If you are not familiar with the basics of PREPPING - or being prepared then do these things NOW. Please add to this information to help our frens!
Organise a carrier or bug-out-bag for your pets NOW. If you need to flee, all you need to do is grab this and your pet/s and go.
- SPARE COLLAR and LEASH, a HARNESS, MUZZLE RETRACTABLE LEASH - this includes cats, ferrets, rabbits etc.
- A fold up water bowl. An unopened bottle of water. While most are horrified at putting a muzzle on a dog, if they are injured, they may want to bite the closest to them due to pain. Get them used to this now. Same as a body harness for a cat etc. Get them used to it ASAP.
- There are many backpacks with pet carry sections incorporated into them. Search under Dog Carrier Backpacks - hands-free dog/cat/rabbit carrier backpack. Make sure they have a lead and collar on at all times and it’s secured firmly on yourself.
- Dry biscuits. Cans are too heavy. Keep some biscuits in their carrier and in other places. Get large dogs used to carrying their food, water, bedding etc. via a dog saddle bag.
- MEDS. In fact, leave their meds in this carrier even if you are not in any emergency situation. Also flea and tick medication. Keep one in their bug-out-bag. Get their shots updated NOW.
- A copy of ALL their shot certificates, adoption certificates, ownership papers etc. secured firmly in their bag.
- This is important. A current picture of you and family members with your pet. Why? In a SHTF scenario people will attempt to steal a pet. Without that photo ownership is near impossible. Laminate copies and keep one secured on/in the carrier at all times. Keep others with your own personal papers and a mini one - cc size in your wallet.
- Does your dog bark? This could be a problem if your are trying to minimise your stealth camping location. I have no idea what is available to pet owners, but look into that now.
- DO NOT go into any FEMA etc camps with your pet. They will separate you. You need to find an area safe of a large population and a small lightweight floored tent will keep you and family dry, but together. Or, Seek out a hotel/farm/holiday house/camp ground BEFOREHAND that will take animals. This can change in a moment so try to be independent and don’t threaten anyone if they decline your animals if youn threaten them with discrimination laws, in an emergency situation most laws will be suspended.
- Be a ‘grey person’. Don’t stand out. Wear ‘darker clothes’ and dress young children similar. You don’t want hot pinks or lime greens on your children. If you have to move thru densely populated areas to reach a rural safety spot, if you have two adults and two children, don’t walk with pets in a bunch. Each adult take a child but stay close by and don’t communicate unless you have to, to make it to that secure location. Parents can adopt some sort of signals beforehand but stay in eye sight at all times.
- While you may have never put a muzzle, a harness, a lead on your pet before, they will pick up on your fears etc. and will be stressed. A frightened cat will claw their way out of your arms if in unfamiliar circumstances and the last thing you need is looking for a terrified pet or coping with a little one as you have to leave their beloved pet behind. Times are changing rapidly. I would love the board to add ideas because none of us have been in these situations. Pets are family and we need to protect them and preparing now takes that stress off everyone.
This is garbage advice.
Your priorities are way off. Fleas/ticks on pets are the last thing I'd be concerned with. Cat leashes lol.
Urbanites.....leave now.
To be fair, anybody trying to or succeeding at taking our dogs (the implied situation being they are still around, a family photo being useful and all) would get shot just the same as anybody trying to overrun the rural location we already live in. "If I haven't seen your face in town before, tell your story walking homie."
Edit : they can have the cats (freeloaders anyway, I still have to set mousetraps)
Ikr. Lets pretend pets are people. Cause we cant imagine caring for other humans. I see it all the time.
Yeah, like really? LOL, what about our deet supply.
Good advice,in most SHTF it better to stay in place.
Agree. But not always practical.
Shit advice honestly. Thats 50+lbs of supplies and not a single actual survival item.
Your bug out bag should be 20% of your total body weight.
If someone sets off like this theyre dead in a week.
Lmao wtf is this?
This seems dangerously out of touch. You wont be able to feed one mouth let alone you and your several cats and dogs. If shit gets bad enough you'll be eating your cats and dogs.
