What do you all think? Some strong arguments made by the community. One of the dangers of being open minded and consistently lied to, is that you start to make any and everything a possibility.
There's only one major problem with flat Earth theory: everything.
FET says gravity is a myth. Well if the disk is always accelerating up why can I point a flashlight at a wall and hit it with the light. It only takes 1 year at 9.81 m/s^2 to reach c. The sum of all the components vectors of a photon is c in whatever medium the photon is in. So if we moving beyond c in an upward direction. All light must hit and stay stuck to the floor.
Ships and distant structure always, universally, disappear from the bottom up with distance. Which is a globe phenomenon.
The fact that it's impossible to point a telescope latterly from a mountaintop in North America and see mount Everest is also globe proof and disk destruction evidence.
If the sun was a projector near earth then the disk of the projector must follow the rules of perspective as it moves. It must deform to a more and more extreme ellipse shape in view as the sun moves away from noon position.
Where's the light blead at night from the other side of the disk that's lit?
Why does the sun set below the ocean instead of looking like a disk of light flying above it really far away?
Why does sailing around Antarctica take the same ammount of time as sailing around the arctic when the perimeter of the disk is an order of magnitude larger at Antarctica in a disk world?
Satellites exist in orbit and they are not held up by balloons. They'res seriously some flat earthers who think that satellites are held up by balloons. Have the decency to buy a telescope and look at one. Others just say they're demons (if they're demons you have bigger problems then convincing people the world is flat)
Many flat Earth also say that the northern lights are a myth. I live on one of the highest points on Highway 11 in Canada, they are not a f****** myth, I live high enough in latitude that I see them a couple times a year when the sky is clear and I'm up late enough.
Flat earthers don't believe in mirages because lensing light is "impossible and couldn't possibly help to explain the god ray trajectories from the clouds." Seriously, these people think lensing light is myth.
If all of Astrophysics is a lie: explain HAM radio signal bouncing off the ionosphere that's only possible during a solar storm when the ionosphere is excited enough to bounce them. Explain why this would even be necessary on a disk world where you always have line of sight.
Line if sight. A regular average joe can see a candle light from 2 miles away in the dead of night. Name something else on the disc that you've seen lit up by the Sun while it was the dead of night in your area of the disc.
There is so much more, you actually have to not think about it to be flat Earth. Literally you have to not think about all of the secondary facts that have to be true and all of the tertiary facts that have to be true for the earth to be a disc. Well either that or you have to actually literally know nothing about physics and engineering.
These are all very easy to test things. The world cannot be a disc based on the observational evidence of the world and the engineering realities that would be apparent if the world was a disc.
Two of the biggest problems are line of sight which is whole distance on a discworld which clearly does not exist in a whole distance capacity on our planet and the shape of the solar projector as it moves above the disc.
Seriously, if the Sun is a flying pot light it should look like a flying pot light from a distance. Instead, it looks like a giant ball of fire that maintains its circular shape as it apparently sets while our line of sight to it is cut off by the rotation of the globe.
"Seriously, if the Sun is a flying pot light it should look like a flying pot light from a distance. Instead, it looks like a giant ball of fire that maintains its circular shape as it apparently sets while our line of sight to it is cut off by the rotation of the globe."
Not a full FE here, yet. They've got some good arguments. What I notice though is that both sphere and flat models have some anomalies that their respective paradigms cannot explain.
To your Sun always looking like a disk point; the Flat Earther would most likely respond by saying the Sun is moving over the Dome (Firmament) above the Earth. This would make the disk appear more round throughout it's trajectory across the sky.
Again: model that. Now you have to explain the trajectory of light from the difference in where that light source is now pointing in order to create that shape. Presenting the firmament as an argument to combat my argument doesn't actually defeat my argument, it makes the other side worse. Because now you have to explain why the sun sets at all.
Clearly the sun moves below the water line from our perspective when we are looking at the sunset over the ocean. It does not move laterally when it's setting. A disc even with the fermament would require the sun to move laterally as it sets from a ground perspective. Furthermore the sun in a disc setting firmament or not will never look like it's going below the water from your perspective.
If it's on the inside of a dome and it maintains its disc shape because of its orientation relative on the dome that doesn't fix anything. Now you have to explain why the sun isn't an ellipse at noon.
Now you have to explain why the night exists.
Again you have to 3D model it and actually like look at the results of those models. Both from an overs perspective and from a ground perspective.
You have to explain why something that is flying looks like it's going underneath something that you know that you are above. When you know that thing is above you still.
You have to remember that you were talking about a flat plane when you're talking about this stuff. In a flat plain scenario like that if it looks like the sun collided with the ocean that would literally mean that the sun collided with the ocean.
There are no tricks of perspective on a flat plane.
Furthermore the sun in a disc setting firmament or not will never look like it's going below the water from your perspective.
As the sun descends it will create a tangent into the horizon. The perspective lines nearly merge, causing the receding body to appear to intersect the horizon from the bottom up. Next the light of the receding sun is dimmed to blackness by a non-transparent atmosphere.
“ At these times it appears close to the horizon where the density of the air differs greatly. The air near the ground is denser than the layer of air just above it, and the layer of air above that is less dense still, and so on upwards until the Earth's atmosphere peters out at some 400 km. Now consider what happens when the Sun is setting. When the Sun is at the horizon, light from the top of the disc is going through the air at a different angle than that from the lower part. So the rays are bent by different amounts before they reach the observer's eye. The result is that the bottom part of the Sun's disc appears to be lifted up. In consequence the Sun's disc appears slightly compressed. ”
—Samuel Birley Rowbotham
What do you all think? Some strong arguments made by the community. One of the dangers of being open minded and consistently lied to, is that you start to make any and everything a possibility.
