Well Glenn Beck puts out a great warning video in the Rumble link below, on Japan’s impending economic collapse. 7 Trillion in the hole and no one came bail them out. US Military tied into theirs, and US and Japan have been shell gaming their bonds together for decades. But now that US DemoLibs are shelling out billions to launder in Ukraine, we have no ability further to shell game Japan’s bonds. Economic Default is coming by Sept. or sooner period, which will in-turn cascade our bond market.
Red October might also be stocks and bonds deeper in red, besides a conservative midterm sweep. Sorry for the Yahoo link, but their business finance has a great article on Not Intervening On The Yen, to back up Glenn’s info. Not good Anons, not good at all.
We've been in a depression since 2008, and a recession since the dotcom crash.
Also, they've been predicting the fall of Asia, particularly China, since 1980.
To be fair, China SHOULD HAVE fallen a long freaking time ago. If it wasn't for all the cabal dark money propping up the entire country's economy, China would've fallen back to third world status A LONG time ago.
China made their trillions when Clinton and Obama gave them all our factories and tech.
That's only part of it. The Chinese economy is basically the worlds largest and greatest ponzi scheme. Every single number you find in relation to the Chinese economy is inflated and fluffed up. Their GDP is in reality about a third or quarter of what it officially is, and their debt is roughly 10 times the official number when you account for black book debt and local debt that isn't reported nationally.
There's a reason that no one except hedge funds, banks, endowments, and family offices invest in the chinese stock market. Their entire economy is worthless and only being propped up by a steady stream of cabal investments. Take that away, and china devolves back into a third world country on par with most of Africa.
You would love the read called "China the rising power" good post
How can one guide their 401Ks into the safest harbor to weather this storm?
.556 and 9mm are great investments. Much more of a fair trade in a barter economy too.
Cigarettes and booze too!
Every day items people depend on would fair well for trade. Not just food too. Medical supplies, alcohol, cigarettes, feminine supplies, toiletries, socks, shoes, ammo, heirloom seeds, blankets, the list goes on and on.
Purchase physical metals and precious gems and store cryptocurrency in a private wallet.
So, we're at a 'Dig a hole 10 paces from the lone tree in the cemetery' time?
Better start prepping...
How are you going to trade a bar of gold for a pack of beans? Uneven trade. Even if you get gold coins the exchange rate wouldn't be "fair". Unless you break the gold coins into pieces.
Cash out and buy valuables.
Sell all your bond and equity funds and place it in your 401k’s “money market” fund. You will preserve your equity while gaining a very small interest rate. When the market crashes and you think it is at the bottom, them reverse this process.
Any disposable income you have left over, invest in survival supplies (guns, ammo, bulk foods, water purification and heat sources.)
Withdraw them for cash and purchase pm's
So you don’t think Walmart alone has been holding them up?😂