiny arterioles, in the same way, energy moves through branching pathways. It is just too subtle for our 5 senses to notice.
This double-slit experiment occurred in the early 1900's. Einstein tried to debunk quantum physics. After he retired, he kept sending experiments to the current scientists that he thought might show its fault, but the result was always more verification of quantum physics concepts. In fact, the equations resulted in inventions. Newtonian physics seems to be contradicted by quantum physics, yet they both are proven true and work in cooperation.
We need more discovery, but one thing is for can't hurt to realize that we are an energy vibration expressing itself as a body. So, if we improve the energy, we can improve the form it takes, and we can affect the vibrational forms to which we are linked around us.
This explains in part what Jesus told us about how much he can do through us if we have the faith of a mustard seed.
Conceptually, some of the best advice ever
As a practical matter, some of the worst advice ever
What you say about negative thoughts is so true.
This is a side note...subtopic to yours.
I used to teach a class about stress reduction. I enjoy using this in my own life. I try to be aware of five physical changes that stress does to my body, which are completely in my control to reverse. When I am aware of what stress is doing to me physically, I can choose the opposite physical action. The link is just as strong both directions, so I can reduce my stress.
Here are two simple examples:
Negative thinking affects our facial expressions and tone of voice, which alters how others will treat us, which determines much of our reality. If stress makes us frown, we can choose the smile. If we hear a sharp tone in our voice, we can choose a kind one. I used to sugggest the employees put a mirror on the desk and look into it while speaking with frustrating customers. They said it helped. For fun, when my kids were fighting, I used to ask them to sing whatever they were saying. They always ended up laughing, instead.
Also, stress causes us to breathe in a shallow way, which is linked to our sympathetic (fight-or-flight) nervous system. DIaghram breathing is linked to the parasympathetic nervous system, which when engaged, gives us feelings of well-being, love, abundance, etc. It is hard to be in fight-or-flight mode and abundant mode at the same time. Luckily, we hold the key...diaphragmatic breathing. Unless our threat is a true physical one (like being chased by a bear), it is our choice which system we are utilizing.
No, I only meant worst advice ever because it's nearly impossible when in the midst of a negative mental shit-storm to "Just think positive!" People toss that advice out and then go dancing on their merry way, thinking they did the person some good. The whole trouble when someone is anxious or depressed is that they feel they can't "think positive" right then.
It isn't bad advice because it's a bad thing to do; it's only bad advice because so many people find it virtually impossible to do.
You are correct about that. I was very depressed for a very long time and if someone would have told me to just think positive I would probably have told them to F off.
I tried it on my own because I had a theory about vibration and emotion and figured it was worth a shot. It triggered my spiritual awakening. Synchronicity was so intense I thought I was going crazy. I had no idea about any of that stuff until I experienced it. Turns out it is common and that is what all these people I used to call hippy freaks were talking about with all their love and light nonsense. It is not nonsense. Now I get called names when I try to tell people about it. That's karma I guess. lol.