I'll entertain most theories I find here but not flat earth.
Honestly, it's a misdirection of our resources,
Don't fall for it for a moment.
There's only one major problem with flat Earth theory: everything.
FET says gravity is a myth. Well if the disk is always accelerating up why can I point a flashlight at a wall and hit it with the light. It only takes 1 year at 9.81 m/s^2 to reach c. The sum of all the components vectors of a photon is c in whatever medium the photon is in. So if we moving beyond c in an upward direction. All light must hit and stay stuck to the floor.
Ships and distant structure always, universally, disappear from the bottom up with distance. Which is a globe phenomenon.
The fact that it's impossible to point a telescope latterly from a mountaintop in North America and see mount Everest is also globe proof and disk destruction evidence.
If the sun was a projector near earth then the disk of the projector must follow the rules of perspective as it moves. It must deform to a more and more extreme ellipse shape in view as the sun moves away from noon position.
Where's the light blead at night from the other side of the disk that's lit?
Why does the sun set below the ocean instead of looking like a disk of light flying above it really far away?
Why does sailing around Antarctica take the same ammount of time as sailing around the arctic when the perimeter of the disk is an order of magnitude larger at Antarctica in a disk world?
Satellites exist in orbit and they are not held up by balloons. They'res seriously some flat earthers who think that satellites are held up by balloons. Have the decency to buy a telescope and look at one. Others just say they're demons (if they're demons you have bigger problems then convincing people the world is flat)
Many flat Earth also say that the northern lights are a myth. I live on one of the highest points on Highway 11 in Canada, they are not a f****** myth, I live high enough in latitude that I see them a couple times a year when the sky is clear and I'm up late enough.
Flat earthers don't believe in mirages because lensing light is "impossible and couldn't possibly help to explain the god ray trajectories from the clouds." Seriously, these people think lensing light is myth.
If all of Astrophysics is a lie: explain HAM radio signal bouncing off the ionosphere that's only possible during a solar storm when the ionosphere is excited enough to bounce them. Explain why this would even be necessary on a disk world where you always have line of sight.
Line if sight. A regular average joe can see a candle light from 2 miles away in the dead of night. Name something else on the disc that you've seen lit up by the Sun while it was the dead of night in your area of the disc.
There is so much more, you actually have to not think about it to be flat Earth. Literally you have to not think about all of the secondary facts that have to be true and all of the tertiary facts that have to be true for the earth to be a disc. Well either that or you have to actually literally know nothing about physics and engineering.
These are all very easy to test things. The world cannot be a disc based on the observational evidence of the world and the engineering realities that would be apparent if the world was a disc.
Two of the biggest problems are line of sight which is whole distance on a discworld which clearly does not exist in a whole distance capacity on our planet and the shape of the solar projector as it moves above the disc.
Seriously, if the Sun is a flying pot light it should look like a flying pot light from a distance. Instead, it looks like a giant ball of fire that maintains its circular shape as it apparently sets while our line of sight to it is cut off by the rotation of the globe.
Thanks! They needed that.
I heard FET is meant to divide the truther community.
Im not sure about the Tartaria / mud flood / worlds fairs thing.😃😃
What about the World's Fair?
Flat earthers don't need to prove anything. You can find the answers to these questions if you really looked, but you won't so instead you just mock.
Can't blame them, they're fighting a lifetime of indoctrination starting from day one.
Many I conclude are university educated, thus highly indoctrinated.
What I find funny is they're on a MSM proclaimed "conspiracy theory" forum denying perhaps the biggest lie of all perpetrated by the cabal.
Not a full FE here, yet. They've got some good arguments. What I notice though is that both sphere and flat models have some anomalies that their respective paradigms cannot explain.
To your Sun always looking like a disk point; the Flat Earther would most likely respond by saying the Sun is moving over the Dome (Firmament) above the Earth. This would make the disk appear more round throughout it's trajectory across the sky.
Again: model that. Now you have to explain the trajectory of light from the difference in where that light source is now pointing in order to create that shape. Presenting the firmament as an argument to combat my argument doesn't actually defeat my argument, it makes the other side worse. Because now you have to explain why the sun sets at all.
Clearly the sun moves below the water line from our perspective when we are looking at the sunset over the ocean. It does not move laterally when it's setting. A disc even with the fermament would require the sun to move laterally as it sets from a ground perspective. Furthermore the sun in a disc setting firmament or not will never look like it's going below the water from your perspective.
If it's on the inside of a dome and it maintains its disc shape because of its orientation relative on the dome that doesn't fix anything. Now you have to explain why the sun isn't an ellipse at noon.
Now you have to explain why the night exists.
Again you have to 3D model it and actually like look at the results of those models. Both from an overs perspective and from a ground perspective.
You have to explain why something that is flying looks like it's going underneath something that you know that you are above. When you know that thing is above you still.
You have to remember that you were talking about a flat plane when you're talking about this stuff. In a flat plain scenario like that if it looks like the sun collided with the ocean that would literally mean that the sun collided with the ocean.
There are no tricks of perspective on a flat plane.
As the sun descends it will create a tangent into the horizon. The perspective lines nearly merge, causing the receding body to appear to intersect the horizon from the bottom up. Next the light of the receding sun is dimmed to blackness by a non-transparent atmosphere.
This is false. Perspective makes all sorts of objects "disappear" into the distance.