And do you realize how much weight in supplies you are talking about and you havent brought a single survival item yet. Pet carriers, extra leashes and collars, dry biscuits, are you pulling a fucking wagon with you? Try to carry everything you mentioned, now realize that all of you are dead because you have no real survival items.
My bug out bag is 60lbs and doesnt contain a single one of those items.
Obviously you don’t have a dog. I covered PETS not individuals if you care to read it again.
I do, i have 2 dogs actually. 2 hounds that i take everywhere, but you need to face some harsh realities. Those pets are liabilities and burdens to your survival. Even my hounds, who can run rabbits or tree a bear, could surpass their usefulness. If it comes down to me or the dog eating you bet your ass im eating.
You also need to face some harsh realities that there is no possible way that you could take those supplies with you. A pretty basic bug out bag will max out your weight limit. There are already vital things that you will have to leave behind because of weight. I carry a little heavy because i exercise daily and i couldnt possibly carry any of those supplies with me. What your advising is impossible.
Create your own bug out bag. It will become very obvious very quickly.
I got 2 wiener dogs. But im not going a fucking place. Die here on my land or out in the woods runnung and hiding? If those boys cant hunt up some rabbit or ground game then they will be whats on the menu..they know these terms.
Exactly, some people are just too far separated from reality. They think its going to be some kind of picnic. You have blue helmets sweeping houses in your neighborhood, yeah quick let me grab the pet carrier and exrta leashes lol.
Now if only their was a nice big fund that people could turn to, for covering the costs of all the preparedness people recommend, and what a real joy it must be to be able to feel prepared well. It is a necessity that equates with luxury, really. The luxury of being able to sleep at night knowing you are ready if need be.
Some just have to trust in the Lord to protect and provide.
Thank you for this.
Or just ban together with your neighbors and stand and fight and die for you home and land. What im doing. I used to be a bugoitboi but todays low tech will have you found and liquidated by some cost efficient military device within the first 3 days.
I'm in Montana, can't go anywhere without seeing out of state vehicles. Met many from the coastal state's, Washington, Oregon and Cali. Many from Texas...
They're ruining land and home purchasing for locals who can't afford basic housing bc the Triple inflated housing costs!
Idaho, Wyoming and Utah have been liberalized by influx of libs changing the political culture. Yep we'll have to flee.... from migrants and costal freaks....
But where to....
Same for Tennessee. People getting evicted so rents can be doubled and houses selling for twice what they went for in ‘16... with cash buyers.
North to Alaska.
Alaska's been ruined. Two of the top 10 worst reps are there. It's no longer reliably conservative and it's been a go-to destination for criminals for decades now.
Don't tell anyone,but the UP of Michigan is still pretty good.
Cool. Good to know. Thanks.
Also the northern half of the lower peninsula. We have a family cabin up there on a lake. A few state/national forests up there too. Excellent location if we can’t shelter in place.
This is happening in South Dakota, too, and they are bringing in companies who are purchasing MASSIVE amounts of acres to destroy the Badlands for "industrial industry" and "affordable housing".
In a shtf situation, specially in the winter, 90% of these urbanites are gone within the first month. Look at this mindset. I just picture some soccer mom trying to load her three cats and four dogs, with carriers and extra leashes, into a crossover suv as chaos is happening everywhere. These people are toast.
Patriots in control, safe guards in place for protection of every man woman and child. PETS are a food source.
In some people's lives, maybe. Different standards.
All you need is a very large supply of popcorn!
Where is this proof of safeguards in place for every man, woman, and child? Especially considering our borders are still being overrun, children are still being subjected to vaccinations and evil indoctrination, our economy & food supply being destroyed or bought up by evil entities? What happened to the 2018 mid terms? They weren't protected and neither were the 2020 elections so NO ONE should feel it is ok to rely on a guarantee of some alleged safeguards being in place now.
Exactly, if you havent eaten in a week those cats and dogs are food now.
This person is trying to set off with a farm and 50+lbs of gear and no survival items.
I love my dogs but this is dangerously out of touch.
I will probably be dead before I am taken anywhere.
I ain't fleeing nowhere.
Where do you plan on going exactly?
Stay and fight.